Last updated: November 19, 2016

Last Post, November 19

We can’t fix Aboriginal domestic dysfunction if we don’t talk about it.

Trump liberated those trapped in PC

It has been amusing to watch the meltdown of those who can’t comprehend the Trump victory.

Women hold communities together

Experience shows that while men drink, it is the women who hold indigenous communities together.

Last Post, November 18

Would Penny Wong want to forge alliances with countries that have poor human rights records?

Aim of section 18C has been misplaced

Section 18C destroys social cohension, incites bigotry — and must go.

Last Post, November 17

Cricket Australia chief James Sutherland has set a new high for sporting euphemisms.

Fitzroy Crossing validates cartoon

It beggars belief that funding for a program that has succeeded in helping Aboriginal children is being cut.

Trump’s election is an opportunity

The Left’s indignation about Donald Trump’s election is so exaggerated that it defies logic.

Last Post, November 16

When those union flags fly high from the Lendlease cranes, they may as well be emblazoned with the message, ‘Turnbull government asleep at the wheel’.

Truth-telling or taking offence

Although Melissa Dinnison has withdrawn her complaint against Bill Leak, she should explain how she suffered discrimination.

Trump to overhaul energy policy

Josh Frydenberg is dreaming if he doesn’t think the Trump presidency will have a profound effect on US environmental policies.

Last Post, November 15

Gender politics failed to help Hillary Clinton.

How do we get right people for AHRC?

No one knows if AHRC staff are defenders of free speech or whether they follow the PC line.

Deplorables’ lesson in democracy

The American people have spoken: forget your working masses and they will eventually push back.

Last Post, November 14

Anti-Trump demonstrators don’t look very loving.

Injustice done to section 18C victim

QUT student Kyran Findlater has beeen treated unfairly by the racial Discrimination Act.

Trump’ll be judged on demolished walls

Trump supporters want an end to barriers erected by the Washington establishment.

Last Post, November 12

Hillary Clinton’s performance in the popular vote will inspire future generations.

Authoritarian Left is in schools

Radicals are out of control but even Robert De Niro no longer wants to punch Donald Trump.

Americans have shown their spirit

The election of Donald Trump gives conservatives some hope.

Last Post, November 11

Democrats are likely to be remembered for the greatest failure in US political history.

Stop doomsaying and give Trump credit

A Trump presidency could produce benefits.

Last Post, November 10

Commentator should be eating humble pie.

Trump’s message to mainstream

Vote for Donald Trump was a protest at the urban elites’ neglect of the American dream.

AHRC process lacked transparency

And now the QUT students have a case for compo.

Last Post, November 9

The Australian Human Rights Commission should address Muslim hatred of Jews.

It’s a grim outlook for the US

Hillary Clinton is not likely to correct the malaise that has dogged the US under Obama.

Not state’s role to legislate respect

As the QUT case shows, legislating for respect complicates enforcement and doesn’t contribute to the social good.

Last Post, November 8

Islamic clerics should not be preaching intolerance.

Why do sides hate each other in US?

There’s a lesson for Australia to be taken from the hate-filled US election campaign.

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