The Australian
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News Life Media
The Australian
As the country’s leading national news brand, The Australian boasts unparalleled national and global news and business journalism. The Australian’s purpose remains the same as it has been since its launch in 1964. The Australian's aim is to lead the independent thinking, essential for the further advancement of our country and the Australian business environment.
The Australian is a news and business brand that puts the success of Australia at the heart of its editorial positioning. Offering a large and desirable audience across all platforms of print, digital, mobile, tablet and NIMs.
A brand globally recognised as a leader in media innovation. The Australian caters to the needs of an influential and educated audience. It breaks stories, challenges governments and links the complex web of events and impacts across the country every day.
The Australian is the news brand with exclusive access to Australia’s wealthy and powerful.
The Australian Media Kit
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Key facts
Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total June 2016. Print or digital L4W.
Our Audience
The Australian
The Australian printed edition is a daily national publication that has experienced stable circulation over the past few years. With just the right balance of hard hitting news, insightful editiorial, and recreational indulgence.
The Australian print edition is a well rounded detailed read with Early General News, Business, Life, Recruitment, Sport, Arts, Classifieds sections forming the daily foundation of the paper.
Weekly sections provided special focus in the areas pertinent to Australia and our reader's interests; Media on Monday's, Technology and Wealth on Tuesdays, Higher Education on Wednesdays, Primesspace on a Thursday and Aviation and Legal.
Key Facts
Readership (M-F AVG)
Circulation (M-F AVG)
Readership (SAT)
Circulation (SAT)
Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Circulation - ABC Apr-Jun 2016.
The Weekend Australian
The Weekend Australian is the weekend's leading national newspaper delivering exclusive access to Australia's wealthy and powerful. The editorial values focus on leading and shaping public opinion on the issues that affect Australia. Led by a team of highly credible and experienced journalists, editorial themes cover economic, political and social issues.
The Weekend Australian is consumed by readers in a very different setting, without the daily pressures of the working week this paper is read in a leisurely fashion. To reflect this the paper includes indepth sections such as Life, Review and Travel and Indulgence. This is a paper that has a longer life cycle and often stays with the consumer, allowing them to come back to it later in the weekend for further reading.
From a refreshed, smart broadsheet layout to engaging tabloid lift outs. The Weekend Australian has something for each reader.
Key Facts
Readership (SAT)
Circulation (SAT)
Readership (M-F AVG)
Circulation (M-F AVG)
Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Circulation - ABC Apr- June 2016
The Australian website informs and leads public opinion on the issues that affect all Australians around the clock.
The Australian’s continued growth in digital readership since the introduction of digital paid subscriptions show our reader’s engagement and loyalty to the brand. This online space creates a landscape of high quality, engaged readers interested in The Australian’s content.
Key Facts
Page views
Unique Audience
Sessions per person
Time per person
Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total. Sept 2016
The Australian
The Australian Tablet App gives our readers a virtual experience of the newspaper allowing them to browse easily with quicker access to specific pages such as business and media. By using the app readers can access instant news feed updates of breaking news and watch the latest video coverage and explore the optimised photo galleries.
The tablet app provides readers with the ability to share top stories of interest via social media and email which brings readers closer to the action. The advancements in technology allows readers to receive instant solutions to Mindgames such as; Crosswords, Sudoku and quizzes in a more interactive format. It also allows us to liftover eligible advertising sizes from our print edition to our tablet edition in an engaging interative format.
Key Facts
Readership (Audience last four weeks)
Daily readers (Daily users)
Source: emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. . Adobe Analytics , Apr- June 2016. * based on last 4 weeks
The Australian Mobile site delivers The Australian to our audience wherever they are. To complement their news consumption the mobile site delivers the breaking news and important stories.
Smartphones rank as the most used mobile device. This easy to use phone edition allows our readers access The Australian content while on the move.
Key Facts
Readership (Audience last four weeks)
Daily users
Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Print/Comp/Tab/Mob/App/PDF last 4 weeks. Adobe Analytics , Apr-June 2016. * based on last 4 weeks