Last updated: November 19, 2016

Nova Peris tops MP debt list

Nova Peris tops MP debt list

Ex-Labor senator Nova Peris left politics owing more than $6000 to the Finance Department and has a repayment plan.

We’re not giving up on TPP

We’re not giving up on TPP

After meeting with US trade officials in Lima, Steve Ciobo refuses to declare the free trade deal dead just yet.

Shorten ‘threatens credit rating’

Shorten ‘threatens credit rating’

Malcolm Turnbull has slammed Labor for its ‘posturing’ over budget repair.

Trump ‘no basis for tax policy’

Trump ‘no basis for tax policy’

Bill Shorten has ramped up his rhetoric against the Coalition’s company tax cut plan.

IMF urges infrastructure spend

IMF urges infrastructure spend

The IMF says Scott Morrison should be spending more on infrastructure.

IMF alarm at house prices

IMF alarm at house prices

The IMF has also criticised Scott Morrison’s May budget, saying it is trying to narrow the deficit too rapidly.

Facebook used to catch tax cheats

Facebook used to catch tax cheats

Social media posts, private school records and immigration data are being used by the ATO to catch tax cheats.

Shorten ‘a liar’ on super, tax

Shorten ‘a liar’ on super, tax

Scott Morrison has labelled Bill Shorten a ‘serial liar’ on controversial reforms.

Impasse threatens work holidays

Impasse threatens work holidays

Backpackers will pay 32.5 per cent tax from January 1 if the Turnbull government cannot solve a Senate impasse.

Morrison demands super hike

Morrison demands super hike

Scott Morrison is seeking rapid approval for a $3bn tax hike on superannuation by the end of this year.

Era ‘threatens living standards’

Era ‘threatens living standards’

The Productivity Commission has damned the reform efforts of the past 12 years as the ‘nothing era’.

BCA aims to lead on tax fairness

BCA aims to lead on tax fairness

The BCA has issued a rallying call to its members to publicly back a campaign for more tax transparency.

Forecast deficit blows out $30bn

Forecast deficit blows out $30bn

The failure of tax revenue to meet optimistic predictions has forced the forecast peak in public debt $30bn higher.

Weaker state leads slowdown

Weaker state leads slowdown

The domestic economy appears to be softening, with particular concerns about the strength of the key NSW economy.

Push to stop welfare creep

Push to stop welfare creep

Scott Morrison has vowed to end the “welfare creep” that encourages thousands of Australians to avoid getting a job.

Sharp drop in houses unlikely

Sharp drop in houses unlikely

Government can cut immigration by half to ease pressure.

Welfare crunch a test for senate

Welfare crunch a test for senate

Nick Xenophon is key to the future of several bills.

‘Kicking the poor old pensioner’

‘Kicking the poor old pensioner’

Bill Shorten accuses the Coalition of demonising pensioners to distract from their difficulties over welfare.

Costello wants dead to pay share

Costello wants dead to pay share

Tim Costello has called for an inheritance tax, arguing the best time to pay tax is when you’re dead.

Welfare pays more than work

Welfare pays more than work

Thousands of parents claiming government benefits are financially better off not getting a job, new figures show.

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