Last updated: November 19, 2016

Breakdown looms at river meeting

Breakdown looms at river meeting

Murray-Darling Basin states and the federal government have ‘pistols to each other’s heads’ over water flows.

CEFC scrapping claims rejected

CEFC scrapping claims rejected

CEFC rejects budget office costings and says it is ‘working constructively’ to understand how they were prepared.

Agency warns on energy security

Agency warns on energy security

Australia needs investment in the ­energy security of renewable power ahead of a $7.5tr global outlay.

New tech can ‘halve emissions’

New tech can ‘halve emissions’

The Minerals Council of Australia says new coal generation technologies can reduce carbon pollution by 40-50 per cent.

‘Abolish CEFC to save $500m’

‘Abolish CEFC to save $500m’

Abolishing the Clean Energy Finance Corporation would improve budget bottom-line by more than $500m over a decade.

‘You can’t keep waves off beach’

‘You can’t keep waves off beach’

Josh Frydenberg says it would be difficult for Donald Trump to overturn measures in place to reduce carbon emissions.

ACF cans ‘fossil-fuel spruiking’

ACF cans ‘fossil-fuel spruiking’

The ACF has called on the government to distance itself from Resources Minister Matt Canavan’s claim on fossil fuels.

Turnbull reaffirms Paris accord

Turnbull reaffirms Paris accord

Malcolm Turnbull has declared that Australia will press on with the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Forests buffer climate change

Forests buffer climate change

A slowdown in the rate of warming has triggered a “pause” in the atmosphere’s uptake of CO2, scientists say.

Joke’s on the PC brigade

Joke’s on the PC brigade

Satire should shock and defy cultural sensibilities. It’s likely to offend. Bill Leak’s controversial cartoon ticked all those boxes.

‘Audit CSIRO over climate’

‘Audit CSIRO over climate’

An independent inquiry should be held into the CSIRO and BoM, One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts says.

Greens blasted for coal gloat

Greens blasted for coal gloat

The Greens have defended a social media post that gloated over the close of Victoria’s Hazelwood power station.

Smelter town prays for aid

Smelter town prays for aid

Victoria’s oldest town, Portland, faces losing 30 per cent of its population if the Alcoa smelter shuts.

Hazelwood has ALP in bind

Hazelwood has ALP in bind

The ALP is struggling to balance employment and environmental concerns over the closure of the Hazelwood power station.

Clinton boss paid by Adani fight

Clinton boss paid by Adani fight

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman was being paid by a foundation funding efforts to stop the Adani coal project.

Green groups’ $685m windfall

Green groups’ $685m windfall

Australia’s eight most active environmental groups with tax-exempt charity status pulled in $83m last year.

‘Alarm over Podesta coal stance’

‘Alarm over Podesta coal stance’

Alarm is mounting over the green sabotage of major development projects and the links to US Democratic leaders.

Ethanol targets to hurt

Ethanol targets to hurt

The Baird government will fine retailers if they do not meet minimum targets for the sale of ethanol-based petrol.

Others ‘to follow SA power fail’

Others ‘to follow SA power fail’

Other states will fall into the same power crisis that SA is seeing, an Adelaide-based power company has warned.

Climate change means heat stays

Climate change means heat stays

Australia’s land and ocean surface temperatures have risen by about 1C since 1910 and are expected to keep warming.

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