

The unsavoury truths behind our fruit

Next time you buy some locally grown nectarines at Coles or Woolies, spare a thought for the exploited worker who might have picked them.

The latest migrant worker exploitation investigation by Fairfax Media and the ABC includes powerful evidence – obtained by an undercover Malaysian reporter – revealing what so many suspect but which is so rarely brought out clearly into the open: that some farming companies are knowingly using illegal workers from overseas, despite the fact that it is unlawful and may involve serious exploitation or even human trafficking.

Fruit farms in Victoria's North have sub-contracted workers, many Malaysian, working illegally under shocking conditions.
Fruit farms in Victoria's North have sub-contracted workers, many Malaysian, working illegally under shocking conditions.  Photo: Penny Stephens

There are several reasons why the exploitation of illegal workers in the horticulture sector is so rarely exposed, either by the media or authorities. One of them involves geography. The problem is happening in the bush, out of sight and out of mind. 

The illegal workers themselves are usually too scared to speak out because they fear deportation. Illegal workers are those without visas allowing them to work lawfully in Australia and, as they have no rights, are extremely vulnerable to exploitation or becoming indentured labour.

Sometimes they are terrified of the labour hire syndicates that hire them and act as the buffer between them and the farmers, who rely on their cheap toil along with the plausible deniability of any exploitation that using a labour hire contractor may provide.  


The law and its enforcers are failing to deal with the problem. The promised boosts by the Turnbull government to the powers and resources of the Fair Work Ombudsman are welcome, but only a step in the right direction. The FWO remains under-resourced given the scale of the problem.

It is also vital that immigration authorities have the ability to thoroughly investigate and charge with serious offences the organised criminals running labour hire firms exploiting migrant workers. Too often, immigration officers have simply deported the exploited workers, only to see them replaced overnight. The Australian Border Force is now seeking to target the labour hire syndicate bosses but lacks the legislative and investigative tools to do so.

Calls from Victoria's Industrial Relations Minister, Natalie Hutchins, for labour hire companies to be licensed also have merit as they would make life harder for the unethical elements in the labour hire industry. If temporary worker migration intake needs to be tweaked to ensure adequate supply of lawfully paid and treated workers, then this must also be considered.

Then there is the supply chain. Farmers must be held to account for failing to ensure that are not using exploited workers who can be paid as a little as a few dollars an hour or even end up owing their labour hire masters. If farmers cannot show they have strong anti-exploitation systems in place, they should be penalised if exploited or illegal workers are part of their labour force.

Coles and Woolworths also need to have far more rigorous supply chain integrity auditing. The relentless drive by Australian supermarkets to drive down prices paid to farmers for their wares, and paid by consumers in stores, is likely to be pushing some farmers to use cheaper labour.

But consumers also have a role to play. It begins by asking yourself, what is the real cost of cheaper fruit? And if it is creating a new underclass of exploited workers, are you prepared to pay it?

Nick McKenzie is Fairfax Media investigative reporter.
