

Give all women respect, Melania included

Amid the despair at Trump's victory among feminists and Clinton supporters, there is a danger that another woman is being dragged down in defence of their heroine: the next First Lady, Melania Trump. From her childhood in Yugoslavia, to learning five languages as she worked around Europe as a model, to moving to New York, until now, as she prepares to take up residence in the White House, hers is an extraordinary story.

As a woman and an immigrant, she should find support among Clinton's supporters and the liberal-minded. Yet, during the campaign there was an undercurrent of sexism and xenophobia towards her that has only intensified since her husband's victory. This hypocrisy, where it is suddenly OK to poke fun at a Slovenian for the way she speaks, at an ex-glamour model for the way she looks, is staggering.

Melania Trump and Michelle Obama met at the White House on Thursday.
Melania Trump and Michelle Obama met at the White House on Thursday. Photo: Getty Images

On social media and chat shows there has been sneering about her posing topless, an assumption that she is an unintelligent bimbo afraid to challenge her domineering husband. On The Graham Norton Show last Friday, Andrew Lloyd Webber said the name Melania "sounds like a disease".

There are the unfair comparisons to the Harvard-educated Michelle Obama, as though Melania Trump is academically unqualified to be First Lady. Mrs Obama became a role model for girls and young women not because she married a future president but for what she did as First Lady of the United States. So let's give Mrs Trump the chance to do the same.

Mrs Trump's admiration for the current First Lady - clear when the two women met last week - led to her telling her speechwriter before the Republican National Convention in July that she wanted to emulate a speech Mrs Obama had made in 2008. That desire was transformed, disastrously, into an episode of direct plagiarism which continues to haunt Mrs Trump, even though she was let down by her team.

Criticism of this incident is fair, until it is used as a tool to portray Mrs Trump as stupid, when she clearly is not. Nor is she a Stepford Wife pushover: she described her husband's words caught on the Access Hollywood "grope" tape as "unacceptable and offensive". Being married to Trump should not make her fair game.

So what do we tell our daughters? Not to sink into despondency at the election of a man who does not prioritise women's rights, and whose attitude to women is sleazy and repugnant. That it is still true that no position of power is out of reach, despite Clinton's defeat. But also, that all women have a right to be treated with respect, be they former secretaries of state or Slovenian ex-model wives of billionaires.

Telegraph, London

The Daily Telegraph
