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Home News Blogs Petitions WildFocus Competitions           Wintering Greater Spotted Eagles – near Jubail   Blogs, Wildlife  No Responses »   Nov 252016      At least seven Greater Spotted Eagles Clanga clanga were recorded at a wetland site near Jubail in mid-November. Birds winter at a number of sites in Saudi Arabia with the Jubail area the best for the species in the Eastern province. In winter birds are almost always near wetland areas with large areas where they […]

     Posted by Jem Babbington at 18:00  Tagged with: Greater Spotted Eagle, saudi arabia      7 stunning forest birds we could soon lose forever   News, Wildlife  1 Response »   Nov 252016      Deforestation, either to meet global demand for timber, or so land can be converted for agricultural use, is one of the biggest threats to bird biodiversity across the world. Over 60% of all bird species worldwide require forest habitats, and BirdLife estimates that figure includes some 76% of globally-threatened bird species. BirdLife and its Partners […]

     Posted by Supertrooper at 06:00  Tagged with: Bare-necked Umbrellabird, birdlife international, Cephalopterus glabricollis, Cerulean Paradise-flycatcher, Cyanopsitta spixii, Eutrichomyias rowleyi, haliaeetus vocifer, Haliaeetus vociferoides, Loddigesia mirabilis, Madagascan Fish-Eagle, Marvellous Spatuletail, Rhabdotorrhinus walden, Rufous-headed Hornbill, Seven-coloured Tanager, Spix’s Macaw, Tangara fastuosa      Golden Spectacled Bear (The real Paddington bear)   Blogs, Wildlife  2 Responses »   Nov 252016      Lucky to share this natural instinct by enjoying and admiring wildlife. Life has led me to travel to such places that when I was a child taught me characters as Jacques Cousteau and TV documentaries such as the National Geographic, Transtel Cologne and BBC among others. Happy today, after thirty years taking wildlife pictures all […]

     Posted by Michael Tweddle at 01:15  Tagged with: Amazonas, Andean bear, Andean mountains, Animal, Aotus miconax, bear, bears, biodiversity, Chachapoyas, conservation, Ecotourism, endangered, Golden bear, iucn red list, mountains, night monkey, peru, peruvian, primates, Red List, Spectacled bear, travel, Tremarctos ornatus, Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, TweddleFoto Safaris, wild, wildlife      Waxwing fever   Blogs, Wildlife  No Responses »   Nov 242016      So what’s my story with Waxwing? Since childhood, I wanted to see Waxwings. In Israel they’re mythical rarities – a handful of records from the 1960’s and 1970’s, and that’s it. And they’re beautiful. And they’re unique. And despite originating from the cold boreal forest, they feel so exotic. And they toss berries up in […]

     Posted by Yoav Perlman at 18:00  Tagged with: Waxwing      POLL: Should this Canadian pipeline project be scrapped to save killer whales?   Petitions, Polls, Wildlife  6 Responses »   Nov 242016      On one shore there are snow-capped mountains. On the other side loom towering skyscrapers. These churning waters off the coast of Vancouver are marked by a constant flow of ferries and containers ships – but they are also home to 80 or so orcas. Known as the southern resident killer whales the group has long […]

     Posted by Supertrooper at 06:00  Tagged with: Canada, climate change, extinction, fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, Killer Whale, marine mammals, Orca, XL Pipeline      Pintail on ice   Blogs, Wildlife  No Responses »   Nov 232016      A new day and a new weather system. Overnight rain, clouds and a fresh southerly wind were not the best birding conditions and wasn’t eve sure I would bother but eventually decided that it might be worth checking the sea off Fornebu. Not much to write down in the notebook here except for a few […]

     Posted by Simon Rix at 18:00  Tagged with: female mallard, Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe, Mallard, Mute Swan, norway, Pintail, Whooper Swan      Poisoned to extinction: a bold new approach to saving Africa’s vultures   News, Wildlife  7 Responses »   Nov 232016      Illegal wildlife poisoning can cause a chain reaction of disastrous effects in the environment, for example one poisoned elephant carcass can cause the death of up to 500 Critically Endangered vultures. To prevent this from happening, a rapid response is needed. For the first time, an anti-poisoning training event is being held in Kenya, organised […]

     Posted by Supertrooper at 06:00  Tagged with: birdlife international, poisoning, vulture      In search of Fallow Deer   Blogs, Wildlife  1 Response »   Nov 222016      The October day started a bit misty and there were signs of winter approaching, but there was the promise of some sunshine in the forecast. So it was an early start towards along the Norfolk coast to look at the possibility of getting some shots of fallow deer. With allegedly more deer in the UK […]

     Posted by Alan De Witt at 20:04  Tagged with: fallow deer, Fallow Deer Bucks, Rut      Polk County Kingbird Roost, 11/12/2016   Blogs, Wildlife  No Responses »   Nov 222016      Yesterday afternoon I drove out to Polk County to a kingbird roost about 1.5 hours from my house. Both Western Kingbirds and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers have been regularly reported there over the last few weeks. I arrived around 4:30 and within about 10 minutes or so, the Western Kingbirds started flying in. I counted about 8 […]

     Posted by Scott Simmons at 18:00  Tagged with: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Western Kingbird      The man saving 30,000 seabirds   News, Wildlife  3 Responses »   Nov 222016      The Albatross Task Force is an initiative led by the RSPB for the BirdLife International Partnership and is a major part of the BirdLife International Global Marine Programme. The initiative involves work on the ground in eight countries including Argentina (hosted by Aves Argentinas), Brazil (Projeto Albatroz), Chile (CODEFF), Ecuador until 2013 (Aves y Conservación), […]

     Posted by Supertrooper at 06:00  Tagged with: Albatross, birdlife international      Wreath of Sparrows   Blogs, Wildlife  No Responses »   Nov 212016      Wow — a bunch of European house sparrows, Passer domesticus, gathering grain. Are they in a wheat field? Nope. They are systematically taking apart an autumn wreath on the door of a Brooklyn brownstone. Looks a bit bare on the lower left, doesn’t it? A dozen more sparrows sat the on the steps below, waiting […]

     Posted by Julie Feinstein at 18:00  Tagged with: brooklyn, house sparrow, passer domesticus      Another Hen Harrier shot dead sparking fears for rare bird of prey   News, Wildlife  10 Responses »   Nov 212016      Detectives at Cumbria Police have opened a full criminal investigation into the fatal shooting of one of the bird of prey, called Rowan. Last year there were just six successful hen harrier nests resulting from 12 attempts in England. But this year the RSPB says there are only three nests known to be currently in […]

     Posted by Supertrooper at 06:00  Tagged with: birds of prey, gamekeeper, Hen Harrier, killing, shooting      Tangará gris (Orange-headed Tanager) Thlypopsis sordida   Blogs, Wildlife  No Responses »   Nov 202016      De movimientos audaces y esquivos que hacen recordar a sus primos, los otros tangaráes, desafío inmenso para el fotógrafo en su afán de capturar su belleza, pero al mismo tiempo satisfacción del naturalista que lo sabe cerca, que lo sabe anidando a pocos kilómetros del denso de la ciudad. Anide tranquilo amigo nuestro, porque a […]

     Posted by Marcelo Allende at 18:00  Tagged with: Orange-headed Tanager, Thlypopsis sordida     Older Entries       Search     Useful Links  Log In Subscribe Exchange Links Want to Join Us? Members Gallery Upload an Image Photo Competition Hot DiscussionsPOLL: Should African countries be allowed to sell elephants to China? (108)POLL: Should ‘canned’ lion hunting be banned? (85)POLL: Should US zoos be allowed to import wild elephants from Africa? (72)POLL: Is it time to close our zoos? (71)POLL: Should the Alberta coyote hunting contest be stopped? (71)POLL: Should bear hunting in New Jersey be banned? (65)POLL: Should trophy and big game hunting be banned? (63)POLL: Should the trapping of bobcats and beavers be banned? (47)POLL: Should driven grouse-shooting be banned? (46)POLL: Should the EU ban the import of lion hunt trophies? (42)POLL: Should Japan stop whaling? (42)POLL: Should the killing of giraffes be outlawed? (42)POLL: Should the ban on fox hunting be relaxed in the UK? (40)POLL: Should “pay to slay” auctions be banned? (40)POLL: Should the killing of birds in Southern Europe be allowed to continue? (36)POLL: Should the slaughter of wolves in Finland be stopped? (29)Japan Kills 200 Pregnant Minke Whales (29)POLL: Should the rhino horn trade in South Africa be banned? (28)POLL: Should Spain’s “Running of the Bulls” festival be banned? (27)Galleries  Swans Large Landbirds Ducks Insects Mammals Reptiles Seabirds Small Landbirds Waders Geese Threatened Species  CR: Critically Endangered EN: Endangered VU: Vulnerable NT: Near Threatened BirdTracks  Sightings Rarities Tutorials  Create New Gallery Create Your First Post Posting Audio Clips Posting Video Clips Posting Your Images Archives  November 2016 (54) October 2016 (70) September 2016 (64) August 2016 (64) July 2016 (65) June 2016 (65) May 2016 (64) April 2016 (62) March 2016 (70) February 2016 (62) January 2016 (64) December 2015 (65) November 2015 (63) October 2015 (66) September 2015 (59) August 2015 (59) July 2015 (62) June 2015 (57) May 2015 (63) April 2015 (60) March 2015 (66) February 2015 (57) January 2015 (62) December 2014 (59) November 2014 (60) October 2014 (62) September 2014 (55) August 2014 (55) July 2014 (60) June 2014 (71) May 2014 (66) April 2014 (71) March 2014 (76) February 2014 (96) January 2014 (98) December 2013 (107) November 2013 (96) October 2013 (103) September 2013 (95) August 2013 (153) July 2013 (161) June 2013 (160) May 2013 (166) April 2013 (167) March 2013 (189) February 2013 (191) January 2013 (189) December 2012 (145) November 2012 (118) October 2012 (117) September 2012 (107) August 2012 (111) July 2012 (153) June 2012 (139) May 2012 (138) April 2012 (119) March 2012 (129) February 2012 (84) January 2012 (63) December 2011 (114) November 2011 (1) October 2011 (3) September 2011 (1) August 2011 (1)     Untitled 1  .style1 { text-align: center; }                           Get Wildlife News Alerts Stay informed by getting the latest news about wildlife issues delivered directly to your inbox

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