eDiscovery Daily Blog

In addition to its software and professional services, CloudNine also provides extensive education to eDiscovery practitioners as highlighted by its publication of the eDiscovery Daily Blog. Authored and edited by industry expert Doug Austin, the eDiscovery Daily is the go-to resource for thousands of eDiscovery and eDisclosure professionals seeking to keep up with the latest news and case law in the world of digital discovery.
How to Avoid Getting “Burned” by Redactions: eDiscovery Best Practices

On the surface, it may seem easy enough to redact a document during eDiscovery review to obscure confidential or privileged information. All you need to do is draw a black box over the affected text, right? Not necessarily. There’s a lot more to consider in order to ensure that you don’t inadvertently produce information that was intended to be redacted. Here are a few things to consider to avoid getting “burned by redaction failures.

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Time for the Fall eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey!: eDiscovery Trends

We’ve covered three rounds of the quarterly eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey created by Rob Robinson and conducted on his terrific Complex Discovery site. Last time, sponsorship from ACEDS and promotion from EDRM, LTPI, Masters Conference, and Women in eDiscovery helped increase the number of respondents dramatically (more than the first two surveys combined). Now, it’s time for the Fall 2016 Survey to complete the cycle!

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Recommind Challenges CAL Patent: eDiscovery Trends

How do you like them apples? After they were the subject of much scrutiny five years ago regarding their attempt to trademark “predictive coding” (only to eventually abandon it), Recommind (now OpenText after they were acquired) is now challenging the trademark of “continuous active learning” and its acronym, “CAL”.

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Mary Mack of ACEDS: eDiscovery Trends

Today’s thought leader is Mary Mack. Mary is ACEDS’ executive director and an eDiscovery pioneer. She is known for her skills in relationship and community building as well as for the depth of her eDiscovery knowledge. Mary is the author of A Process of Illumination: The Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery, considered by many to be the first popular book on eDiscovery. She is the co-editor of the Thomson Reuters West treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel.

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To Be or Not To Be? Not to Be, if Your Search Contains Noise Words: eDiscovery Best Practices

When providing searching assistance to my clients and reviewing their proposed list of search terms, one of the considerations I use for evaluating those terms is whether they contain any potential “noise” words that might affect their search results. Noise words (also known as stop words) are words – such as “to”, “or”, “not”, etc. – which are so common that they are not considered useful in searches.

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