

We are the global movement for tribal peoples' rights. We help tribal peoples defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.

Se unió en abril de 2008


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  1. retwitteó
    hace 12 horas
  2. hace 12 horas
  3. hace 14 horas

    Ruling in favor of tribal land rights is good, but the Brazil govt could still try and attack them:

  4. hace 14 horas

    Tribal peoples are being forcibly evicted from their land in southern India:

  5. 17 ago.

    An Oregon tribe are looking for justice after sacred sites were destroyed to widen a highway:

  6. retwitteó
    17 ago.
  7. retwitteó
    17 ago.

    Yes! Brazil's Supreme Court rules in favor of indigenous land rights via

  8. 17 ago.

    Yes! Brazil's court did the right thing and backed tribal land rights:

  9. 17 ago.

    Good news – Brazil's supreme court ruled in favor of indigenous land rights yesterday:

  10. 17 ago.

    On , join us in fighting one of the most urgent and horrific humanitarian crises of our time:

  11. retwitteó
    17 ago.

    Yes! Brazil's Supreme Court rules in favor of indigenous land rights via

  12. 16 ago.

    The Orang Rimba are on the front line in the battle to save Indonesia's forests:

  13. 16 ago.

    Brazil's supreme court will today decide the future of tribal land rights in the country:

  14. retwitteó
    16 ago.

    a time limit on indigenous demarcations, will result in indigenous people losing legal protection to their land.

  15. 15 ago.

    This cannot be overstated: Tomorrow's court ruling is the biggest decision for tribal rights in Brazil for years:

  16. 15 ago.

    The Kichwa language is flourishing in an unusual place: New York City!

  17. 15 ago.

    Indigenous women: On the front line in the battle to protect the environment:

  18. 14 ago.

    Brazil's supreme court is set for further indigenous protests this week – as the struggle for land and life intensifies.

  19. 14 ago.

    Indigenous rights could be set back decades in Brazil:

  20. 14 ago.

    It's time to listen to indigenous people on pipelines:

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