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SAID IN SPANISH: Mexican Government Accepts Trump Triumph But Says It Will Still Meddle; LA ESTRATEGIA SAILER; ETC....

Trump’s triumph was a huge shock to the Spanish-language media, with even some acknowledgement to the effectiveness of the Sailer Strategy, but the Mexican government is still blustering about continued meddling in American internal affairs.

Mexican Government Accepts Trump Triumph, But Will Still Meddle

epn-mensaje-a-medios-elecciones-euWell, they really had to, didn’t they? Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced after the election that he had spoken with Donald Trump to congratulate him, that they had a cordial conversation and would work together—your basic statement about a foreign head of state. [ Una oportunidad, nuevo capítulo en la relación México-EU: Peña Nieto Excelsior, November 9, 2016. ]

But Pena Nieto also said this:
We have inseparable links with the American society, the best example is the Mexican community that lives in the United States. They are families that contribute daily to the development of both nations. As president of Mexico, I will give the best of my ability, heart and soul, to protect the rights, well-being and interests of Mexicans, wherever they are found . "Mi prioridad ha sido y seguirá siendo, cuidar a México y proteger a los mexicanos": EPN Mexican Presidential Website, November 9, 2016

The Mexican president is referring to Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the U. S. Regardless immigration status or citizenship, Mexico considers Mexicans in the U.S. to be part of the “Mexican community”—i.e. a Fifth Column.

The Mexican Foreign Ministry (SRE) was right on top of this Trump thing as well. Excelsior reports that the foreign ministry
maintains coordination with the 50 consulates and the ambassador of Mexico in the United States, Carlos Manuel Sada Solana, to attend the needs, orient the fellow Mexicans and reiterate that the rights of Mexicans inside and outside of the country will never be negotiable.

[ Derechos de los mexicanos en EU, no son negociables: SRE , Excelsior (from Notimex), November 13, 2016.]

So the SRE says the rights of Mexicans in the U.S. are not negotiable. But if they’re living in another country, don’t the laws of that country have something of a say over them?

I lived in Mexico a decade and a half. Although I was an American citizen, wasn’t I supposed to respect Mexican law when I was residing there?

ruizmassieuIt was also reported in the same Excelsior column that Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu [Tweet her]held a meeting with the North American Undersecretariat, and “they analyzed the results of the elections in the United States and discussed concrete actions over the future of the bilateral relationship.” Read more >>

Is Obama’s World a Utopian Myth?

Speaking in Greece on his valedictory trip to Europe as president, Barack Obama struck a familiar theme: "(W)e are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity, or tribalism that is built around an 'us' and a 'them' ...

"(T)he future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common, as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict."

That the world's great celebrant of "diversity" envisions an even more multicultural, multiethnic, multiracial America and Europe is not news. This dream has animated his presidency.

But in this day of Brexit and president-elect Donald Trump new questions arise. Is Obama's vision a utopian myth? Have leaders like him and Angela Merkel lost touch with reality? Are not they the ones who belong to yesterday, not tomorrow?

"Crude nationalism," as Obama said, did mark that "bloodiest" of centuries, the 20th. But nationalism has also proven to be among mankind's most powerful, beneficial and enduring forces.

You cannot wish it away. To do that is to deny history, human nature and the transparent evidence of one's own eyes. Read more >>

“Literally Shaking”–Democrats Find Anti-White Politics Not Enough (Yet)

Until the nationwide protests of the last few days, I had no idea how bad the problem was, but our nation is drowning in drama queenery.

The immediate reaction of most celebrities to Trump's victory was: "THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR MY TAKE ON THE ELECTION!”

Aaron Sorkin and David Remnick,[Email him] in matching pink housecoats and fuzzy slippers, wrote hysterical jeremiads about the cataclysm of Trump's election.

Sorkin was especially irked that Trump was supported by white men who don't appreciate rap music. As proof that the end was near, he triumphantly reported: "The Dow futures dropped 700 points overnight." [ Read the Letter Aaron Sorkin Wrote His Daughter After Donald Trump Was Elected President,Vanity Fair, November 9, 2016] After a brief drop, the Dow surged to historic highs, recording its biggest weekly gain in five years. Read more >>

The Fulford File | Democrats Want Not Only Illegal Alien Votes, But Convicted Felon Votes—Including Murderers...

Hillary's partisans are claiming she won the popular vote. I’ve pointed out that the Democratic margin of "Popular Vote" is below the margin of illegal alien voters. The same claim was made in 2000 by Al Gore fans. Coincidentally, the 2000, the Florida vote for Gore was below the margin of felon voters. (The Miami Herald estimated that up to 5000 felons had voted, extrapolating from the 445 it found after examining 12 out of 67 counties. The felons who voted included “62 robbers, 56 drug dealers, 45 killers, 16 rapists and seven kidnappers”— Hundreds of felons cast votes illegally , December 1, 2000).  This felon voting issue needs to be addressed, because yet another Leftist/Cultural Marxist campaign is developing to impose it on states where it is forbidden. [ Rolling Stone exposé: The GOP’s secret scheme begins purge of a million minority voters from voter rolls,, August 24, 2016]


While the Democrats can usually count on 90 to 98 percent of the black vote, a very large number of blacks in America are ineligible to vote because their states bar people with felony convictions. Years ago, someone pointed out that a map of states that have this rule was similar to a map of the Confederacy—and that therefore barring felon voting was automatically racist. [ MAP: States Where Felons Can’t Vote , By Matthew Green, KQED, February 23, 2016]

See, for example , Legacy of Racial Subjugation: Denying the Right to Vote, Huffington Post, January 28, 2015, by Ira Glasser, former director of the ACLU. Read more >>

The Slacker Mandate and the Safety Pin Generation

See also Michelle Malkin: Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died … Twice!

News flash, kids: Things aren't free. Things cost money. And "free" things provided to you by the government cost other people's money.

Donald Trump gets it—somewhat. He vows to repeal Obamacare's most burdensome federal mandates that are Read more >>

RATs Scrambling Back On Board USS TRUMP Now It’s Underway. Don’t Let Them!

“Personnel is policy” is one of the few Beltway clichés that rings true. In a government that employs 2.7 million civilian employees, a President with the best intentions will fail to implement his policies if his administrators drag their feet, let alone actively sabotage him. Republican presidents are always surrounded by hostile territory in the federal bureaucracy, but this is never more so than with Trump. And he has a particularly unusual problem: what to do with RATs (Republicans Against Trump) and #NeverTrumpers.

So far I have no major complaints. Trump has listed immigration patriot and Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon as his chief strategist, leading to shrieks from the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, and assorted other usual suspects [ Trump's Pick of Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist Sparks Backlash , NBC News, November 14, 2016]. At the same time, Trump picked the Establishment GOP chairman Reince Priebus as chief of staff, saying he and Bannon  will serve as equals.

I’m no fan of Priebus, but he has been loyal to Trump. I suspect this means that Priebus will deal with the administrative aspects, while Bannon will focus on strategic and political advice. Other immigration patriots like Peter Thiel, Lou Barletta, and Kris Kobach have important positions the transition team. The heroic Stephen Miller, who wrote most of Trump’s greatest immigration speeches, may become chief of the Domestic Policy Council. Read more >>
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