Next big thing: Selling solar power to the neighbours

Nick and Nicole Jansen (pictured with children Will and Emily) relish being able to sell surplus power from 15kWh of ...
Nick and Nicole Jansen (pictured with children Will and Emily) relish being able to sell surplus power from 15kWh of solar panels on their roof to neighbours via Powershop's Your Neighbourhood Solar platform. Jesse Marlow

Nick and Nicole Jansen set out to install a typical 5 kilowatt hour solar panel system when they built their new house in Northcote, in Melbourne's inner north-east, last year.

But their builder encouraged them to go large. They would have plenty of corrugated iron roof, he pointed out, so why not bolt on 15kWh-worth – or 60 solar panels? 

The Jansens agreed, but with recent sunny weather they found they were producing as much as 70kWh of solar power a day and selling a lot of it back to the grid at the modest feed-in tariff of 7.2¢ per kilowatt hour.

So when their retailer Powershop invited them to join a trial six weeks ago and sell their surplus power to a neighbour for an extra 4¢ above the feed-in tariff, they jumped at it.

Small-scale solar in households and firms will be the largest single source of power supply by the mid-2030s.
Small-scale solar in households and firms will be the largest single source of power supply by the mid-2030s. Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Peer-to-peer power

In doing so the Jansens joined a new front in the revolution challenging major energy companies – "peer-to-peer" trading of solar power. 

"It was very simple. It was basically an app-based invitation," said Jansen, an anaesthetist at Royal Melbourne Hospital. "I thought, 'yeah, that sounds like a great idea'." 

Powershop estimated its solar customers across Melbourne generated about 100,000kWh of surplus solar power in six weeks, so it offered it to other customers – largely people without solar power and relying on the regular grid – at the start of the trial.

Even though they would pay 4¢ more than Powershop's regular tariff for grid power, they snapped up the 100,000kWh in 48 hours. On Wednesday the company launched the service – dubbed "Your Neighbourhood Solar" – commercially. 

Drone's-eye view of Nick and Nicole Jansen's Northcote, Melbourne, house under construction, with 15kWh rooftop solar ...
Drone's-eye view of Nick and Nicole Jansen's Northcote, Melbourne, house under construction, with 15kWh rooftop solar panels being installed. Supplied

The result was a resounding validation of three planks of the energy revolution. First, there's a hunger for solar power. Secondly, the appeal of neighbour-to-neighbour trading of solar power is real.

Thirdly, it's a threat to energy distributors and retailers like AGL Energy, Origin Energy and Energy Australia, who also need to offer such "behind the meter" services to offset declining demand for grid power – but have to tread more carefully.  

Economic signal

Lots of people have been trying to crack the secret to peer-to-peer energy trading. Perth company PowerLedger is running trials in Perth, south-west Western Australia, and New Zealand

But Powershop chief executive Ed McManus reckons the company is the first to offer it commercially across a large market like Melbourne.

"Consumers are choosing solar and that is sending an economic signal back into the market to build more solar," he said.

"We think the future is a platform-based business where you are connecting buyers and sellers". 

It's a growing business. Bloomberg New Energy Finance projects that by 2040, 35 per cent of generation capacity will be "behind the meter" in people's homes and business premises. Rooftop solar will be the largest single source of power, followed by utility-scale solar, and coal and gas will have shrunk. 

But not everyone can join in. AGL Energy and the NSW government are piloting a scheme to provide solar power to public housing tenants with 250 households, saving them about $420 a year each.

The Jansens want to install a Tesla Powerwall battery to support their panels but early versions aren't compatible with their three phase power system. Jansen is also content to wait for storage technology to evolve, given the tendency of lithium ion batteries to catch fire if they overheat. 

For now, he's happy to be able to sell power to his neighbours. "You hear of communities banding together and forming their own power companies. It's something different but it's sort of in the same spirit of local communities banding together and providing services to each other."