

Taking a cue from Putin, Duterte threatens to withdraw from the International Criminal Court

If Putin can do it, why can't he?

President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday said the Philippines might withdraw from the International Criminal Court - an announcement that served his twin aims of flattering Russia and expressing disdain for critics of a "drug war" that has left thousands dead.

Facing condemnation for airstrikes in Syria and the annexation of Crimea, Vladimir Putin on Wednesday signed a decree to have Russia withdraw from the court. In recent months three other countries - South Africa, Burundi and Gambia - have also said they plan to leave.

Now Duterte may follow. "They are useless, those in the International Criminal [Court]," he told reporters on Thursday. If Russia and China want to form a "new world order," the Philippines would be the first to join, he said.

The whole thing is classic Duterte - an angry, off-the-cuff response to criticism that may or may not result in an actual change.

The president of the Philippines came to power this summer on a promise to "kill all" the country's drug dealers and users. In his first four-and-a-half months on the job, thousands of Filipinos have killed in the name of his anti-drug campaign, either shot in late night raids or gunned down by masked assassins, often after being named by police.


Duterte has not taken kindly to questions about the killing - especially from the US. At a summit in September, he blasted President Barack Obama, lecturing him on colonialism and using a slang term that translates as "son of a whore." He's since repeatedly threatened to end US-Philippine military cooperation and align himself with China and Russia without actually notifying the US Embassy of any new policy.

It's no surprise that Duterte isn't a fan of the ICC. In October, Fatou Bensouda, an ICC prosecutor, said she was watching the Philippines for signs of officials "ordering, requesting, encouraging or contributing" to crimes against humanity.

"I am deeply concerned about these alleged killings and the fact that public statements of high officials of the Republic of the Philippines seem to condone such killings and further seem to encourage state forces and civilians alike to continue targeting these individuals with lethal force," she said.

Duterte on Thursday set off for an APEC summit in Lima, Peru, where he reportedly plans to meet China's Xi Jinping and his new pal, Putin.

Washington Post