
The general strike of 1842

Illustration of a strike meeting

A detailed, full-length history of the UK Chartist general strike of 1842 against pay cuts and for universal male suffrage, by Mick Jenkins with an introduction by John Foster.

Anarchist organisation: the history of the FAI

CNT-FAI militants during the Spanish revolution

The first book-length history of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) from 1927 until it was repressed at the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, written by one of its members, Juan Gómez Casas.

La Bazoj de la Anarkiismo: Georgo Balkanski

La bazoj de la Anarkiismo, skribis per Georges Balkanski, la konata Anarkissto el Bulgarujo.

Left of the Left: my memories of Sam Dolgoff [Book review]

cover image of Left of the Left

Sam Dolgoff was an American anarchist and wobbly (member of the Industrial Workers of the World). He’s an important figure, active for almost seven decades (including ones where anarchism was supposed to have ‘died out’!)

Revolucia Registaro: Petro Kropotkin

Petro Kropotkin sur la kontraŭdiro de "Revolucia registaro".

La Anarkia Komunismo: Isaac Puente

La fama ezeo de Isaac Puente pri la temo liberecana komunismo, kaj la eblo de konstrui ĝin en Hispanio.

A democracia direta é realmente possível? - Echanges et Mouvement

Texto que analisa a democracia (direta e indireta), criticando-a sob o aspecto concreto, prático. Procura mostrar que rituais democráticos de qualquer tipo se baseiam numa ficção que superestima a teoria e a consciência. Imagina-se que a suspensão da práxis durante cerimônias de debate e votação permitiria transformar a sociedade, enquanto na prática elas são condenadas, não a transformar, mas a reproduzir as relações sociais de exploração e desigualdade, sendo verdadeiras técnicas de mediação/integração capitalista.

Riots in the Potteries in 1842

The Potteries represent the peak of the general strike of 1842. In addition to shutting down most mines mills and workshops in the area, groups of workers attacked and successfully toppled much of the local government and capital. This account though hostile in every respect contains much historical information on the events.

Black representation after Ferguson – John Clegg

John Clegg, of the 'Endnotes' collevtive, examines the state of black politics in the US. Published in 'The Brooklyn Rail', May 3rd, 2016

An open letter to the comrades of the Revolutionary Workers League – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1937)

Written as an appeal to the Trotskyist group the Revolutionary Workers League, who published the letter, along with a fairly standard Trotskyist response, in the October 1937 issue of their publication 'The Fourth International.'