Imagine walking into a neat and organised home,  where there are no tripping hazards, everything you need can always be found in its place and you never have to do the frantic ‘grab and stash’ when unexpected guests pop around.  Sounds good, right? Well, here are five quick-fixes/personal mantras to  help make this a reality…


1. Regularly cleaning out the pantry and fridge. Bad smells and unidentifiable green things be gone!


2. No more loose change on every flat surface,  in every room. One large jar. Next to the front door. Done.


3. De-cluttering. It’s time to throw out or allocate a home for all those things that started out as a few and have upscaled to a pile. So yes, those magazines by the loo have got to go.


4. Dusting higher than eye level. You’ll avoid the coughing and stinging eyes that result from getting caught in a ceiling fan dust storm.



5. Cleaning your oven. Wiping up messy spills as they happen will avoid an arm and back workout that has repercussions for days.