“The centenary [of 1916] is surely a time for reflection, not celebration”


Before the year’s out it is notable of just how discretely all the centenaries of this year – so much looked forward to as a numinous year within Republicanism, and revered within unionism – were ‘celebrated’. It falls to that perennially awkward soul Denis Kennedy to ask some usefully difficult questions about the southern celebrations more…

New life in an auld relationship? The Scottish government may pay for Northern Ireland abortions

A tentative move to erode the prohibitive position over abortion in Northern Ireland may become a landmark shift, now that the issue has been raised.  Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is open to the suggestion  as reported by the Guardian, that woman from Northern Ireland could have abortions performed free in Scotland under NHS devolution. more…

There is no threat to the Union. Irish bickering north and south over the reality of Brexit has to be replaced with practical cooperation, fast.

Newton’s latest observations on the “curmudgeonly” Arlene can be counterpointed with an incredibly wise article in the Indo by Brendan Keenan, Belfast born and bred but long anchored in Dublin and with a strong sense of reality for the interests of both. Arlene’s dour comments  can be contrasted  unfavourably  with the regal visionary style of more…

Jennifer McCann to step down as an MLA


Reported in today’s Andersonstown News, Jennifer McCann, formerly Junior Minister in OFM/DFM and Sinn Fein  MLA for West Belfast will be stepping down as an MLA. McCann will be taking on a role with the Health Minister, Michelle O’Neill. Her replacement will be selected on December 1st.    

Suicide reduction or prevention? Contact NI conference in Belfast


Contact NI’s annual suicide prevention conference will be held on Thursday in Belfast. In a Northern Ireland where government departments and bodies often seem more keen on obfuscation and face-saving than data-sharing and truth-telling, switching from suicide reduction to a zero suicide approach that requires honest sharing and learning seems a large step. But a more…

How an IRA volunteer was radicalised against the backdrop of student revolts all over the world…

Just on the hoof, this is worth linking (not least because Anthony’s patient transcriber’s done us a favour in committing a longish HARD Talk interview to text). It’s Stephen Sackur interviewing Kieran Conway, now a defence lawyer in Dublin, formerly an IRA volunteer. What’s particularly interesting is the part where he explains his transition from more…

Join us for our Slugger Sessions on Transforming Belfast


Belfast has been transformed over the last decade. The once desolate Cathedral Quarter is now attracting thousands of revelers every week. The Titanic Quarter is seeing massive investment by companies overseas and local. It seems every other day a new bar or restaurant is popping up. But we can do more. Belfast city centre has more…

If Medics Treated Patients As Governments Treat the NHS, We’d All Be Dead


Another Secretary of State pushes determinedly, blindly on with NHS reforms, with the notion they alone can solve the great mystery of health. No matter how well intentioned, policy making is doomed to fail as before. I humbly suggest another way. The NHS is now into its 30th year of perpetual reform (perhaps we should hold more…

“It was crazy to allege that the Irish government isn’t working for the interests of [northern] businesses.”

This is worth noting. It relates to Arlene’s accusation aimed at the Republic accusing them of poaching FDI opportunities away from NI. In reply to a written question from Cavan Monaghan TD Brendan Smyth, the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mary Mitchell O’Connor noted (scroll down to Question 506) this last week: Both agencies under the aegis more…