This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Bob Fitrakis
  • TOPICS: Trump, Clinton and election integrity 2016.

Beyond the Hollow Ones

The elitist corporate Democrats prefer to hand presidential and Supreme Court tipping power over to a quasi-, proto-, neo- or real fascist than to be a social democratic party of the people. That much is clear from their insistence on running a hopelessly corrupt, politically incompetent, and uninspiring right-wing Democrat named Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. For all his serious flaws from a seriously Left perspective, Bernie Sanders might well have been able to leap past the usual right wing vote-tampering in key Electoral College states (maybe not – more on that below) to defeat Trump. Sanders would have had a much better chance because he didn’t share the neoliberal Clinton Democrats’ contempt for white majority working class and rural folks – the “heartland” people Mrs. Clinton foolishly smeared as “deplorables” as she struggled to resurrect to the Obama coalition. More

The Senseless Death of Tobeka Daki: Auctioning Health and Life to the Highest Bidders

Tobeka Daki died this week. And she shouldn’t have. Tobeka lived in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, and was the mother of two sons. Her youngest son, Khanya, is 11 years old. In 2013, she was diagnosed with a strain of breast cancer known as HER2.

There is a medicine called Trastuzumab, marketed under the name Herceptin, that is very effective at treating Tobeka’s form of breast cancer. The groundbreaking research that led to the discovery of Herceptin was funded by U.S. taxpayers. A year’s dose can be manufactured for about $176. More

Trumponomics: It’s Not All Crazy

It looks like we will have to get used to the idea of Donald Trump being president for the next four years. In his campaign he pushed many outlandish proposals, like banning Muslim immigrants and deporting 11 million immigrants without documentation. We will have to do whatever we can to block such flagrantly inhumane measures.

There are many other items on his campaign agenda and that of the Republican leadership that will have to be resisted, but at least one part of his agenda could actually offer real gains. Trump has proposed large infrastructure spending and also tax cuts that will hugely increase the deficit. Both offer real benefits, although with substantial risks. More

Common – Black America Again ft. Stevie Wonder


Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch


How Hillary Could Provoke a Nuclear War

Alan Nasser digs into Hillary Clinton’s horrifying nuclear weapons policy, where the use of a new generation of nukes is viewed as a legitimate tactic for conventional warfare. Hillary’s Mother Complex: Ruth Fowler dissects Hillary’s strange brand of feminism. Inside Our Camps: Lee Ballinger recounts the appalling history of the US internment camps for Japanese Americans; Up in Smoke: Josh Schlossberg investigates how the corporate environmental movement quietly promotes biomass energy; Beyond Progressivism: Andy Smolski charts how the progressive movement got coopted by Big Capital. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on melting glaciers; Yvette Carnell on the meaning of Colin Kaepernick; Paul Buhle on Margaret Sanger; Mike Whitney on Janet Yellen and Big Money; Ed Leer on the films of John Carpenter; Chris Floyd on ISIS and the new neocons; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on Europe’s Rebel Cities; and Alan Wieder on Studs Terkel on Third parties.
