
Inside the Story: Nick O’Malley on covering the U.S. Election from America

Currently a senior writer for The Age, Nick O’Malley was also The Age’s U.S correspondent from 2011-2016. For the final weeks of the US presidential race, Nick has returned to America to cover the upcoming election. Exclusively for subscribers, Nick shares his behind-the-scenes insights into reporting on what has become an extraordinary campaign.

On Friday afternoon I was sitting down for lunch in Washington, DC, with a couple of classic DC types – a bloke who writes the odd speech for Newt Gingrich, the editor of a conservative news site.

It looked to be a quiet day by the standards of this campaign and it was until all our phones started buzzing at once. The FBI director James Comey had just informed congress that he was re-opening an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, due to material uncovered in the course of another investigation.

We left our burgers and beers on the table untouched.

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If you’d like to follow Nick on Twitter his handle is @npomalley