A woman cries next to another holding a sign reading "We will not forgive child rapists" during a demostration against a proposed bill in Istanbul on November 18, 2016. A bill in Turkey that would overturn men's convictions for child sex assault if they marry their victim provoked fury on November 18 with critics accusing the proposals of encouraging rape. / AFP PHOTO / YASIN AKGUL

Turkey wants to do what?

A PROPOSED law in Turkey is so alarming it’s bought women to tears. But it’s the government’s response that will shock you the most.

Generic photo illustrating IVF. Picture: iStock

Girl wins right to be frozen

SHE was dying from cancer and wanted another chance at life. So this 14-year-old did what very few teenagers would even consider doing.

U.S. President Obama Meets With Angela Merkel

Obama urges Trump to stand up to Russia

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama has offered Donald Trump advice for dealing with Russia: don’t do “whatever’s convenient.”