Paris Hilton doesn't seem to remember Millsy0:31

'Who?' - Paris Hilton doesn't seem to remember Rob Mills when asked about him on The Project, after the two famously had a reported fling many years ago. Courtesy: The Project/Channel Ten

Paris Hilton on The Project last night. Picture: The Project

IT’S safe to say Paris Hilton and Rob Mills’ well-publicised 2003 fling must not have ended well.

The 35-year-old heiress appeared on The Project last night and awkwardly shut down guest host Ryan ‘Fitzy’ Fitzgerald when he brought up their brief romance at the end of the interview.

“Do you still keep in contact with Millsy — Robert Mills? Remember Millsy?” the Nova radio host asked, before she quickly replied: “Who? No.”

It was at that point TV producers quickly wrapped up the chat.

Of course, many viewers were sceptical about her sudden memory loss — and they were right to be.

Millsy who? Picture: The Project

Millsy who? Picture: The ProjectSource:Channel 10

The former Australian Idol star first met Hilton at an event at the Sydney Opera House before spending the night in her hotel room.

Last year, Mills revealed on Em Rusciano’s podcast, Deeply Shallow: “We did pretty much everything but (sex) and then we caught up at the [Melbourne Cup] races a week after.”

Certainly looked like Paris knew Millsy pretty well back in 2003. Picture: Manuela Cifra.

Certainly looked like Paris knew Millsy pretty well back in 2003. Picture: Manuela Cifra.Source:News Corp Australia

On the Fitzy and Wippa show this morning, Fitzgerald said that after the cameras stopped rolling, Hilton explained things hadn’t ended well between them.

“She said to us [the panel], ‘that’s my response now. Whenever anyone asks about Millsy, I say ‘who?’”

And Hilton was certainly sticking to that policy when she spoke with KIIS FM’s Pete ‘Intern Pete’ Deppeler today.

“Will you catch up with Rob Mills while you’re here in Australia?” he asked.

An awkward silence followed, before Hilton replied: “People keep asking me about this person. I have no idea who he is.”

Her frosty attitude could be due to Mills’ explanation of why they broke up: “She’s not that interesting, I was growing up.”

He also told Deeply Shallow he was with her in Melbourne when her sex tape leaked in 2004.

“She looked pretty upset. She was huddling over her laptop and she goes: ‘I’m just downloading my sex tape … my lawyer is sending it to me, so I just need to look at it,’” he revealed last year.

To make the whole thing much more awkward, in a complete coincidence, Mills’ mother happened to be in The Projects studio audience last night.

After the live TV interview, Hilton popped into the crowd to chat to a couple who had just gotten engaged live on the program — and who were seated directly in front of Mrs. Mills.

AWKWARD. Millsy's mum was in The Project audience when Paris Hilton was on last night... 😐 #fitzyandwippa

A photo posted by Fitzy & Wippa on NOVA (@fitzyandwippa) on

Millsy’s mum spoke to the Nova radio hosts this morning, saying she wasn’t thrilled with the turn of events.

“Out of all the guests they could have had on the show last night, I can’t believe it was her. It was 13 years ago,” she told them.

“I tried very hard not to be in that photo.”