Dan is finished if he doesn’t listen

Dan is finished if he doesn’t listen

THE Andrews government is already looking tired, arrogant and complacent — and voters will punish it if things don’t change, writes Tom Elliott.

Tracky dacks mean you’ve given up on life

Tracky dacks mean you’ve given up on life
DRESS standards have fallen and it isn’t a good look. Who thinks it’s a smart idea leave the house in tracksuit pants and runners, asks Tom Elliott.

Hey kids, work is the best teacher

Hey kids, work is the best teacher
MOST year 12s are stressed out by the thought of VCE exams right now but relax — the results don’t indicate how you’ll do in life, writes Tom Elliott.

Wasting taxes is just child’s play

Wasting taxes is just child’s play
IT’S outrageous to expect the taxpayer to pick up childcare bills for people who are quite capable of paying for themselves, writes Tom Elliott.

Job quotas add up to mediocrity

Job quotas add up to mediocrity
INCREASING mediocrity will be the only result if restrictive job quotas result in the best people not getting the jobs they deserve, writes Tom Elliott.

We have shut the door on manners

We have shut the door on manners
THERE was a time when good manners were a part of our society. But these days we’ve slammed the door on chivalry, writes Tom Elliott.

Legal Aid insults ordinary Australians

Legal Aid insults ordinary Australians
OUR Legal Aid service seems intent on protecting convicted criminals. That can’t be a good use of its limited resources, writes Tom Elliott.

Parents, just say no to sugar

Parents, just say no to sugar
THE anti-sugar lobby wants a tax on soft drinks and supermarkets to limit exposure of lollies. But surely what kids eat is a choice for parents, writes Tom Elliott.

Bludgers embrace pointless training

Bludgers embrace pointless training
ENROLLING in pointless training courses has become the new way to get the dole without looking for work and the loophole must be closed, writes Tom Elliott.

Halt immigration to end our big city crush

Halt immigration to end our big city crush
WE’RE told a big population is the key to economic success but huge cities are no fun to live in. Perhaps the answer is a pause in immigration, writes Tom Elliott.

Play the pokies? Let adults choose

Play the pokies? Let adults choose
WHEN did we decide that certain “things” — like drinking, smoking, taking drugs or having sex — are not decisions for adults to make, asks Tom Elliott.

Who has a Grand Final wedding?

Who has a Grand Final wedding?
BULLDOGS forward Stewart Crameri is marrying his fiancee on Grand Final Eve. Why any Melburnian — let alone a professional footballer — would do such a thing is beyond Tom Elliott.

Punish parents of young criminals, too

Punish parents of young criminals, too
BEHIND almost every young criminal is a parent or parents who failed to do their job properly. They must be punished too, writes Tom Elliott.

Why all councils must go now

Why all councils must go now
WE HAVE too many councils and councillors. The correct number of councils for Victoria is one. And it should be called the State Government, writes Tom Elliott.

Political donations sully our democracy

Political donations sully our democracy
WORRIED that large and undemocratic special interest groups have too much influence over our political parties? You should be, writes Tom Elliott.

Sex education indulges political agendas

Sex education indulges political agendas
SEX education today aims to convince students minority desires are the new majority. Kids who aren’t at least bi-curious will soon be considered the odd ones out, writes Tom Elliott.

Pointless Senate is now a burden

Pointless Senate is now a burden
THE Senate has outlived its usefulness and is now just a burden on our democracy. It’s time to close down this house of obstruction, writes Tom Elliott.

Double standard on drugs is just criminal

Double standard on drugs is just criminal
SOCIETY seems set on persecuting smokers, yet party drugs don’t draw the same hostile attention. When did our priorities become so twisted, asks Tom Elliott.

Taxi bailout just rewards failure

Taxi bailout just rewards failure
MANY businesses have had to adapt in the digital age but the failed taxi industry seems to think it is owed a living by the taxpayer, writes Tom Elliott.

Left-wing teachers infesting system

Left-wing teachers infesting system
PRIMARY school teachers should be focusing on the basics rather than delivering biased political lectures in class, writes Tom Elliott.

100m final for white men? Don’t be stupid

100m final for white men? Don’t be stupid
IMAGINE the outcry if the racial quotas championed by the Australian Human Rights Commission were applied to the Olympics, writes Tom Elliott.

Games show idiocy of race quotas

Games show idiocy of race quotas
IMAGINE the outcry if the racial quotas championed by the Australian Human Rights Commission were applied to the Olympics, writes Tom Elliott.

Census just the latest case of pollies wasting cash

Census just the latest case of pollies wasting cash
THIS may come as no great surprise, but wasting money is very fashionable in politics right now, with the ABS dusting up to $500 million on Tuesday, writes Tom Elliott.

Bring on the drugged Games

Bring on the drugged Games
THANKS to the glory, fame and money associated with winning a gold medal, we’ll never stop athletes taking banned drugs. So maybe it’s time for another approach, writes Tom Elliott.

Look out Belgium, we mean business

Look out Belgium, we mean business
NETWORKING is apparently so important that Aussie business types are planning to wrest global schmoozing supremacy from, wait for it, Belgium, writes Tom Elliott.

Too smart to be stress slaves

Too smart to be stress slaves
IT’S often said there are too few senior females in politics and business but it may be that women are too smart to do such thankless jobs, writes Tom Elliott.

Buy Aussie and you invest in our future

Buy Aussie and you invest in our future
WITH Ford going as an Aussie manufacturer and Toyota and Holden to follow, plus imported ingredients in our food, have we given up buying local, asks Tom Elliott.

Arbitrary job quotas no way to do business

Arbitrary job quotas no way to do business
COMPANIES introducing job quotes on ethnic and cultural lines set a dangerous precedent. Whatever happened to giving the job to the best person, asks Tom Elliott.

We should be tackling crime New York-style

We should be tackling crime New York-style
AUSTRALIA is a soft society that too often finds excuses for bad behaviour. As a result brazen gang members offend at will without fear of retribution, writes Tom Elliott.

Are you a suburb snob? You’re not alone

Are you a suburb snob? You’re not alone
DO YOU reside in one postcode but yearn for another? Plenty of evidence suggests you’re not alone, writes Tom Elliott.