NY woman Cailey Feisel found a dead rodent sewn into her Zara dress.
media_cameraNY woman Cailey Feisel found a dead rodent sewn into her Zara dress.

Cailey Fiesel found a dead rodent sewn into the seam of her Zara dress after smelling a foul odour

A MANHATTAN woman’s shopping trip to retail giant Zara this summer turned into a stomach-churning fashion faux paw.

Mid-town resident Cailey Fiesel, who bought a black dress off-the-rack from the Zara in Greenwich, Connecticut in July, noticed a “disturbingly pungent odour” coming from the frock when she wore it to work a few weeks later, the New York Post reports.

“Despite getting up from her desk and walking around, she was unable to escape the odour,” she says in a new Manhattan Supreme lawsuit against the fashion company.

media_cameraThe dead rodent sewn into her Zara dress.

“As the day went on, Ms Fiesel started to notice what felt like a loose string form her dress rubbing against her leg,” the suit says.

“Without giving it much thought she reached down with her hand to try and locate the piece of string.

“To her utter shock and disbelief, as she ran her hand over the hem of the dress she felt an unusual bulge and suddenly realised that it was not a string that was rubbing against her leg, but was instead a leg rubbing against her leg.

“The leg of a dead rodent that is.”

The horrifying discovery caused Ms Fiesel to jump “out of her chair in shock”.

The recent Colgate University grad then ran to the bathroom and discovered “that a dead rodent was sewn into the hem of the dress,” according to court papers.

media_cameraThe rodent was in the stitching of the dress.

Along with the emotional distress caused by the nightmarish incident Ms Fiesel also developed a large rash that was diagnosed as “rodent-born disease,” the suit says.

She’s suing for unspecified damages, saying the retailer owed her a “duty of care” to manufacture dresses that were “free from defects, including rodent infestations.”

Zara reps did not immediately return messages for comment.

This article originally appeared on the New York Post.

Originally published as Woman finds rodent sewn into Zara dress