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Zionism and Israel on the Web

About Zionism On The Web

Zionism On The Web, partner organisations, supporters and contributors

About Zionism on the Web

Mission statement

Our mission is to combat antisemitism, racism and misunderstanding by providing credible sources on Zionism and Israel that challenges the propoganda and online hate speech which seek to demonise Zionism, Israel and the Jewish people.

Our Aims

In order to fulfill our mission we seek to:

  • Provide high quality original content on Israel and Zionism
  • Republish high quality articles available on or off line with the authors consent
  • Encourage authors of high quality article on Israel and Zionism to release them into the public domain
  • Encourage students, researchers and the public to quote, use and reproduce our content with suitable acknowledgements
  • Provide organise links to further high quality online references and to organisations who futher our mission statement
  • Raise awareness of the importance of the internet in combatting hate
  • Work with governments, community organisations and NGOs in the fight against racism and antisemitism
  • Provide technical assistance to like minded organisations and web space to like minded individuals

Zionism: What do we mean?

Our definition of Zionism and a collection of other people's definitions of Zionism

Zionism on the Web supports the proposition that every people has the right to live in freedom and develop its own culture, language and society. Jews are people like any other people. The Jewish people is a people like any other. We,  the Jewish people, have the right to self-determination in our own national home, where we can speak our own language and develop our own culture. Those are the basic ideas of Zionism.

The Zionism pages are intended for use by citizens who want to know about Zionist ideas and history and the controversy surrounding Zionism, anti-Zionism and Israel. We have materials and links to organisations that can help supporters of Zionism, and supports of the fight against racism know how to explain Zionism to others.

To state the obvious, Jews are as good or as bad as anyone else. Anyone who believes differently is a racist.

Our political position

The only political propositions we defend as policy at Zionism on the Web are that the Jewish people have the right to a national home in Israel (where people of all faiths and backgrounds can live and prosper), that Israel has the right to exist, and that Jewish nationalism is as legitimate as the nationalist movement of any other people. These pages do not belong to any particular Zionist ideological stream.  In these pages, we try not take political positions on issues within the Zionist movement, or indeed on controvertial positions within Israeli society. There are plenty of other sites about those topics and we aim to rather provide links to them. We do not favor any particular definition of Zionism or Zionist program over any other, as long as it is not a definition or program that excludes or delegitimizes other people. We aim to be inclusive.

More information

Chief Executive Officer

Dr Andre Oboler holds a PhD in Computer Science from Lancaster University, UK and is currently a Post Doctoral Fellow in Political Science at Bar-Ilan. His current field of research is online public diplomacy. Andre has been a lecturer in Web Technologies, Software Engineering and other areas of computer science for six years. He has been involved in the UK Jewish community as an executive member of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) and a deputy on the Board of Deputies of British Jews. In 2006 (during the Hizbullah crisis) Andre was the UK delegate on the Bayit Meshutaf program run by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2007-2008 Andre is a Legacy Heritage Fellow at NGO Monitor in Jerusalem. Andre has presented seminars in Australia, the UK, Europe, the USA and Israel. In 2008 he was a speaker at the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, the premier event on the topic on antisemitism. He has published a ground breaking report Online Antisemitism 2.0. "Social Antisemitism" on the "Social Web" through the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and is currently working on a book on the topic.

You can read further information on our people and our our supporters. If you wish to exchange links, see our links policy

Your help needed

Donations are urgently needed to keep this site running for 2007. - Andre Oboler

Or e-mail us.

Zionism Explained

Zionist Poster:
"And you shall redeem the land"

What is Zionism?

Features include:


What is Anti-Zionism?

Features include:

Academic Boycotts

Academics from Israel and the British Unions AUT and NATFHE (now UCU)

Spot light on Academic boycotts of Israel

Anti-Zionist Academic Boycott Resources Center

Features include:

We support

Zionism On The Web supports and recommends Adam or Eve - best of luck Adam!

Zionism Features

Zionism On The Web Directory

Learn more about this site at our Zionism Main page. Comment and add your thoughts to our Zionism and Israel discussion forums. See our Resource Centers on the British Academic Boycott of Israel, and the Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism Resource Center, and the special section on the Palestinian state. Learn more from our articles on Zionism in the commentary collection. Extend your learning through out links about Zionism or at our Zionism links directory.

External links on Israel and Zionism

If you found this site helpful, please tell others about Zionism and Israel on the Web and link to us at http://www.zionismontheweb.org

We'll be happy to add a link to our directory for any site on Israel, Zionism, the Middle East, or Judaism that links to us. You can add your site and if you have a link to us we'll aprove it. You can aslo e-mail us at for an additional link on our links page.

We also work closely with webmaster at the following sites:
Information about Israel and Zionism at http://www.zionism-israel.com

The Zionism Pages at http://www.zionism.netfirms.com

Zionism, Israel and me at www.zionism.me.uk

Recommended sources on Zionism

On the subject of Zionism we recommend the following sites:

Wikipedia article about Zionism - A comprehensive article including the history of Zionism as well as links to specific topics and articles about anti-Zionism.
Zionism - Table of contents at the Jewish Virtual Library
Zionism article at Infoplease
Zionism - Definition and Brief History - A balanced article that covers the definitions and history of Zionism as well as opposition to Zionism and criticisms by Arabs,  Jewish anti-Zionists.
Zionation - Progressive Zionism and Israel Web Log A community blog updated regularly
Labor Zionism - Early History and Critique - Contribution of Labor Zionism to the creation of the Jewish state, and problems of Labor Zionism in a changing reality.
Essential Texts of Zionism
Jewish Agency Zionism pages - Links to basic information about Zionism from the Jewish Agency
Ambassador Herzog explains Zionism in the UN

US Library of congress on Zionism
The US Library of congress has a comprehensive and balanced set of articles about Zionism:
Zionist Precursors - US Library of Congress
Political Zionism - US Library of Congress
Cultural Zionism - US Library of Congress
Labor Zionism - US Library of Congress
Revisionist Zionism - US Library of Congress

Zionism advocacy sites
Active Zionism - A Zionist advocacy site with many useful links
Realistic Religious Zionism - moderate religious Zionist Web site
Zionism- 100 Years - Selected Materials - Israel Ministry of Information

Recommended sources on Israel

Israel is a small, high tech, democratic country in the Middle East. It's capital Jerusalem is central to Judaism and highly important to Christianity and Islam. We recommend the following sites:

Wikipedia article about Israel - A comprehensive article including the history of Israel
Israel - Table of contents at the Jewish Virtual Library

US Library of congress & CIA World Fact Book on Israel
Main article on Israel - US Library of Congress
The Israeli Parliment (the Knesset) - US Library of Congress
Government and Politics of Israel - US Library of Congress
World Facts: Israel

Israel today - beyond the conflict

Virtual Jerusalem
Israel21C - A focus beyond the conflict
Beyond Images

(c) Zionism On The Web, 2005-2006.
You may reproduce most of our content on your own site provided you include a link back to us. This includes articles where we've received explicit permission from the author both to republish at Zionism On The Web and to pass this permission on to others. If you have articles on Zionism or Israel that you'd like us to share with others, please e-mail the content address below. If you have copyright questions please e-mail the webmaster. Thank you to all who have contributed their time and resources to ZionismOnTheWeb.org - Andre Oboler (Chief Executive) and the team at Zionism On The Web.

Mail the webmaster at: Please mail ZIONISTGUYS at the domain ZIONISMONTHEWEB.ORG
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