Marking the end of the Dawkins Revolution for universities

 The common practice among universities is to redirect student fees to cross-subsidise research rather than investing in ...
The common practice among universities is to redirect student fees to cross-subsidise research rather than investing in better teaching or educational experiences for students. Rob Homer

When former Federal Labor Education Minister John Dawkins unleashed what became known as "the Dawkins revolution", he never imagined the new model for universities would remain essentially unaltered for nearly three decades.

Nor does he think this is a good result – especially given the enormity of the change and challenges facing the sector.

So rather than encouraging Labor to continue to resist major reform of higher education, including in terms of any increase in student fees, he is strongly pushing for urgent cooperation between the Coalition and the Opposition.

That, he argues, is a much better option than the "tragedy" of leaving public policy to decisions by Senate cross benchers given the "triumph of intellect has been replaced by the triumph of ignorance".

"We have to ensure that as we go forward in trying to develop sensible public policy we keep focus on the quality of the public policy," he told the Higher Education Summit . "And not leave it to some kind of deal-making in the Senate among some people to whom you would first of all have to explain what higher education was before you talked about the intricacies of the policy."

Straight talking

But it's not just the cross benchers in Canberra who will feel highly sensitive about Dawkins' typically blunt speaking views.

Dawkins, for example, maintains the differences over higher education between Labor and the Coalition are "not that great" and that it is not an area that determines votes anyway. And that election reality, he says, at least provides the chance for sensible bipartisan policy rather than constant partisan attacks. The alternative has only meant a system now in need of major reform has merely been tinkered with over decades.

Yet Labor still continually criticises what it derides as Coalition plans for $100,000 degrees while the government's previous attempts to completely deregulate fees while also cutting recurrent funding for universities was a political fiasco.

Dawkins says firmly that no one is talking about $100,000 degrees any more but that universities should have the opportunity to compete on price as part of fee "flexibility" and clearer "price signals".

That, he argues, would encourage much greater diversity to emerge among universities rather than all trying to do very similar things, largely due to the current funding model. It would also help address the need for much greater efficiency and effectiveness in the sector.

Not dying in a ditch

Dawkins was, of course, the minister who reintroduced the concept of students contributing to the cost of their university education via an income-contingent and subsidised loans system. It was part of the trade-off for greatly expanding the number of graduates to meet the new needs of the Australian economy.

At the time, the appropriate average percentage for university students to eventually pay was considered to be around 25 per cent of the cost. The Howard government raised that figure to around 40 per cent while the Abbott government wanted it to be more like 50 per cent.

According to Dawkins, no one will "die in a ditch" over whether that student percentage is 40 per cent or 45 per cent or 50 per cent – an assessment which may alarm many in the current Labor Party.

But nor does he think Christopher Pyne's original idea of simultaneously cutting recurrent funding to universities by 20 per cent could ever have been anything other than a well-deserved failure. He told the summit he suspects this was dreamed up by clever people in the Department of Finance rather than the Department of Education. The result was that it lacked the benefit of either proper policy consideration or strategic political thinking.

But that only makes the task of Pyne's successor as minister, Simon Birmingham, even more complicated. While the Turnbull government has now given up on the idea of full fee deregulation, Birmingham is still supposed to deliver a big budget reduction in university funding. He has established yet another expert panel to consider the options for funding, regulation and direction of Australia's universities with the aim of passing legislation by mid next year.

A potential path to compromise looks possible in theory. The practice of politics these days looks less encouraging.

But in Dawkins' view, the need for more fee flexibility means universities which do raise fees must also demonstrate they are not just being paid more to do more of the same thing. And that they should also share the financial risk with taxpayers that more of the larger loans provided to students will not be paid back.

At the moment, the common practice among universities is to redirect student fees to cross-subsidise research rather than investing in better teaching or educational experiences for students.

Vicious funding circle

Part of this strategy is due to what has become a vicious funding circle. Research is crucial to international university rankings which in turn are crucial to attracting international students. Universities are by now heavily dependent on the much higher fees that international students can be charged.

But that doesn't necessarily translate into using that money to improve teaching standards or the student experience, meaning that domestic students are also short-changed. And the funding model has also meant that universities have, at least until recently, all been focused on essentially offering much the same teaching and research model.

Dawkins is one of many in higher education who think that any new funding model should encourage universities to specialise more, including becoming focused on teaching or on particular areas of research.

Figuring out what works best for each institution and its students will become even more pressing. Technology alone is already upending traditional university structures and approaches. So the lengthy Dawkins era is ending. It's just a question of how that occurs – smart or dumb.