Federal Politics

'The revenge of the deplorables': Tony Abbott says Donald Trump's victory will put climate change in 'better perspective'

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has described Donald Trump's surprise victory in the US presidential election as "the revenge of the deplorables" and says it will put contentious global issues such as climate change into "better perspective".

In a wide-ranging television interview with conservative commentator Andrew Bolt, Mr Abbott pointed to a number of areas where the political tide had appeared to turn in favour of the right-wing, including the changing behaviour of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and momentum for amending section 18C race laws.

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Trump win 'revenge of the deplorables': Abbott

Former PM Tony Abbott on the Bolt Report says US citizens are 'sick of being called sexist, racist and Islamaphobic'.

"This is, if you like, the revenge of the deplorables," he said of Mr Trump's victory on November 8. "All of the people who are sick of being called racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic because they don't comply with the canons of political correctness ... all those people saw Donald Trump as in some way their champion."

The Republican President-elect has asserted that global warming is a Chinese hoax and vowed to tear up the Paris climate agreement which Australia ratified last week. While refusing to call climate change a "scam", Mr Abbott said the election of Mr Trump would put the climate issue into perspective.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott says the response to global warming has been over the top.
Former prime minister Tony Abbott says the response to global warming has been over the top. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

"The moral panic about this has been completely over the top. One of the encouraging things about the election of President Trump is that we should finally be able to see this issue in better perspective," the former PM said. "We should take reasonable steps to limit our emissions but the last thing we should do is impose socialism in the name of misguided environmentalism."

On domestic issues, Mr Abbott offered an overall positive assessment of his successor's time in the job, arguing Mr Turnbull had moved to the political right by attacking Labor over the impact of its renewable energy targets on electricity prices, and keeping the focus on national security and border protection.


"What we now have is another centre-right prime minister who is talking like a centre-right prime minister should," Mr Abbott said. "This is a guy who well and truly came home when he joined the Liberal Party as its federal treasurer and is now governing as an entirely orthodox centre-right prime minister."

Growing momentum for the amendment or removal of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act represented another win for conservatives, Mr Abbott told Sky News. The emergence of ill-founded complaints such as the Queensland University of Technology case - thrown out of the Federal Court earlier this month - had ripened the case for reform, he argued.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is governing like a centre-right leader should, says his predecessor Tony Abbott.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is governing like a centre-right leader should, says his predecessor Tony Abbott. Photo: Andrew Meares

"The situation is quite different now than a couple of years back," Mr Abbott said. "We've had the Queensland students, we've had Bill Leak, and who knows how many others who haven't made it into the media who have been persecuted by the activist zealots that comprise the Human Rights Commission."

Mr Abbott would not be drawn on whether the commission should be scrapped entirely, but was very critical of the Gillian Triggs-led outfit, calling it a "crook organisation" that had not done "much" for human rights.

Donald Trump's win is a blow against political correctness, Abbott said.
Donald Trump's win is a blow against political correctness, Abbott said.  Photo: AP

"It would be easier to take the Human Rights Commission seriously if it were cracking down on hate preachers rather than journalists," he said. "It's not just the bad law, it's the crook organisation which is policing the bad law."

The former PM also argued that in hindsight Australia should have considered purchasing nuclear submarines as replacements for the Collins-class fleet.



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