11.17.2016 - 12:38 PM EDT

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) lays out GOP's timeline for phasing out Medicare next year.

11.17.2016 - 12:27 PM EDT

Michael Gerrard is the director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, an Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia Law School and a member of The Earth Institute. He'll be dropping by the Hive at 2 p.m. EST today to discuss what the presidency means for climate change and the environment, as well as to take your questions on climate change law. Drop them in this thread at or before 2 p.m. If you want to participate but are not a Prime member, sign up here.

11.17.2016 - 9:00 AM EDT

In case you missed this, yesterday evening we published our first checklist of where members of Congress stand on Paul Ryan's plan to phase out Medicare and replace it with vouchers for private insurance. A few things to keep in mind for analyzing it and seeing what you can find out from your representative or senator. First, there are lots and lots of Democrats who either are stating vague opposition or are not saying where they stand at all. If they're still vague or not stating a position at all, that's very, very dangerous for the future of Medicare. Like every other member of Congress, they won't state a flat and categorical decision unless pressed. And frankly, from what I can see, most of the these folks are still cuddling with comfort novels or awkwardly singing in dive bars over their third beer. It's sad. But they're totally not focusing on this. Trust me. Bigly.

11.17.2016 - 8:18 AM EDT

Trump surrogate says no problem with Muslim registry since we already did that when we interned Japanese citizens during World War II.

11.16.2016 - 5:41 PM EDT

Okay, folks. We've put together a preliminary list of where members of Congress stand on Paul Ryan's plan to phase out Medicare and replace it with vouchers for private insurance. I want to stress this is a work in process. We have compiled this list with a mix of reports from TPM Readers and our own reporting staff on Capitol Hill.

11.16.2016 - 3:40 PM EDT

The most recent (2015) version of the Medicare Phase Out plan comes from Rep. Tom Price (R-GA). He's now being considered to be Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which would oversee phasing out Medicare.

Price just arrived at Trump Tower at about 3:20 PM.

11.16.2016 - 2:17 PM EDT

For everyone who has asked if there's a way to support TPM journalism over and above for Prime subscription, this is for you.

This is a note for current Prime subscribers. We've heard from lots of you over the last week that we should raise the cost of a Prime subscription (not going to do that) or give you some way to support TPM and our 2017 reporting plans beyond your $50 annual subscription fee. Well, yes we do! We allow readers to purchase "credit subscriptions" (here's an overview of the concept from 2013) which we then assign to readers who can't afford to subscribe. Everybody wins: you add more reporting firepower, people who can't afford to subscribe get access. Here is the link. You can buy one for $50 or 10 for $500 or 20 for $1000. However many you want. And to be clear, zero is totally fine too. No one should feel under any obligation to do this. If you've signed up for Prime you are 100% good with this. This is purely for people who can and would like to. It's more money to do more reporting and allows us to create a viable subscription model while not excluding readers who don't have the resources to afford a subscription. Want to support TPM over and above your Prime subscription? This is how. Just click right here.

11.16.2016 - 1:02 PM EDT

If you're having a hard time prying a position out of Republican members of Congress on whether they support Paul Ryan's plan to phase out Medicare, here's a toolkit that will help. The gist: Almost all of them already voted for it. So they can't say they don't know anything about it or don't have a position. They do have a position. They voted for it. It's just a question of whether they're going to support it again now that there's no President Obama they can rely on to veto it. Click here to see more.

11.16.2016 - 11:03 AM EDT

Over recent days, as I've spoken to people in the world who might lead the fight against Paul Ryan's plan to phaseout Medicare and replace it with private insurance vouchers and one message is quite clear: No one is paying attention. No one is ready. No one has a plan. Half the people are still too shell-shocked to think about anything. The other half are telling themselves something so crazy can't happen. But wait, at least one person on TV is starting to talk about this.

11.16.2016 - 10:17 AM EDT

Just a few moments ago Stephanie Ruhle was interviewing Rep. Steve King (R-IA) on MSNBC about immigration policy and maintaining the "American culture, the American civilization" in the face of immigrants from around world.

Here Ruhle asks King whether America hasn't always been a country of immigrants.

RUHLE: Couldn't Native Indians say that? This is a country of immigrants.

KING: Well, I'll just challenge you. Name a country that's not a country of immigrants. Every nation is a country of immigrants. These are our values that are here.

11.16.2016 - 8:41 AM EDT

If you want to understand Rudy and the Rudy world, look at the never finalized but yet failed nomination of Rudy crony and former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik for Department of Homeland Security in December 2004. Same story. Sleaze, payoffs, law-breaking, lotta mafiosos basically everywhere. And Rudes took it international.

11.15.2016 - 10:27 PM EDT

For the last couple months I've been telling you how we plan to expand our editorial team and our reporting capacity next year. We're going to do that. But in the nature of a small independent organization, these are necessarily small, incremental additions. (There's a reason why this outfit has survived for sixteen years.) But looking over the news yesterday and now this evening, there's a big part of me that wants to throw caution to the wind and hire like 10 new investigative reporters because it's becoming blindingly clear to me that we're entering into a sort of golden age of investigative journalism. Perhaps it's a dark age for the country but it's a golden age of investigative journalism: we've had a direct impact at 60 mph with a mix of grotesque corruption, the most insidious extremism, wild incompetence and international subversion. It's almost impossible to keep up. There is so much to look at.

Don't get me wrong. I don't throw caution to the wind. But it's been years since I felt such a palpable need for more feet on the ground, such a profusion of stories that call for rocks to be overturned, documents pulled, questions asked.

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Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), the chairman of the budget committee, told reporters on Thursday...
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