Squatters Win!

There have been several court case wins and further humiliation for “Mad Mike” Weatherly in Brighton recently. Firstly, all people accused of “Squatting a Residential Building” after September 2012’s squat raid have been found innocent, with two squatters having no case to answer and a further one acquitted on appeal. Also, the state admits that it’s OK to call Mike Weatherly a coward! After a 4 day trial, the only person to face charges after Mad Mike was chased off Sussex Uni campus in Nov 2012 was acquitted. Indymedia article on these recent developments hereSussex Uni have compiled a report accusing Weatherly’s group of being hysterical ninnys here.

This website is now in hibernation. Up the squatters!



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Heads Up!

Today (23/11/12), a squatter was arrested for “affray” over the Mike Weatherley action on Sussex Uni campus.

This is just a quick heads up to those who attended the action on Wednesday 14th Nov. The Police are investigating the events of that day. If you were involved, it may be best to change your appearance or “lose” the clothes you were wearing.

It doesn’t look like the police have much evidence… most likely this’ll be the last we hear of it. We’ll keep you updated.

Remember, don’t panic! Stay calm. If you get arrested, admit nothing. Answer “NO COMMENT!” to all police questions and ask for Kelly’s Solicitors (01273 674 898)

We’re with you all the way! Love and Rage,


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“Mad Mike” gets his comeuppance!

Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove, was due to do a lecture today at Sussex University, in Brighton. He was invited by the Sussex Uni Tory Society to talk about the squatban that he championed.

Surprise surprise, it didn’t go very well! Around 50-100 students, squatters and their supporters decided that they weren’t going to let him speak. He’d barely walked onto campus before he was mobbed by a chanting crowd. His security and aides struggled to protect him as he fled, chased by a mob throwing eggs, tomatoes and other things. With no cops in sight, people were really showing their anger.

Weatherley repetedly shunned debate with any squatters before he criminalised us. This is the only time he has talked in public about squatting, people tried to let their voices be heard through the government consultation on squatting, which came out as 90% opposed to banning squatting, this is why a broad range of people chased him off campus today, there were students, squatters, and supporters present.

Some choice quotes from the crowd:

“Mike Weatherley’s getting lynched!”

“Tory Scum, here we come!”

“One solution, execution!”

“We’re coming to get you, Mike!”

He eventually fled into the Silverstone building and locked himself in the room, besieged by the mob. Public order pigs turned up, and Weatherley was bundled into the back of a van. He was driven away at high speed as people blocked, hit and chased the van.

Meanwhile, other squatters and supporters occupied the lecture theater he was supposed to speak in, and gave their own, pro-squatting speech to rousing cheers. The building was also coated in pro-squatting posters and a banner saying “No housing, no peace!” was dropped from the roof.

All in all, an amazing day out!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 6


Egged On – Schnews

Squatters 1: Tory party nil – Solidarity Federation

Mike Wetherley attacked at University of Sussex – The Argus

Conservative MP attacked – The Guardian

Violent thugs (according to the independent!)

Controversial New Squatting Laws (Daily Mail)

MP ‘attacked with rocks’ at Uni (BBC)


Final quote: “We no platformed the shit out of him!”

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Squatban resisters – court update

Yesterday (November 5th) was the committal hearing for the three squatters arrested in the high profile raid in Brighton earlier this year.

Originally, the three arrestees were charged with Squatting in a Residential Building, Obstructing Police and Abstracting Electricity. Abstraction is an either way offense, so the defendants had opted for a crown court trial, with a full jury.

However, yesterday the CPS dropped the Abstraction of Electricity charge, meaning the matter is summary only, and will be heard in the Magistrate’s court. The date for the trial has been set for 22-24th April 2013. Solidarity and support would be much appreciated.

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Mass Squatting Action!

Around 150 – 175 people gathered for SNOB(AHA)’s mass squatting action on Saturday 13th, taking advantage of the brief lull in the bad weather to fight back against the Squatban.

Led by a large banner saying “SQUATTERS RIGHTS OR SQUATTER RIOTS”, people marched up Edward Street, past the Law Courts, and round on to St James’ Street, where two squatters climbed and hung a banner saying “BETTER TO SQUAT THAN LET HOMES ROT” on the front of Darkside, an ex-residental squat that has been left empty for three years.

Chanting “No homes, no peace, fuck the police!”, the march then moved on up North Street, past Churchill Square and proceeded to occupy a 5 story vacant shop on Western Road (an ex-HMV). Around 40 people stormed into an unsecured back entrance and hung banners from the roof and inside the windows. Many other supporters remained outside to watch and cheer on the occupiers.

Leaving a group in occupation of the building, the march continued, despite the rain, back the way it had come, through the North Laines and on to London Road, where it finished up at a newly squatted art gallery run by a collective of radical artists called CRAB.

All in all, a very successful day with a large public crack being carried out on the main shopping street of Brighton, in front of hundreds of shoppers, tourists and supporters.

SNOB(AHA) would like to thank all those who came out in solidarity despite the weather (it hailed on us at one point). A special award goes to Sussex Police Liaison team who provided us with much laughter and totally failed to stop our direct action.


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Amazing demo!

A very quick update on today’s mass squatting action. It was AMAZING! Some pixies dropped a banner off of the front of the Darkside ex-squat, a massive building on Western Road was occupied and coated in banners, and the march ended up at a newly squatted art gallery on London Road.

More to come tomorrow, when we’ve had time to recharge!

Twitpic 1

Twitpic 2

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October 28 roast and talk

On Sunday October 28, the Squatters Network will be cooking a delicious vegan roast at the Cowley Club. Food will be ready from 1pm.
Then at 4pm we are excited to host a talk from Lindela Figlan, a member of Abahlali BaseMondjolo, the South African Shack Dwellers movement.

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On October 13, solidarity with France!

This year, numerous collectives all around France have been struggling against all kind of misery: children living in the street, precarious housing conditions, people going to be evicted, precarious working conditions, undocumented people… and to deal in an autonomous way towards their needs regarding housing, food, freedom of movement. After getting feed back from all around, some people have decided to gather and coordinate themselves.
From August 31st till September 2nd, at the CREA Social Center in Toulouse, to be evicted and desvastated by the State a few days later, some individuals gathered in order to discuss and exchange tools, knowledge and empowered themselves.
As all forms of misery are politically organized by the State, people have to organized themselves. The State is not part of the solution, the State is the problem itself. From that meeting came out this call:

– to go on with with coordinating collectives and groups, with the planing of new meetings, an information and action network.

– an action week-end all other France from October 13th till 15th, simultaneous actions against all forms of evictions.

People involved with La Patate Chaude (Grenoble), Réseau 22 rue des Alpes (Grenoble), Les mal-logés acharnés (Paris), CREA et campagne de réquisition (Toulouse), GPS (Toulouse), Collectif Urgence Précarité 44 (Nantes), Intersquat Montpellier, Mission squat médecins du monde, La Petite Rockette (Paris), L’art ou Libre (Fontenay-sous-Bois), Abris d’Urgence Totale (Toulouse).

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Tonight! Activism and Alternative Media

Photo-journalist Alec Smart, ‘Conceptual Architect’ Alex Casper and members of the Squatters’ Network of Brighton discuss activists’ use of alternative media as publicity, protest and direct action. Focussing on the recent history of activism in Brighton and Hove, speakers will consider the possibilities and limitations of films, zines, newspapers and art exhibitions as political tools.

 Doors open at 6.30pm

Free, all welcome, no need to book

11 October

Caroline of Brunswick

39 Ditchling Road

7 -9pm


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October 13th Update

The mass squatting action on October 13th is fast approaching, so it’s time for an update…

Police Liaison Officers

Sussex Police Liaison Officers (@SusPolPLO) have made numerous attempts to contact squatters in the run-up to the demonstration. These coppers (easily identified by their baby-blue bibs) are simply a re-incarnation of the notorious FIT (forward intelligence teams), who regularly filmed and harassed activists on demonstrations. Whilst PLOs do not carry cameras, they are still intelligence gatherers. They may approach you on the action and try to engage you in conversation. Remember kids: THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A FRIENDLY CHAT WITH A PIG! If they’re trying to talk to you it’s because they’re trying to find out things about you. Don’t talk to them, don’t engage with them, and if possible physically challenge their presence on the action. Block them with banners (or umbrellas), FITwatch style.

Look out for these two coppers in particular, they’re the leaders of the liaison team:

PC Stephanie Franks (DF386) and Police Sergeant Mark Redbourn (CR278)

More info on PLOs here.


Seeing the sights in Sunny Brighton

While you’re in Brighton you may want to take advantage of our beautiful sea-side town and take in some of the sights. Here’s just three you may want to visit, there’s plenty more!

Mike Weatherley’s Office:

109 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2AF

Mike Weatherley MP was the architect of the squatban. An all round scumbag who has carried out a vicious campaign of hate against Squatters and multiple Brighton based activist groups. Why not pay him a visit?


Zero Tolerance Gym:

Unit 7, Hove Business Center, Fonthill Road, Hove BN3 6HA

Sol “Zero Tolerance” Gilbert (the owner of the above gym) was responsible for a particularly nasty illegal eviction earlier this year. Him and some of his Cagefighter buddies turned up at a squatted building, kicked the back door in and threw the squatters out on their arses. His cohorts also stole a rather nice crowbar. Following the eviction he boasted about it on his twitter account. Why not go round and tell him what you think of this?


John Street Police Station:

John Street, Brighton, BN2 0LA

Squatters are Sussex Police’s favorite people. They’re never mean to us or evict us or anything… Seriously though, police in Brighton have a long history of vindictively targeting squatters. There have been evictions and arrests too numerous to count, most recently their particularly judicious application of the squatban (here). Go and visit their imposing copshop on John Street in central Brighton for a nice day out!

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