- published: 09 Mar 2014
- views: 227427
Crocodiles (subfamily Crocodylinae) or true crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, all of whose members are considered true crocodiles, is classified as a biological subfamily. A broader sense of the term crocodile, Crocodylidae that includes Tomistoma, is not used in this article. The term crocodile here applies only to the species within the subfamily of Crocodylinae. The term is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes Tomistoma, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae), the gharials (family Gavialidae), and all other living and fossil Crocodylomorpha.
"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either passively, openly or via sabotage.
As a phrase meaning "the boss" it dates from at least 1918.
In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.
The use of this term was expanded to counterculture groups and their battles against authority, such as the Yippies, which, according to a May 19, 1969 article in U.S. News and World Report, had the "avowed aim ... to destroy 'The Man', their term for the present system of government". The term eventually found its way into humorous usage, such as in a December 1979 motorcycle ad from the magazine Easyriders which featured the tagline, "California residents: Add 6% sales tax for The Man."
Deadly Crocodiles of the Nile River - Nature Documentary
Alligator vs Crocodile!
The Man Who Swims With Crocodiles
9 Real crocodile attacks on human caught on video 2016
Ah les crocodiles
A Nest FULL of Baby Crocodiles!
Crocodile Caught in Drainpipe!
Zebra Escapes the Jaws of 2 Crocodiles
This Cage Of Death Lets You Swim With Crocodiles
Top 5 World's Biggest Crocodiles
Deadly Crocodiles of the Nile River - Nature Documentary The Nile crocodile has a somewhat deserved reputation as a vicious man-eater. The proximity of much of its habitat to people means run-ins are frequent. And its virtually indiscriminate diet means a villager washing clothes by a riverbank might look just as tasty as a migrating wildebeest. Firm numbers are sketchy, but estimates are that up to 200 people may die each year in the jaws of a Nile croc. Africa's largest crocodilian, these primordial brutes reach a maximum size of about 20 feet (6 meters) and can weigh up to 1,650 pounds (730 kilograms). Average sizes, though, are more in the range of 16 feet (5 meters) and 500 pounds (225 kilograms). They live throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile Basin, and Madagascar in rivers, fre...
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/DTastvscst On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote takes you up close for a special look at the American Alligator vs the American Crocodile! While often confused for one another, Alligators and Crocodiles are actually very different reptiles…not only in their physical appearances but also in a variety of other ways including their diets, habitat and mannerisms. So to further explore these differences Coyote is once again teaming up wildlife biologist Mario Aldecoa near his research facility in South Florida...which luckily offers one of the only ecosystems in the world that is home to both crocodilians. Now, there is one slight challenge to this video…Mario and Coyote actually have to FIND and CATCH an Alliga...
Known as the 'Crocodile Man', Costa Rican animal lover 'Chito' swims, plays and even feeds 'Pocho' the giant crocodile in what is one of the world's most unlikely friendships. The Man Who Swims with Crocodiles Documentary follows Chito, a Costa Rican fisherman who is one of the only men ever known to tame a crocodile with people traveling from all over the country to marvel at their bond. He nursed the animal back to health after discovering him blinded by the bullet of a hunter over 20 years ago. Feeling strongly compelled to investigate these legends first hand, Roger Horrocks visits a Costa Rican shaman, "Chito" that swims with a giant croc and even rides on the back of the ancient reptile. This and many other stories confirms Roger's belief that these giant crocodiles have the ability...
►►► THANKS FOR WATCHING ◄◄◄ Check Out Our Channel ►►► https://goo.gl/U61s7d 9 Real crocodile attacks on human caught on video 2016 More Amazed 5s Videos : ----------------------------------- 1 ►10 Real Shark Attacks Caught On Camera 2016 ►►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XMAmt1FVf8 2 ► 9 Real crocodile attacks on human caught on video 2016 ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK1_hwPtNF4 3 ► 8 Ghost Real Ghost Attack Caught on Tape | 2016 ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAoCNFfJ-Vo 4 ► 11 Real Anaconda Attacks on Human Caught on Camera | 2016 ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJNZWcMy7P4 5 ► 10 Real life mermaids caught on camera 2016 ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya_ZTCgjxdE 6 ► 14 Most Shocking Animal Attacks On Humans Caugth on camera 2016 ►► https://www...
Un crocodile, s'en allant à la guerre Disait au revoir à ses petits enfants Trainant ses pieds, ses pieds dans la poussière Il s'en allait combattre les éléphants Ah ! Les crocrocro, les crocrocro, les crocodiles Sur les bords du Nil, ils sont partis n'en parlons plus Ah ! Les crocrocro, les crocrocro, les crocodiles Sur les bords du Nil, ils sont partis n'en parlons plus Il fredonnait une marche militaire Dont il mâchait les mots à grosses dents Quand il ouvrait la gueule tout entière On croyait voir ses ennemis dedans Ah ! Les crocrocro, les crocrocro, les crocodiles Sur les bords du Nil, ils sont partis n'en parlons plus Ah ! Les crocrocro, les crocrocro, les crocodiles Sur les bords du Nil, ils sont partis n'en parlons plus (musique) Ah ! Les crocrocro, les crocrocro, les crocodil...
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel On this week's adventure Coyote is heading into the backwaters of Turkey Point with wildlife biologist and crocodile conservationist Mario Aldecoa to scout nesting sites for newly hatched American Crocodiles. As if cruising the cooling canals of a nuclear power plant in an air boat at night wasn't enough, Coyote and the crew also have their hands full with the looming danger of huge crocodiles nearby making this conservation effort seriously intense! American Crocodiles were at one time on the brink of extinction in the United States until a handful of conservation efforts, like the one at Turkey Point, helped revitalize their population which has resulted in their down listing from an endangered to a threatened species. This is a true w...
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTwateranole On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote and the crew are headed into Palo Verde National Park to find and capture American Crocodiles alongside wildlife biologist and crocodile expert Dr. Chris Murray. Assisted by snare master Mike Easter, their goal is to find and locate giant Crocodiles from which they hope to collect valuable data for the ongoing research being conducted by Dr. Murray in Costa Rica… however, there is a bit of a challenge at hand…THERE IS NO WATER IN SIGHT! A prolonged drought that has completely dried up these reptiles normal habitats has forced them into hiding in many unusual places…including a drainpipe in the middle of a sweltering desert-like environment. Will Coyote and th...
Amazing video of a zebra stuck in a crocodile's mouth when another crocodile tries to help. But the zebra manages to bite and kick his way out, back to the safety of the herd. Taken on the H4-1 near Lower Sabie in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Video by: Jethro Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: http://www.latestsightings.com/partnership To get to see sightings like this on your own, BOOK A SAFARI: http://www.latestsightings.com/holidays Snapchat: LatestSightings Twitter & Instagram: @LatestKruger For live wildlife sightings in the Kruger National Park: http://www.latestsightings.com/ And like our Facebook page for great sightings and photos: https://www.facebook.com/latestsightingskruger Subscribe to us on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Animatedcam...
It literally is a cage of death. Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1 Did you know BuzzFeed has merchandise? Shop here: http://bit.ly/ShopBuzzFeed GET MORE BUZZFEED www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam www.facebook.com/buzzfeedvideo www.instagram.com/buzzfeedvideo www.buzzfeed.com/video www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet BUZZFEED BLUE Bite-size knowledge for a big world from the BuzzFeed crew. New facts, hacks, and how-to videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedBlue today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1 MUSIC Last Of The Guardians Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. VIDEO FOOTAGE COURTESY OF: David Hoffman Instagram: @davidsbeenhere
http://youtu.be/2s0ISzqbo2c 2014 Looking at some of the biggest crocodiles living today. Also, there is an honorable mention about the biggest crocodile in captivity that just died last year. Enjoy, please support by subscribing and sharing on facebook/twitter. Music by: http://www.purple-planet.com
Wild Crocodile Attacks- National Geographic -Crocodile Documentary
Crocodile Attacks Zebra - Crocodile Attacks Elephant - National Geographic Animals Documentary 2015 Crocodile Attacks Zebra - Crocodile Attacks Elephant - Kingdom crocodile national geographic Crocodile Attacks Zebra - Crocodile Attacks Male Lion - Kingdom crocodile national geographic Crocodile Attacks Zebra - Crocodile Attacks Male Lion - Kingdom crocodile national geographic Please Share, Like and Comment - Thanks Subscribers get new video good - Thanks !
The giant crocodile ¦ Crocodile Attack - Crocodile Hunter
10 Hour version of Chip the Ripper's "Interior Crocodile Alligator" song. Interior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile AlligatorInterior Crocodile Alliga...
I read it in a magazine
I don't wanna see it again
I threw away the magazine
And looked for someone to explain
I don't wanna look back
I can't look around
I don't wanna see it coming 'round
Listen to the ups and downs
Listen to the sound they make
Don't be scared when it gets loud
When your skin begins to shake
'Cause you don't wanna look back
You gotta look tall
You gotta see those creeps crawl
I know you know
I know you know
I can see you've got the blues
In your alligator shoe
Me, I'm all smiles
I got my crocodiles
I don't wanna look back
I can't turn around
I don't want to see it coming down
Met someone just the other day
Said, "Wait until tomorrow"
I said, "Hey what you doing today?"
He said, "I'm gonna do it tomorrow"
Met someone just the other day
Said, "Wait until tomorrow"
I said, "Hey what you doing today?"