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Browse Childcare Worker jobs

2,890 Childcare Worker jobs in Australia

Childcare workers are tasked with the important role of caring for the social, emotional, educational and physical needs of children in various settings. Part of their role is to provide developmentally appropriate and stimulating activities for children of all ages. The hours of duty vary based on the provider and type of care and roles can be casual, part time or full time. Shiftwork is often required. Childcare workers often work in teams so having strong communication skills is vital.
A love of children and a genuine care for their development is key to enjoying this career. Any parent will tell you how much effort is involved in looking after children! You can expect a rewarding career though, as you make a positive difference to the lives of the children in your care. Remember you will often have to carry equipment and children and you will spend a lot of time on your feet so an appropriate level of fitness is handy.

Responsibilities & Skills

One of your main duties as a childcare worker will be to plan and implement age appropriate activities to stimulate the children. This will include preparing play and learning materials and setting up a safe environment for kids. You can also expect to help children with daily routines like eating, sleeping, toileting and dressing. You may also need to prepare snacks and meals and perform basic first aid in emergencies.

  • The ability to remain alert, active and observant

  • Great communication and teamwork skills

  • The ability to relate well to children

  • A very patient and understanding attitude

Required Qualifications

  • Certificate III in Early Childhood and Care
  • Diploma of Children's Services
  • Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood Teaching

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