
Why I've gone to war against Wicked Campers

How can campers still be driving around covered in sexist slogans that would be banned anywhere else?

You couldn't put it on a billboard, you couldn't yell it in the street, and if you stuck it on the cover of a magazine you'd have to cover it up so it wasn't visible to children. So how can Wicked Campers vehicles still be driving around painted with vile, sexist slogans?

Try this one: "In every little Princess there is a slut who wants to try it just once." Or this, "A wife: an attachment you screw on the bed to get the housework done."

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Online petition win against Wicked

In July 2014, Wicked Campers apologised and promised to spray over mysogynistic slogans on its vans after a mother's petition gained over 100,000 signatures. It seems little has actually changed.

But it was the slightly battered van in the traffic at our local shops that brought the issue home to me. Spray-painted on the back of the van was the slogan "save lollipops, suck a dick", along with an image of a huge-breasted woman. I watched as my 10-year-old son sounded out the words and then sat very quietly. Next to him, my 15-year-old daughter stared moodily out the other window.

They were both clearly embarrassed, but not nearly as embarrassed as they became a few minutes later, when I followed the van to a red light, put down my window and calmly complained to the startled driver: "I know that's not your van, but it's really offensive and upsetting to have my kids seeing that."

The passenger, now looking embarrassed himself, muttered something about only renting the van, so I suggested they tell the people they got it from that it was upsetting to others.

And then we drove off. But I couldn't leave it there. I have signed at least two online petitions about Wicked Campers in recent years and hadn't seen one for a while, but here they are, as gross as ever.


There's all manner of advertising out there that I'd rather we didn't have to put up with, but this was not subtle sexism, junk food or dodgy ethics. I don't want my son growing up with the message that it's OK to think about women, and sex, like this. And I don't want my teenage daughter to learn she has to put up with being sneered at as a sexual object.

I emailed a complaint to the company. No response. I wrote to the Advertising Standards Board and was impressed to receive a prompt reply saying it had considered my complaint and upheld it. Excellent, now we'll see some action, I thought. That was until I read the fine print and noted that the board had found against the company two years ago, only to be roundly ignored.

An ASB spokesman wrote: "Wicked Campers did not reply to our board's determination. We have been working with the relevant authorities in Queensland, including the police and the Attorney-General's department, to try and enforce compliance."

The board also suggested I contact my local member. Since Northcote MP Fiona Richardson also happens to be the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, I thought it was worth a shot, but four weeks and two emails later, I'm still waiting on a response.

Now, I'm pretty sure if I broke the rules with so much as an unpaid parking ticket I wouldn't be able to ignore it for two years without ending up in court, or at least with a nasty fine. And while this all seems too hard for local authorities, in Queenstown in New Zealand the council now fines Wicked Campers $300 every time it sees one of its vans with offensive slogans, or receives a complaint about one.

In the Byron Bay area the council is considering banning the vans after a local grandfather took the matter into his own hands and spray painted over one of the company's slogans, apparently unhappy that his grandchildren had to see it repeatedly. But some on the council say it's tough to take action as they don't own the roads; that's a state matter.

In Tasmania and Queensland, some local businesses have banned the vans and last month Gold Coast music festival Splendour in the Grass made it clear that Wicked Campers were not welcome. But still, they're free to trundle around the open roads like ghastly mobile billboards.

From the recent Royal Commission into Family Violence we know that environments that tolerate inequality and sexist attitudes do contribute to discrimination and violence. It seems glaringly obvious that if we keep putting up with Wicked Campers, saying it's just a joke to talk about women and girls like this, it fuels disrespect and even violence.

So what to do now? I'm sticking with pester-power. Every time you see one of those vans on the road, complain to the hapless tourist driving it, maybe they'll be less likely to rent one next time. And complain to your local MP. A $300 fine isn't much but at least our Kiwi neighbours have had a go at tackling the problem.

Clare Kermond is a staff writer.



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