- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 238224
A prisoner-of-war camp is a site for the containment of enemy combatants captured by a belligerent power in time of war. It is similar to an internment camp which is used for civilians. Purpose built prisoner-of-war camps appeared at Norman Cross in England in 1797 and HM Prison Dartmoor, both constructed during the Napoleonic Wars and they have been in use in all the main conflicts of the last 200 years. The main camps are used for soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guards, and more recently, airmen of an enemy power who have been captured by a belligerent power during or immediately after an armed conflict. In addition, non-combatants, such as merchant mariners and civilian aircrews, have been imprisoned in some conflicts. With the adoption of the Geneva Convention on the Prisoners of War in 1929 and later superseded by the Third Geneva Convention, prisoner of war camps have been required to be open to inspection by authorized representatives of a neutral power. Not all belligerents have consistently applied the convention in all conflicts.
A prisoner of war (POW, PoW, PW, P/W, WP, PsW, enemy prisoner of war (EPW) or "missing-captured") is a person, whether combatant or non-combatant, who is held in custody by a belligerent power during or immediately after an armed conflict. The earliest recorded usage of the phrase "prisoner of war" dates to 1660.
Belligerents hold prisoners of war in custody for a range of legitimate and illegitimate reasons, such as isolating them from enemy combatants still in the field (releasing and repatriating them in an orderly manner after hostilities), demonstrating military victory, punishing them, prosecuting them for war crimes, exploiting them for their labor, recruiting or even conscripting them as their own combatants, collecting military and political intelligence from them, or indoctrinating them in new political or religious beliefs.
For most of human history, depending on the culture of the victors, enemy combatants on the losing side in a battle who had surrendered and been taken as a prisoner of war could expect to be either slaughtered or enslaved. The first Roman gladiators were prisoners of war and were named according to their ethnic roots such as Samnite, Thracian, and the Gaul (Gallus). Homer's Iliad describes Greek and Trojan soldiers offering rewards of wealth to opposing forces who have defeated them on the battlefield in exchange for mercy, but their offers are not always accepted; see Lycaon for example.
"allied" treatment of German prisoners of war in a Norwegian POW camp, June-July 1945
Japanese Prisoner of War Camps 1942-1945
Urban Exploration: Camp 30 Abandoned Prisoner of War Camp
Pows:Stories of survival
WWII Nazi Prisoner of War Camps in the United States 1
Prisoners of War During World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR Special
Nazi Concentration and Prison Camps (1945) Nuremberg Trials Documentary_WWII Footages_Full Length
Point Lookout Prisoner of War Camp
Norway, June-July 1945. US, British, and Nilorg (Norwegian Underground) troops entering German POW camp in the early morning and routing the prisoners from their sleep. The Germans are lined up outside of barracks and informers pass along the lines in an attempt to identify former Gestapo men. MLSs, MSs, German prisoners rush from their barracks in all manner of dress. In many instances the Norwegian troops boot the prisoners to hurry them along. MSs, informers pass along a line of women who had worked for the German government and are presently interned in the camp. (These women took refuge within the camp after the Norwegian capitulation.) MSs, CUs, a woman informer, heavily veiled and known as "Fran X", moves along line of prisoners trying to spot "war criminals". A few of the German so...
Japanese Prisoner of War Camps 1942-1945
Once a boys' school, Camp 30 in Bowmanville, Ontario was a Prisoner of War camp for top-ranking Nazi German officers during World War II who were transferred from Britain. It was originally made up of 17 buildings on approximately 100 acres of land which held hundreds of Prisoners of War. Many have been lost to fire and vandalism. The prisoners were treated very well with a gymnasium, indoor pool and were well-fed. It was known as Camp 30 from October of 1941 to April of 1945. After the war, the prisoners were then sent back to Europe, and the buildings returned to a boys' school. Since, it was converted into Darul Uloom Islamic University which closed in 2008. The buildings have been left standing since bought up by a developer to flatten and turn into subdivisions, which has bro...
CONFIRMED and very disturbing - Who was Sam Walton? The speculation has been rampant.. What is JADE HELM doing? And why are so many Walmarts closing, why are they lying to us? Here is the Info. You might be surprised who SAM WALTON really was. ALL THE EVIDENCE - Including the Underground tunnels.
Millions of men were captured during World War 1 and most of them spent years in prison camps as pawns of the nation that captured them. However, their experience was a taboo in the post war society. We take a look at the hardships of being a prisoner and how the world powers used the POWs as leverage. » HOW CAN I SUPPORT YOUR CHANNEL? You can support us by sharing our videos with your friends and spreading the word about our work.You can also support us financially on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thegreatwar You can also buy our merchandise in our online shop: https://shop.thegreatwar.tv Patreon is a platform for creators like us, that enables us to get monthly financial support from the community in exchange for cool perks. » WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WORLD WAR I...
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives?sub_confirmation=1 ►Google+: http://plus.google.com/+TheBestFilmArchives ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/BestFilmArch The beautiful music for my intro was created by MusicalBasics. Listen to his music here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC8RKY2qF9o Warning! The video contains disturbing images of war crimes and human cruelty that might shock or frighten a person. This film was entered as evidence at the 1945 Nuremberg Trials of Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, and 22 other Nazi officials at the end of World War II. It presented a stark picture of the atrocities of the Holocaust and ensured than no one would ever doubt the meaning of the...
Aerial historic piece I shot and edited on Point Lookout in Scotland, Maryland. Currently a state park on the Chesapeake Bay, Point Lookout was once one of the worst Union run prison camps during the American Civil War.
Japanese Prisoner of War Camps 1942-1945
AnGElIc beInGs teLlInG Me ThEy LoVE Me At ThE OlD PrisonEr of War camp
A short tour of the Confederate prisoner of war camp in Tyler, Texas
The Medicine Hat's WWII Prisoner of War camp was a symbol of Canadian tolerance, generosity and opportunity. And was the 2nd largest Canadian Prisoner of War camp during the war. David Gee has more...
A small town in Alabama, Aliceville, had one of the largest WWII prisoner war camps in the United States.
This videotape is comprised of U.S. newsreel footage and captured German and Japanese film which describe concentration camps and prisoner of war camps,
Tony and the Team examine the remains of the world's first ever purpose-built prisoner of war camp, at Norman Cross in Cambridgeshire, built in 1797 to house 7,000 Napoleonic troops.
Tony and the Team examine the remains of the world's first ever purpose-built prisoner of war camp, at Norman Cross in Cambridgeshire, built in 1797 to house 7,000 Napoleonic troops.
The true story of Agnes Newton Keith's imprisonment in several Japanese prisoner-of-war camps from 1941 to the end of WWII.. Stars Claudette Colbert,Patric Knowles Directed by Jean Negulesco
Agree to lease a portion of airport land to restore WW II German Prisoner of War camp.
At the end of WW II, German deserters are tried for desertion by fellow POWs inside a prisoner of war camp for Nazis.
Clara takes a magical journey on http://bit.ly/1TNvRiz Christmas Eve to find her father in a World War II Prisoner of War camp. ....
Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a ⌂ http://bit.ly/28XqBKb ⌂ harrowing 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he's caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.
I have made a lasting picture among
The faces
The night hath plagued
Lost it all lie that your fathers
Have fought for am I the defiant
Along a saving grace
Neglected left to the dogs
Betrayed they've fed me to the fires
Places in fields where near sounds
Of terror
Fill our Ears; Vacant sounds
Consuming all around
Faces lost in the night swallowed
Amongst the decay
Lost in a time when we still felt
Alive the illusions has made us it's
Taken by the fear of Desolation
I stay awake throughout sounds of despair up holding my attention
Why has it all come to this?
This life has not finished. Help me
A simple man without needs
I have not lost my will to breathe
I'm not paying for your beliefs