MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Philippines could follow in Russia's footsteps by withdrawing from the International Criminal Court (ICC) and join a new world order if it were established by Russia and China, President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday.
"If China and Russia will decide to create a new order, I will be the first to join," Duterte said in remarks broadcast by CNN Philippines.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order Wednesday pulling Russia’s participation from the ICC’s Rome Statute, saying the decision was in line with the country’s interest.
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Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 0 | Edit | Delete An even more important sentence of his speech is:
Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 0 | Edit | Delete Unless Trump can through positive actions reverse the trend,the USA will lose its hold over many countries as more and more take the opportunity to free themselves of domination whch serves no one except the US.The focus of the globe's trade has changed and with it the power is commencing the shift away from a unipolar world.This is a healthy development for all nations as the balance of power returns to more equality leading to a more pragmatic approach to both economic and political sproblem solving without the one sided view that held sway under the neocon dominated Washington elite. Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 1 | Edit | Delete Russia doesn't wish to LEAD. And that's a serious problem.
Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 0 | Edit | Delete there is no confidence in the criminally penetrated, and therefore obsolete, ICC Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 0 | Edit | Delete Forgot, a new ICC should be 100% independent. And BIG. WITH BRICS, SCO, EEU/CIS guaranteed to serve. Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 1 | Edit | Delete Very intelligent president,bravo Phillipines. Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 0 | Edit | Delete Mr Duterte beware , when the forces of darkness start isolating you, demonizing you , and you hear talk about sanctions , know that "they " have you in their visor . Reply ![](/web/20161118152057im_/
| 0 | Edit | Delete Pinoys are very hardworking/educated and Duterte can easily borrow $500b from Chinese Pension Fund money to transform his country, and easily payback the money. For PRC it will be a better investment than their 1.5 trillion US TBs paying 2% pa which can turn into toilet paper overnight with the crash of the dollar. Also the great satan will stop its military pivot if financially restrained.
Show new comments (0)Bert Metellus
"They are useless, those in the international criminal (court). They (Russia) withdrew. I might follow. Why? Only the small ones like us are battered" --- Rodrigo Duterte, Nov 17, 2016 - nothing left to say.
Russia always wait until someone else takes the elad.
And talk on no end.
Russia could begin a fully independent ICC immediately.
Russia could sell Ruble bonds. They will sell. Just guarantee a value even if values change.
But Russia needs badly a demonetization. Eliminate Dollar , Euro inside Russia It may create some stability in the long run.
Yes, exchanges will be accepted. Russia then MUST perfect a Wall Street like, to benefit from exchanges. when you come to see, Russia be running investments on free cash, that could easily amount 3 5 trillion Euros a year.
But ask Russia to sell RUBLE BONDS, to the max demand and you hear talks over the next 20 years.
This bonds , that will be guaranteed to give the fractional value as when bought, in case Ruble fall, will be given to central bank. Russia could earn TRILLIONS of the interests. After the amount to pay , is raised.
Time to FORGET the Euro and the Dollar. Every transaction should be in Ruble.. PERIOD.
And create a RUBLE CLEAR for bonds.
First, before any 3 judges or anyone see anything, each country will send judges, that will rotate. OFTEN and without advise.
This judges rotation, will happen at all participating countries. EACH assign a judge.
They could VOTE online..Or however, they wish. Probes will be from all participating countries and rotations will be rampant. Anti corruption probes will be rampant.
The law maybe under international rules, and each country participating. And of course, common law could be used.
ALL will vote on the measures to take. NO BOOK of law of ANY country will be allowed. And any country intervening in any way, in the participating countries, could be probe against crimes.
For this a new Interpol based in Russia and each participating country is a plus. They all will have to be close over security , and military. Create new blocks.
william Van Hoefs
I hope you don't suffer the fate of Mubarrac , Saddam, Ghadaffi , Assad and I forgot the name of some others .
Please watch you back !!
Drain the swamp
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