Young Rich Lister Sean Tomlinson pushes for change at Kingsgate

Kingsgate Consolidated first announced plans to float its Thai assets, which include the Chatree gold mine, in 2007 but ...
Kingsgate Consolidated first announced plans to float its Thai assets, which include the Chatree gold mine, in 2007 but a deal is yet to eventuate. Bloomberg

 BRW Young Rich List member Sean Tomlinson is taking on the Kingsgate Consolidated board, unimpressed by the gold producer's lacklustre performance and more than $12.5 million of expenditure on an initial public offering that has not happened.

Tomlinson controls about 20 per cent of software company Revel Systems, which has been valued at $US450 million ($566 million) and owns about 2 per cent of Kingsgate through a private investment vehicle.

Kingsgate first announced plans to float its Thai assets, which include the country's largest gold mine, Chatree, in 2007. A deal is yet to eventuate but the company claims it is still in discussions to move forward with a listing on Thailand's stock exchange and retain a 49 per cent interest of the entity known as Akara.

Kingsgate has so far spent about $12.5 million plus further expenses in relation to the IPO, while the company's market value has plunged to $173 million from $1.35 billion in 2011.

"We, like many other shareholders in Kingsgate, are very unhappy with the current level of disclosure on a range of matters, particularly the Thailand IPO, and are keen to get answers," Tomlinson said. "There is great potential to unlock the value in the company but it needs proper direction from the top."

Carabao Group raised $157 million when it was floated on the Thai exchange in November in a deal that valued the company at just over $1 billion. Carabao's IPO cost $4.6 million.

It's understood Tomlinson and his advisers have started engaging with other shareholders.

Kingsgate chairman Ross Smyth-Kirk said the expenses were largely made up of consultancy and legal fees. He said the company was still working on the float with advisers Macquarie Group and CIMB but a deal was unlikely in the "immediate future".

"The fact is we are pushing along but we have been hampered by some extraneous factors," Smyth-Kirk said.

Thailand's military seized control of the government last year, while Kingsgate was forced to shut down Chatree for 30 days due to health concerns in January.