Canada CBC

We Are Challenging China And Fighting For Our Fathers' Freedom

Ti-Anna Wang | Posted 10.21.2016 | Canada Politics
Ti-Anna Wang

My father, Wang Bingzhang, is a Chinese political prisoner currently serving the 14th year of a life sentence for his work in pro-democracy activism. In 2002, while in Vietnam, my father was abducted into China and arrested by Chinese police. Six months later, he had a sham trial, found guilty, and sentenced to life in prison.

No Escaping B.C. Governments' Pre-Election Political Programming

Dermod Travis | Posted 10.18.2016 | Canada British Columbia
Dermod Travis

The B.C. government is in the midst of saturating television shows and social media news feeds in the province with a multimillion-dollar back-patting advertising campaign in advance of the 2017 election. The B.C. Liberal party -- who clearly have money to burn -- is getting in on the act as well with mood-setting political ads.

Mental Illness Won't Stop My Family From Fighting The Stigma

Quinn Greene | Posted 10.12.2016 | Canada Living
Quinn Greene

My name is Quinn Greene. I am mentally ill. My mother, Roxie. My father, Dave. My brother, Kane. We are all mentally ill. We are actor, entertainer, musician, writer. And we are anger, hoarding, anxiety and depression. But we are also working hard, fighting back, finding health and strength in each other, and we are full of hope.

How Drugs, Gangs, And Rob Ford Inspired This Toronto Crime Drama

The Huffington Post Canada | Emily Anonuevo | Posted 10.10.2016 | Canada

The show premiers Monday, Oct. 10, 9 p.m. ET

It's 'Older White Canadians' Who Want Minorities To 'Fit In'

Joshua Ostroff | Posted 10.07.2016 | Canada Living
Joshua Ostroff

So there was this CBC-Angus Reid poll. You may have heard about it, or at least seen it while scrolling through your social media feeds this week. It was called the "Canadian Values" poll and it found, according to the original CBC headline, that Canadians want minorities to do more to 'fit in.' This poll made news because it revealed 68 per cent of Canadians thinking minorities should be "doing more to fit in" with mainstream society instead of keeping their own customs and languages. But what I found out after contacting Angus Reid was that 87 per cent of those respondents were white.

Cutting Government Appointees Could Stall CBC's Downward Spiral

Barry Kiefl | Posted 09.19.2016 | Canada Politics
Barry Kiefl

The CBC's fateful decision to move the national news and the long series of ill-formed, unaccountable decisions since then, makes it clear that an inexperienced, government-appointed president and board of directors is a root problem. The government's review should address this problem.

Racist Mascots Remind Indigenous People We Aren't Seen As Equal

Brad Gallant | Posted 09.12.2016 | Canada Politics
Brad Gallant

We have been forced to the farthest reaches of the continent, evicted, killed, induced to deny our heritage and starved out to make way for Canadian "progress." Native mascots are a lingering reminder that the Indigenous cannot participate in Canadian society equally.

CBC's 'The National' Is The Peter Pan Of News

Peter Landry | Posted 09.09.2016 | Canada TV
Peter Landry

There was a time, not so long ago, in Canada when we depended on the editorial decisions of a few at the hub of a few daily newspapers and a couple of television stations, notably the CBC and its rival CTV. Rapidly, these sources are becoming like rotary landline telephones. Sure there are people who use them, but with each obituary, they become fewer.

CRTC Orders CBC Radio 2 To Drop Ads: Could TV Be Next?

Wade Rowland | Posted 09.02.2016 | Canada Business
Wade Rowland

The "reality" of public broadcasting, in principle at least, is that it exists precisely in order to provide a service that is not a commercial, for-profit undertaking. It is intended to be distinctive, to be free from the influence of vested interests either commercial or governmental, and to serve its audiences as citizens rather than as consumers.

The Hip Concert On CBC Is What Happens When Nation Trumps Revenue

Wade Rowland | Posted 08.23.2016 | Canada Business
Wade Rowland

The CBC's decision to air the Tragically Hip's farewell concert Saturday was a stroke of public broadcasting genius. Better than almost any event one could imagine, it demonstrated the power of a national public broadcaster to bring a nation together to celebrate its shared values, to honour its prodigies, to connect.

No Band Can Bring A Country Together Like The Tragically Hip

Jeff Blay | Posted 08.22.2016 | Canada Living
Jeff Blay

Certainly, there are bands that are more famous, have sold more albums and put on bigger shows, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one that captured a country's attention -- at least 11.7 million of us, according to CBC -- like The Hip did that night in Kingston.

One-Third Of All Canadians Tuned Into Tragically Hip Concert

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 08.21.2016 | Canada

The Kingston, Ont., concert is expected to be the last one for the band.

Liberals Looking At BBC As They Mull Future Of CBC

CBC | CBC News | Posted 08.14.2016 | Canada Politics

During the 2015 election campaign, the Liberals promised to restore CBC funding that was cut by the Conservative government.

Rio Opening Marked 1 Time Americans Preferred A Canadian Broadcast

The Huffington Post Canada | Jesse Ferreras | Posted 08.05.2016 | Canada

It's like U.S. Netflix, but in reverse.

Bob Chelmick's Solar-Powered Cabin In The Woods

David Dodge | Posted 07.15.2016 | Canada
David Dodge

Chelmick's getaway required the hard work of clearing brush and laying a foundation. The original cabin was 600 square feet and solar-powered, complete with battery storage. Why solar? Chelmick recalls seeing brown streaks across the sky near Lake Wabamun.

What Happened To Mr. Dressup's Casey And Finnegan?

The Huffington Post Canada | Al Donato | Posted 07.13.2016 | Canada Parents

The two CBC stars live a very different life now.

CBC Needs To Stop Giving Animal Cruelty Airtime

Peter Fricker | Posted 07.12.2016 | Canada Living
Peter Fricker

The CBC, as our national public broadcaster, should presumably reflect modern Canadian values, but when it comes to its coverage of the Calgary Stampede, it chooses to ignore the values of the majority of Canadians who are opposed to rodeos.

Evan Solomon Is Heading Back To Television

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 06.21.2016 | Canada Politics

Evan Solomon was fired by CBC last summer.

Brexit Debate Lays Bare U.K's National Fault Lines

Jonathan Scott | Posted 06.15.2016 | Canada Politics
Jonathan Scott

Below the surface of the proposed British exit from the European Union is a sense of great consternation in the smaller countries that make up the United Kingdom. Having lived, studied and worked throughout the U.K. for the past two years, the divisions within the country are striking and broader than most North Americans realize.

Problem Facing Canadian Media Goes Beyond Loss Of Canada AM

Wade Rowland | Posted 06.06.2016 | Canada Business
Wade Rowland

Bell Media's brusque announcement that it is killing Canada AM represents more than the loss of a morning news and current affairs program with a 40-year legacy. It is further evidence that private television, now in the hands of a clutch of corporate behemoths, is no longer in the business of serving the public interest.

Behind Every Entitled Kid Is An Enabling Parent

Lianne Castelino | Posted 05.18.2016 | Canada Parents
Lianne Castelino

Entitled individuals can bob and weave their way through life deftly in large part because those of us around them allow it to happen. We enable that action. We are all guilty of enabling in one form or another -- however, small or large that enablement.

Sorry, Jian: You're Not Sorry

Ed the Sock | Posted 05.12.2016 | Canada Living
Ed the Sock

Any idiot knows dry-humping staff is a no-no, and Ghomeshi is a lot of things, but he isn't an idiot. Ghomeshi was a left-wing women's-rights advocate, he had to know that the actions and comments he engaged in were inappropriate -- he just didn't think that applied to him. It was a choice, not ignorance. Intense narcissism is no excuse for wilful ignorance.

CBC Declines To Hand Over Panama Papers Data To CRA

CBC | Posted 04.12.2016 | Canada Business

Journalists involved in Panama Papers leak will post all online in May.

The Absolute Tragedy Of The Ghomeshi Verdict

Adam Caldwell | Posted 04.01.2016 | Canada Living
Adam Caldwell

I am invested in this issue because women are my relations. I'm a dad, a son, a husband, a brother-in-law, and thinking, sentient member of the human race! The reasons this keeps happening cannot be solely blamed on the legal system; they start at home. There is a profound sickness within a society that would allow men to perpetrate violence against women with virtual impunity. What is it within men that we see women with so little regard? Too many men don't think there is a problem.

5 Lessons In Managing Negative Publicity

Mary Charleson | Posted 03.28.2016 | Canada Business
Mary Charleson

Somebody at Coors Light had a horrible, no good, very bad day last week. Several people at Rethink, a well respected Vancouver advertising agency responsible for the #BraveTheCold campaign, also likely had a sleepless night trying to put the breaks on creative that was set to launch that week, after negative publicity threatened to take over. And that doesn't even credit the hundreds of thousands spent on scripting, casting, filming and editing in the first place that became unusable. Ouch.