- published: 15 Apr 2015
- views: 924511
A nymph (Greek: νύμφη, nymphē) in Greek mythology and in Latin mythology is a minor female nature deity typically associated with a particular location or landform. Different from other goddesses, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate nature, and are usually depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing; their amorous freedom sets them apart from the restricted and chaste wives and daughters of the Greek polis. They are beloved by many and dwell in mountainous regions and forests by lakes and streams. Although they would never die of old age nor illness, and could give birth to fully immortal children if mated to a god, they themselves were not necessarily immortal, and could be beholden to death in various forms. Charybdis and Scylla were once nymphs.
Other nymphs, always in the shape of young maidens, were part of the retinue of a god, such as Dionysus, Hermes, or Pan, or a goddess, generally the huntress Artemis. Nymphs were the frequent target of satyrs.
Nicolas Jaar is a Chilean-American composer and recording artist based in New York. Notable works include Space Is Only Noise (2011) and Pomegranates (2015). He is known in the club world for his various dance 12" EPs he put out from 2008 to 2011. Since his first album, he has embarked on more explorative directions, performing a 5 hour improvisational concert at PS1, releasing a large volume of experimental recordings through his label 'Other People' (Including works by like minded artists Lydia Lunch, William Basinski, and Lucretia Dalt). In 2015, Jaar scored Dheepan by director Jacques Audiard (winner of the Palme d'Or at Cannes 2015). Jaar is also half of the band Darkside (Psychic 2013).
Jaar was born in New York to Chilean artist Alfredo Jaar and French-Chilean mother Evelyne Meynard. In 2007, he met Gadi Mizrahi and Zev Eisenberg who ran the legendary Marcy hotel parties in Brooklyn, NY. After hearing his early works, Mizrahi suggested 17 year old Jaar to put a 4x4 kick drum underneath his largely experimental compositions. This was Jaar's first foray into dance music- documented in his first release on Mizrahi's label Wolf & Lamb entitled "The Student".
A rundown apartment building in L.A. holds a very special secret. Below the foundation lies a spring that is home to a beautiful nymph. This nymph comes up for air from time to time to cast her magical spell on the building's tenants - and you!
Keywords: hardcore, sex
Actors: Debi Derryberry (actress), Daran Norris (actor), Daran Norris (actor), Daran Norris (actor), Debi Derryberry (actress), Debi Derryberry (actress), Mike Bell (director), Mike Bell (producer), Mike Bell (writer), Mike Bell (actor), Rob Cairns (composer),
Genres: ,Nymphe depuis seulement quelques heures, Didi va découvrir un monde insoupçonné qui va faire basculer sa vie. Chaque soir de pleine lune, cette apprentie nymphe devra donner la mort à son nouvel amant pour sauver sa vie. Didi vivra son initiation auprès de ses comparses Cathy et Nadia. Ensembles, elles combattront les satyres, éternels détracteurs des Nymphes, qui les pourchassent depuis la nuit des temps...
In Greek mythology, Nymphs were spirits of nature. Even though they were female divinities of lower rank, still they were revered as the protectors of springs, mountains, grottoes, trees, the sea and rivers. The Greeks peopled all parts of nature with them and portrayed Nymphs as young, pretty girls, each subtype presiding over whichever aspect of nature they represented. Depending of where they resided, the Nymphs are as follows: Dryads (forests), Naiads (springs and rivers), Nereids (the Mediterranean), Oceanids (the sea) and Oreads (mountains), Limoniads (meadows), Limniads (lakes, marshes and swamps), Meliads (ash-trees), Epimeliads (protectors of sheep) and Napaea (valleys and glens). There are more categories of Nymphs, the names varying according to the ancient sources.
Radio 333 330 "nymphs" 2016 Tracks: [00] Don't Break My Love - Nicolas Jaar [06] Why Didn't You Save Me - Nicolas Jaar [10] The Three Sides of Audrey and Why She's All Alone Now - Nicolas Jaar [18] No One Is Looking at U (feat. Lorraine) - Nicolas Jaar [25] Revolver - Nicolas Jaar [31] Swim - Nicolas Jaar [44] Mistress - Nicolas Jaar [50] Fight (Nymphs IV) - Nicolas Jaar Other People Network www.other-people.network All the uploads on this channel are for the promotional purposes only. If you don't want your content here please feel free to contact me and I WILL REMOVE VIDEO instantly.
Da martedì 29 ottobre alle 21.10 su Sky Uno HD. Didi (Sara Souliè), Chaty (Rebecca Viitala) e Nadia (Manuela Bosco) sono delle ninfe che vivono tra noi. Bellissime, eternamente giovani, pericolosamente seducenti, in una parola: fatali. Didi, la più giovane delle tre, viene da una piccola città e, come tante sue coetanee, sogna la sua prima volta. Ma subito dopo aver perso la verginità con il suo fidanzato, in una notte di luna piena, il ragazzo muore. Saranno Chaty e Nadia, due seducenti sconosciute, a svelarle il mistero che si cela dietro la macabra coincidenza: Didi è in realtà una ninfa condannata a a uccidere tutti gli uomini con cui farà l'amore in ogni notte di luna piena. Se tenterà di sottrarsi a questo crudele rito sarà lei stessa a morire. A complicare la situazione ci sono ...
This video is about Nymph folklore, hope you like it! :)
Als Didi während einer Vollmondnacht zum ersten Mal mit ihrem Freund schläft, stirbt er. Didi ist verzweifelt und kann sich nicht erklären, was geschehen ist. Am nächsten Morgen erfährt sie von den mysteriöusen Frauen Kati Ordana und Nadia Rapaccini, dass sie wie die beiden eine Nymphe ist und von nun an nach besonderen Regeln leben muss. Sie ist nicht nur gezwungen ihre Familie und Freunde zu verlassen, auch für Männer ist das verführerische Geschöpf gefährlich. Doch gerade diese brauchen die Nymphen zum Überleben.
http://youtube.com/vipmagazin | "Nymphomaniac 1" (Trailer deutsch german) | Filminfos: http://goo.gl/s4XGfs | Kinostart: 20.02.2014 --- Bitte ABONNIEREN/LIKEN nicht vergessen: • http://www.youtube.com/vipmagazin • http://www.youtube.com/kinofilme • http://www.youtube.com/gamesmag • http://www.youtube.com/WissensMagazin • http://www.facebook.com/vipmagazin1 DANKE! :) --- ➤ Kinoprogramm - aktuelle Kinostarts: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1E36AB7080054692 ➤ Top-10-Kino-Charts: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABA5DBBEC7803A56 ➤ Die neuesten Kinotrailer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL33EA698DF5D430C7 ➤ Die neusten Gamestrailer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD341D058DE477717 --- Offizieller deutscher Kino-Trailer zu dem Film "Nymphomaniac 1". Originaltitel: N...
if you had to be hunted down, would it be by the nymphs
who made you laugh or the ones who taught you truth
mister, pullover she knows what you’ve done, she sits on
her hands while the memories come
she turns her head slowly and watches you walk
she watches you walk
she watches you
if you are the one