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Tweets are not displaying properly

Updated September 19, 2016

You may notice Tweets in your timeline that have more than 140 characters or Tweets that appear cut off. We have announced upcoming changes that will enable people to fit more into the 140 characters of a Tweet. We are currently testing one of these changes, so that in replies, usernames at the beginning of a Tweet no longer count toward a Tweet’s 140 characters. These tests may temporarily impact the way a Tweet appears, but Tweets will continue to be 140 characters. These changes will be available in the coming months to everyone, and you can read more about them here.

Tweets with more than 140 characters

If you notice a Tweet that includes more than 140 characters, the Tweet may come from an account that is in a test group experimenting with our changes to the way replies happen on Twitter.

When this change launches to the public, people’s usernames will no longer be automatically included in Tweet text (like the above image) and they will no longer count towards a Tweet’s 140 characters.


Tweets that appear cut off

If you’re using an outdated version of the Twitter for iOS or Android app, you might see Tweets that are cut off, with URLs that redirect you to mobile web. This is likely due to the testing that we are conducting described above.

Users on Android app version 6.14.0 (or lower), or iOS app version 6.61 (or lower), may experience this issue, and updating your app should help resolve it. You can find information about updating your iOS app here, and your Android app here.