- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 8295
US or U.S. usually refers to the United States of America, a country in North America.
US, U.S., Us, us, or u.s. may also refer to:
I NEED YOUR HELP! - Please Support Us, Become A Patreon & Get Extra Content http://www.Patreon.com/EliteNWOAgenda SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates - http://www.youtube.com/user/elitenwoagenda?sub_confirmation=1 U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE 2016 - China Orders Banks To Drop The USD China have suspended their banks from the Foreign Exchange markets and ordered them to stop buying U.S. Dollars. China’s foreign exchange regulator has ordered bank’s to limit the purchases of U.S. dollars for at least one month in an attempt to stem capital outflows. The move comes as China reported its biggest annual drop in foreign exchange reserves on record in 2015, while the central bank has allowed a sharp slide in the Yuan currency to multi-year lows, raising fears of more capital flight. All...
My dad sent me an email on the history and facts surrounding the US one dollar bill and told me that he thought it was something that all Americans should know. I agreed, but thought that, in addition to some much needed fact checking, the information could be presented in a more interesting manner. Hence, Secrets of the US One Dollar Bill was born... "The United States one-dollar bill is truly a marvel when you think about how much and how long it took our Founding Fathers and those who came after them to capture the essence of what America stands for. The artwork & symbolism represents a history we should all be proud of."
In this video Luke Rudkowski reports on the breaking news of both China and Saudi Arabia making geopolitical moves that will cause a U.S economic collapse and obliteration of the U.S hegemony petrodollar. We go over China's new gold backed yuan that cannot be traded in U.S dollars and rising tension with Saudi Arabia threatening economic blackmail if their role in 911 is exposed. Prepare yourself and support our independent media organization by checking out http://foodforliberty.com/wearechange/?affiliates=59 for Healthy Emergency Storable Food with GMO-Free ingredients. Sources http://www.itmtrading.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/d1.jpg http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-obama-fed-idUSKCN0X7105 http://thewealthwatchman.com/is-this-the-reason-why-yellen-president-obama-are-hav...
www.undergroundworldnews.com In a stunning move, China has suspended some banks from Foreign Exchange markets and ordered other banks to stop buying Dollars. China's foreign exchange regulator has ordered banks in some of the country's major import and export centers to limit purchases of U.S. dollars this month, three people with direct knowledge said, in the latest attempt to stem capital outflows. The move comes as China reported its biggest annual drop in foreign exchange reserves on record in 2015, while the central bank has allowed a sharp slide in the Yuan currency to multi-year lows, raising fears of more capital flight. All banks in certain trading hubs, including Shenzhen, received the order recently, the people added. They declined to be identified because they are not allow...
http://www.illuminatisilver.com http://www.facebook.com/illuminatisilver Why China has been selling US Dollars Today is Sunday 14th February 2016 and we are providing an update on an alternative reason as to why China has been selling US dollars. We have frequently heard pundits claim that they are being sold because of fear of the dollar’s imminent collapse. We also hear that China plans to replace the dollar with the Yuan as the new world currency. Now frankly, when we raise this with economists they simply laugh and do that sign many make with their finger circling their temple when they believe someone is just a little barmy. So what is the real truth as to why China is selling dollars. Well we can at least give you the official explanation and you can make up your own mind as to w...
Peru is the number one producer of counterfeit US dollars in the world. In 2015, just over 16 million forged bills seized in the US were of Peruvian origin, according to the US Secret Service. Millions of counterfeit euros and Peruvian soles have also been seized by police in Peru. The forged dollars are finished by hand, giving them an exceptional quality which has earned the country its top spot as leader of this illicit global trade. And for the criminal gangs counterfeit money is cheaper to produce than cocaine. Fernando Lucena goes undercover for VICE News to expose the illegal trade in counterfeit money and gets rare access to the criminal forgers who show us how these bills are made. Watch "Peru's War on Drugs" - http://bit.ly/21ICS6e Read "Peru's Booming Cocaine Business Is Tu...
U.S. Dollar Collapse Happening Now? Is the U.S. Dollar collapse about to happen? Many believe it is. I believe they fail to focus in on the day to day manipulations of the currency as well as the greater global economic ramifications of countries like China and Russia making a move to unseat the dollar in today's economic environment. Register for my FREE real estate webinar here: http://app.webinarjam.net/register/17583/983f9073e9 Join me on periscope for my daily morning videos at 7am PST. Follow me here: https://www.periscope.tv/w/aezK9zFQWEVkdnByR25LZXZ8MUJkeFlETnlBa0RKWOan3MYHav1RvChUrdaI2Z2mbn3YcCy-3Y5jssEZmXDB Please take a few minutes to complete my viewer survey. You can take it here: http://fabian4liberty.com/survey/
Why US Dollar = Global Toilet Paper on December 31, 2016 ? Shocking Video No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to. dollar collapse 2016,dollar collapse,dollar collapse and ww3,dollar collapse And sure The Dollar Collapse And The Economic Collapse Will Be on December 31, 2016 . today,news,economy,politics,obama,america,us,world,liberty,amtv,alternative,media,economic collapse,us dollar collapse,dollar collapse,AIIB,World Bank,IMF,new world order,world economic,currency collapse,Barack Obama,Bitcoin,Silver,Gold,Federal Reserve,China,Russi...
/Jim Willie/ The Collapse ın the u.s dollar
Pastor J.D. connects the dots of the Iran nuclear deal with the looming global financial collapse and explains why the days are numbered for the world’s currencies, chief of which is the U.S. Dollar.
80 000 000 Vietnamese dong = 3680 U.S. dollars = 209 865.982 российских рубля _______________________________________________________ Our group: https://vk.com/cfdatabase Our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/realGAMEMASSACRE Like and subscribe!
Want to know more? Hurry up!! CLICK THIS LINK BELOW . http://bit.ly/22FlNjp XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to AMTV for releasing Overnight Collapse in the U.S. Dollar to Shock America. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! FINANCIAL CRISIS 2016 - Will Dollar ($) Collapse ? (CIA Insider Interview) What Happens After the U.S. Dollar Collapse A View Hours After The US Dollar Collapse 73 Questions With Taylor Swift 100 % Certainty US WORLD ECONOMY WILL COLLAPSE within MONTHS Bill O'Reilly: The U.S. Dollar will Collapse The Real Reason Obama went to Alaska China ending US Dollar early September China Billionaire Jack Ma Predicts World War 3 AMERICA WILL COLLAPSE IN 2016 ? Look What Will Happen After The Doll...
A billionaire, in countries that use the short scale number naming system, is a person with a net worth of at least one billion (1,000,000,000; a thousand million) units of a given currency, usually major currencies such as the United States dollar, the euro, or the pound sterling. The American business magazine Forbes produces a complete global list of known U.S. dollar billionaires every year, and updates an Internet version of this list in real time.[1] The American oil magnate John D. Rockefeller became the world's first confirmed U.S. dollar billionaire in 1916;[2] as of 2015, there are over 1,800 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, with a combined wealth of over US$7 trillion.
ASIAN & BRICS BANK - U.S. DOLLAR HEGEMONY ENDING! - Paul Craig Roberts. CURRENCY WAR! China & Switzerland Killing U.S. Dollar? :: Peter Schiff Paul Craig Roberts: Asian bank & The BRICS Signals the End of the American Financial Empire and U.S. Dollar Hegemony .. ASIAN & BRICS BANK - U.S. DOLLAR HEGEMONY ENDING! - Paul Craig Roberts. ASIAN & BRICS BANK - U.S. DOLLAR HEGEMONY ENDING! - Paul Craig Roberts. CURRENCY WAR! ASIAN & BRICS BANK - U.S. DOLLAR HEGEMONY ENDING! - Paul Craig Roberts. ASIAN & BRICS BANK - U.S. DOLLAR HEGEMONY ENDING! - Paul Craig Roberts. CURRENCY WAR!