
Please print these leaflets and hand out or post in your local area.

Click for pdf, printable as single-sided A5 leaflet:

Bullied, harassed or penalised by your job agent?


Click for pdf, printable as double-sided A5 leaflet:

Don’t be bullied by your job agent


Click for pdf, printable as double-sided A5 leaflet:

Unemployed Under Attack!


Click for pdf, printable as double-sided A5 leaflet:

Say no to cashless welfare!



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Poster (A3 works best): join the auwu pdf

Join the AUWU







  1. I would like to help design a flier to be attached by tape to pedestrian traffic light posts close to but away from the main roads where providers are located in my local area so the staff will not see them and tear them down.
    This would save on paper and time.
    Your designs are good but the message needs to be punchier.
    I’m not a graphic designer, I only want to rewrite the content.
    Then you can post them as pdf and I will print them from my provider.
    Please contact me through my email which you have already ASAP if you are willing to take some advice and work through my ideas.
    I really want to do what I can to build this group up because it is essential.

  2. I too think this group is fantastic. Having worked in the federal public service for 13+ years and understanding how to read government policies (and having taken a voluntary redundancy) I have faced selective policy reading from my job network provider. Cherry pick the parts that suit and ignore the rest.

    Reading the government policy on work for the dole, I know I am exempt because I only receive $70/week but my provider insists I am required to work 15 hours/week because amount of Newstart allowance is irrelevant. Not what the government policy says – need to be receiving the FULL allowance to be required to work for the dole.

    I would be happy to work for the dole for Unemployed Workers Union, handing out information pamphlets at job search centres so we can all be informed.


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