WA News

Perth dog owners cough up thousands in vet bills thanks to puppy health issues

Consumer Protection WA have warned Perth dog owners to thoroughly research where they purchase puppies from after health issues hit newly-bought canines.

Coogee man Graham Bruce said he bought a pure bred golden retriever only to have it develop expensive hip problems at just four years of age.

Harry needs a hip replacement at just four years old.
Harry needs a hip replacement at just four years old. Photo: Graham Bruce

Mr Bruce said he has forked out thousands of dollars in after-care for his dog Harry... a situation he never imagined could develop so quickly in the animal's life.

"He had the joints of a 10-year-old dog," he said.

"The x-rays show that it is severe and has been happening for a few years.

"The vet said he probably has a very high pain threshold and is only starting to limp now... there is a lot of arthritis in the joint already.


"We have the money and are willing to spend whatever it takes... my concern is for other dogs whose owners don't have pet insurance, and sadly the dog is either put down or left to suffer in pain."

Mr Bruce purchased Harry from a local breeder, and his pet insurance claim was now to the tune of $12,500. 

Consumer Protection WA spokeswoman Alina Cavanagh said there had been around 48 consumer complaints relating to pet purchases since January. 

"Problems with pets is something we receive steady enquiries and complaints about," she said.

Chantelle Binns said she purchased her dog, Heidi, from the same golden retriever breeder and her family had spent upwards of $5000 on ongoing care for her dog.

"We got her home, and she was riddled with worms, and had a urine infection," she said.

"Her skin condition was probably after one or two washes with standard pet wash and she broke out in red raw rashes.

"I love Heidi to pieces, but she wouldn't be so sensitive to everything if she came from a decent and reliable breeder."

The RSPCA said they had received complaints about the breeder, and Consumer Protection WA has previously warned potential pet owners to always research properly the places they were looking at to purchase an animal.

"Pet shops or businesses that sell animals must comply with the Australian Consumer Law," a 2013 media release advised.

"The 'consumer guarantee' means that the 'good' must be fault-free ...  with a pet this can mean no defects or illnesses ... and match the description given."

In a pamphlet issued by the Department of Commerce, potential buyers are also encouraged to ask for proof of vaccination and relevant vet visits.

Dogs West chief executive officer Ann Rushby said breeders were encouraged to register with the organisation in order to practice ethically. 

"Dogs West breeders are required to abide by a Code of Ethics, which protect the dogs from over-breeding... [we] also have requirements of breeders in what they provide to their puppy buyers- such as breed information, diet advice, a receipt, advice on training and care, and reasonable after sales service," she said.

"If a breeder breaches any of our Code of Ethics they are required to appear before our Tribunal to answer the charges."
