
Ecuador says it curtailed WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange's web access for US election meddling fears

Quito: Ecuador's government acknowledged on Tuesday it had partly restricted internet access for Julian Assange, the founder of anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks who has lived in the South American country's London embassy since mid-2012.

WikiLeaks said Assange lost connectivity on Sunday, sparking speculation Ecuador might have been pressured by the United States due to the group's publication of hacked material linked to US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

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WikiLeaks 'part of' Russian influence on US election

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says the US has never been in a situation where an adversary like Russia is working so hard to influence the outcome of an election.

"The government of Ecuador respects the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states," according to a statement released by the government in Quito.

"It does not interfere in external electoral processes, nor does it favour any particular candidate."

Ecuador's leftist government said WikiLeaks' decision to publish documents impacting the US election was entirely its own responsibility, and the country did not want to meddle in election processes or favour any candidate.


"In that respect, Ecuador, exercising its sovereign right, has temporarily restricted access to part of its communications systems in its UK Embassy," it added in a statement.

"Ecuador does not cede to pressures from other countries."

Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador after a British court ordered him extradited to Sweden to face questioning in a sexual molestation case involving two female supporters.

WikiLeaks said it activated "contingency plans" after Assange's cut-off, and Ecuador said that its action did not stop the group continuing "journalistic activities."

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has long backed Assange's right to free speech and has also supported Clinton publicly. "For the good of the United States and the world ... I would like Hillary to win," he told broadcaster Russia Today last month.

Reuters with Fairfax Media