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  1. The Onion Looks Back At 'Beauty And The Beast'
  2. 5 Things To Know About Steve Bannon
  3. How Do Archers Resist Firing Arrows At Everyone In The Spectator Gallery?
  4. 2:01
    Who's Fucking: Josh and Debra [2:01]
  1. The Onion Speaks To Voters Across Nation On Election Day
  2. Tips For Handling A Picky Eater
  3. 3:09
    Brain-Dead Teen, Only Capable Of Rolling Eyes And Texting, To Be Euthanized [3:09]
  4. Highlights From The Final Presidential Debate
  1. The Onion Reviews 'Ghostbusters'
  2. Tips For Choosing The Right Veterinarian
  3. Tips For Reducing Heartburn
  4. Obama’s Post-Presidency Plans
  1. In honor of Halloween, The Onion’s film critic looks back at some of the most iconic horror films of all time
  2. 2:14
    Who's Fucking: Isaac and Doris [2:14]
  3. The Onion Reviews 'Sully'
  4. 0:44
    Apple Fans Chopping Off Hands In Anticipation Of New iHand [0:44]
  1. 2:45
    13-Year-Old Drinking Prodigy Accepted To Ohio State [2:45]
  2. 2:27
    In The Know: Are Reality Shows Setting Unrealistic Standards For Skanks? [2:27]
  3. Top Benefits Of Napping
  4. 3:22
    The Onion Reviews 'Jurassic World' [3:22]
  1. 3:32
    The Onion Looks Back At 'Saving Private Ryan' [3:32]
  2. How To Perform CPR
  3. 2:26
    Song Deemed Good Enough To Put Girlfriend On Shoulders [2:26]
  4. How To Turn Down A Job Offer
  1. 1:15
    Obama Issues Presidential Pardon To Get Biden Out Of Jail For Third Time This Year [1:15]
  2. 2:51
    How To Find A Masculine Halloween Costume For Your Effeminate Son [2:51]
  3. 2:28
    Who's Fucking: Zack and Evan [2:28]
  4. 4:09
    Who's Fucking? [4:09]
  1. 3:10
    The Onion Looks Back At 'E.T.' [3:10]
  2. 3:06
    The Onion Reviews 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron' [3:06]
  3. 2:59
    Romantic Boyfriend Surprises Girlfriend With Valentine’s Day Love Labyrinth [2:59]
  4. 5 Things To Know About The Electoral College
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