- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 551
The Lion Group Corporate Video
Batik Air dan Kabut Asap | PDG-HLP | Boeing 737-800 Lion Group
Exclusive: ATR Interview with Rusdi Kirana, Lion Group CEO - March 2013
Lion Group bloody killing elephants
2. Urodziny Lion Group - 12.04.2016
Painting and furnishing of Lion Group's 50th ATR 72-600 aircraft!
Pilot Lion Group Mogok, Belasan Penerbangan "Delay"
Lion Air Melawan Kemenhub ? Lion Group Laporkan Kemenhub ke Bareskrim Polri Soal Sanksi Pembekuan
Lion Group Operasikan Hanggar Perawatan Pesawat di Batam
A320 delivery ceremony to the Lion Group's Batik Air
Batik Air take off dari padang menuju halim pada saat kabut asap...nampak pesawat take off diselimuti asap..kami begitu takjub melihat birunya langit karena selama di Padang langit biru tertutup asap setiap hari Saya membuat video ini dengan Editor Video YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
Lion Air is now Indonesia's largest and fastest-growing domestic carrier and has signed a deal on March 18, 2013 for 234 Airbus jetliners. Rusdi Kirana, Co-Founder and CEO of Lion Group, also came to ATR headquarters in Toulouse and he sat down with us to explain the advantages of having a full range of complementary aircraft into his portfolio and his vision on how the turboprop market is evolving in Indonesia.
Ahead of the milestone delivery in June 2015, Lion Group’ s 50th ATR 72-600 aircraft receives its colours in this video clip, which includes time-lapse footage of the turboprop’s painting process – which was performed at ATR’s highly-advanced paint shop in Toulouse, France. The aircraft also receives its seats, luggage compartments and other cabin equipment! Enjoy the video!
Aksi mogok pilot Lion Grup membuat belasan jadwal penerbangan maskapai tersebut mengalamai keterlambatan atau delay. Corporate Secretary PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Farid Indra Nugraha mengungkapkan, setidaknya ada 18 penerbangan Lion Grup yang mengalami delay disejumlah bandara yang dikelola AP I. "Pihak Angkasa Pura I terus melakukan komunikasi secara intensif dengan perwakilan Lion Air Group yang ada di bandara, melakukan antisipasi pengamanan terhadap fasilitas dan pengguna jasa dengan pihak terkait," kata Farid dalam siaran pers yang diterima Kompas.com, Jakarta, Selasa (10/5/2016). Menurut Farid, data 18 penerbangan Lion Grup yang delay bersal dari 5 bandara yakni Bandara Sam Ratulangi Manado, Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, Bandara Internasional Lombok, Bandara I Gusti Ngurah...
Direksi Lion air berencana menggugat Kementerian Perhubungan yang membekukan izin ground handling Lion Group di Bandara Soekarno Hatta Jakarta. Mereka mengaku keberatan dengan sanksi tersebut. “Lion Air merasa diperlakukan tidak adil dan akan menuntut keadilan atas hukuman atau sanksi yang diberikan,” kata Direktur Umum Lion Air Edward Sirait di Jakarta pada Kamis, 19 Mei 2016. Menurut dia, seharusnya Kemenhub melakukan investigasi terlebih dulu sebelum menjatuhkan sanksi. Selain itu, pembekuan yang akan berlaku dalam jangka waktu lima hari ini dianggap berlebihan. Lion Air harus memindahkan pelaksanaan ground handling di Bandara Soekarno Hatta yang melibatkan 10 ribu orang pekerja. Meski demikian, mereka tetap bisa melakukan layanan di atas darat tersebut dengan memanfaatkan karyawan ...
Lion Group membuka hanggar perawatan pesawat Batam Aero Technic di Bandara Internasional Hang Nadim, Batam. Fasilitas yang dibangun di lahan 4 hektar ini adalah hanggar pertama dari 4 hanggar yang akan dibangun Lion dengan total investasi sebesar US$ 250 juta. Official Website: http://beritasatu.tv Facebook.com/BeritaSatuTV Youtube.com/BeritaSatu @BeritaSatuTV
A new milestone in the relationship with Indonesia occurred when Airbus delivered the first three A320 Family jetliners to Batik Air – the Lion Group’s full-service subsidiary that operates domestic and regional services. These aircraft are the first from the Lion Group’s order placed in March 2013 for 234 A320 Family aircraft.
Most Amazing Wild Animal Attacks #1 @ Group Buffalo attack lion, lion vs elephant vs crocodile
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_ More Video _ Lion eat buffalo |wild animals attack |Lion vs Buffalo | Lion kill buffalo | group lion attack buffalo https://youtu.be/UGL2kvGYOlE bobcat vs bird | wild animals attack |cat animals kill bird |bird vs cat https://youtu.be/PAXgSrMS0WQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAXgSrMS0WQ dogs vs snake|wild animals attack snake|dogs kill snake|snake vs dogs|snake attack dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4RdrImJwzQ eagle attack snake|animals attack eagle|snake kill eagle |bird vs snake-wild animals attack https://youtu.be/taSqJrVrEQw eagle attack animals-snake vs eagle and kill snakes-鷹靈大戰►虎蛇的剋星蛇✔ fifimini https://youtu.be/NCWUi4GL2ys wild animals attack-crocodile attack and crocodile kill animals| crocodile eat zebra|wild animals attack https://youtu.be/ZKrVRcCXtVQ Snake Breeds M...
(buffalo kills lion) (please subscribe to our channel) If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later. (Buffalo Kills Lion Group Of Buffalo Kills Lion - Youtube Buffalo Kill Lion - Youtube Buffalo Vs. Lion,Buffalo Kills Lion To Death - Youtube Afbeeldingen Van Buffalo Kills Lion Lion Vs Buffalo And Buffalo Kill Lion ( Unbelievable Video ) Python ... Buffalo Kills Lion Unbelievable - Youtube Buffalo Kills Lion - Crocodile Vs Buffalo - Crocodile Vs Hippo ... Buffalo Kills Lion, Leopard Vs Tiger, Wolf &Amp; Deer Most Amazing Wild ... Amazing Buffalo Attacks And Kills Lion - Crazy Animal Attack ... The Hunter Becomes The Hunted As Buffalo Kills ...
Universo Empresarial, Entrevista a Lion Group
Wildlife editor attacked in 2016
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hyenas kills a lion - hyena lost leg - lion kill hyena cub and hyena kill lion cub hyenas kills a lion - Hyenas 2-Lion attack hyena 3-lion kills a hyena 4-hyenas kills a lion 5-lion versus hyena 6-male lion kill a hyena 7-hyena attack lion hyena kills and eats lion. The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae crocodile kills lion. Hyena Revenge Lion - Lion Kill Hyena Cub and Hyena Kill Lion cub each other, lion kill hyena cub and eat, hyena kill lion cub and eat, Hyena Revenge L Tags : lion hyena Majingilane kill eat africa safari kruger national park male lion fight male lion lion vs hyena Free Music Online Video Revenge Lion - Lion Kill Hyena Cub and Hyena Kill Lion cub each other, lion kill hyena cub and eat, hyena kill li...
There is no doubt that a lion can hunt well. A group of lions can even do so extremely well. No matter how big, how many or how fast the preys are, lions can hunt them with their patience and strategy. To understand how lions can turn into a pack of predators, this documentary studies the battle field and the strategies enforced by the pack of lions. In Singita, South Africa, lions are in the top of the food chain. Unfortunately, their prey travel in groups which prevents them from single-handedly winning fights. Lions hunt in groups and they enforce three organized tactics to wear out and outwit their prey. Lions thrive near Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater. In the early dawn a solitary lion crosses one of Africa's most beautiful national parks. The Ngorongoro crater of Tanzania, shelters so...
Lion Documentaries Don't forget to subscribe video source : https://youtu.be/8zgrpw5CyRo About lion : The only social member of the cat (Felidae) family, lions live in large groups called "prides," consisting of about 15 lions. Related females and their young make up the majority of the pride. A single male, or sometimes a small group of 2-3 males, will join a pride for an indefinite period, usually about 3 years or until another group of males takes over. Lions within a pride are often affectionate and, when resting, seem to enjoy good fellowship with lots of touching, head rubbing, licking and purring. The males are territorial, and will roar and use scent markings to establish their domains. Females do almost all of the hunting. They are mainly nocturnal and work in teams to sta...
The group of Buffalos since when they needed to kill a lion to survive? This is why I love water buffalos it takes 50 of them to kill one lion.
Lions are the only cats that live in groups, which are called prides. Prides are family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their young. All of a pride's lionesses are related, and female cubs typically stay with the group as they age. Young males eventually leave and establish their own prides by taking over a group headed by another male.Only male lions boast manes, the impressive fringe of long hair that encircles their heads. Males defend the pride's territory, which may include some 100 square miles (259 square kilometers) of grasslands, scrub, or open woodlands. These intimidating animals mark the area with urine, roar menacingly to warn intruders, and chase off animals that encroach on their turf.
The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the five big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (where an endangered remnant population resides in Gir Forest National Park in India) while other types of lions have disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru. The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a major population decline in its African range of ...