- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 637
The M10 (sometimes referred to as the R368) is a metropolitan route in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in South Africa that connects Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage. The route begins at the R102 (Govan Mbeki Avenue) in North End and runs along Harrower Road, Stanford Road and Nooitgedacht Road in Port Elizabeth, then the Old Uitenhage Road, and then Algoa Road and Durban Street in Uitenhage, ending at the R334 (Cuyler Street).
バイクなら心配ご無用の酷道ツーリングルート 今回で3度目の走行ですが これまで大型ダンプ、ミキサー車と離合 さて、今回は? @三重県松阪市飯南町下仁柿⇒津市美杉町上多気 4年前の映像はこちら 【街道紀行】伊勢本街道-酷道368号線仁柿峠110330 https://youtu.be/abHsn5_eKf4 blog:気楽にバイクライフ http://nmtr220.blog66.fc2.com/blog-entry-375.html (C)2015気楽にバイクライフ ♪Music "Lily of the Valley" (Queen Cover) by Antonag https://soundcloud.com/antonag "Pentakill - Lightbringer"(Smite and Ignite) "Pentakill - Deathfire Grasp"(Smite and Ignite) by League of Legends https://soundcloud.com/leagueoflegends http://www.leagueoflegends.com DOWNLOAD the full album: http://na.pentakillmusic.com/en/ 気楽にバイクライフ,バイク,ツーリング,酷道,R368,仁柿峠,YAMAHA,SEROW,Japan,touring,motorcycle
Sosire in Campia Turzii a trenului rapid. http://www.madalinphotography.blogspot.com Enjoy! :D
Plecarea trenului internaţional 368 din Cluj Napoca de pe linia 4 spre Târgu Mureş.
酷道でした。 あまりの酷道ぶりに、周りを余所見していたら対向車とぶつかりそうになった・・・。