- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 923993
The Battle of Tannenberg was fought between Russia and Germany from 26 August to 30 August 1914, during the first month of World War I. The battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian Second Army and the suicide of its commanding general, Alexander Samsonov. A series of follow-up battles (First Masurian Lakes) destroyed most of the First Army as well and kept the Russians off balance until the spring of 1915. The battle is particularly notable for fast rail movements by the Germans, enabling them to concentrate against each of the two Russian armies in turn, and also for the failure of the Russians to encode their radio messages. It brought high prestige to Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and his rising staff-officer Erich Ludendorff.
Although the battle actually took place near Allenstein (Olsztyn), Hindenburg named it after Tannenberg, 30 km to the west, to avenge the defeat of the Teutonic Knights at the earlier battle of that name in 1410.
This is a sub-article to Battle of Narva (1944).
The Battle of Tannenberg Line (German: Die Schlacht um die Tannenbergstellung; Estonian: Sinimägede lahing; Russian: Битва за линию «Танненберг») was a military engagement between the German Army Detachment "Narwa" and the Soviet Leningrad Front. They fought for the strategically important Narva Isthmus from 25 July to 10 August 1944. The battle was fought on the Eastern Front during World War II. The strategic aim of the Soviet Estonian Operation was to reoccupy Estonia as a favourable base for the invasions of Finland and East Prussia. Several Western scholars refer to it as the Battle of the European SS for the 24 volunteer infantry battalions from Denmark, East Prussia, Flanders, Holland, Norway, and Wallonia within the Waffen-SS. Roughly half of the infantry consisted of local Estonian conscripts motivated to regain Estonian independence rather than support Nazi power. The German force of 22,250 men held off 136,830 Soviet troops. As the Soviet forces were constantly reinforced, the casualties of the battle were 150,000–200,000 dead and wounded Soviet troops and 157–164 tanks.
1944 (MCMXLIV) was a leap year starting on Saturday (dominical letter BA) of the Gregorian calendar, the 1944th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 944th year of the 2nd millennium, the 44th year of the 20th century, and the 5th year of the 1940s decade.
Below, events of World War II have the "WWII" prefix.
Generally, a battle is a combat in warfare between two or more parties.
Battle or battles may also refer to:
Fictional characters
Trailer of Estonian World War II Movie "1944" (2015)
Bandenkampf 1944 full movie
1944 - Battle of Tannenberg Line
1944 2015 Battle of Tannenberg Line
ESTONIAN WORLD WAR II ''1944'' battle scene!
1944 "The Battle of Tannenberg" - 11th Waffen SS vs. Russian Offensive..
Estonia: Waffen-SS veterans mark anniversary of 'Battle of Tannenberg Line'
My Honor Was Loyalty - Official Trailer
1944 (2015) eerika
The Battle of Neretva
"1944" is Estonian submission for 88th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. http://filmi.ee/en/uudised#1944-to-be-estonian-submission-for-2016-academy-awards This motion picture deals with the events of 1944 in Estonia, from the Battle of Tannenberg Line in July until the Sõrve Peninsula fell into the hands of the Red Army in November. The film focuses on the individual within the context of war, rather than war itself, and shows the war from both perspectives - those of the Red Army and the German Army. Director: Elmo Nüganen Cast: Gert Raudsep, Priit Pius, Märt Pius, Kristjan Üksküla, Kaspar Velberg, Priit Strandberg, Hendrik Kalmet, Hendrik Toompere Jr Jr, Mait Malmsten, Ain Mäeots, Ivo Uukkivi Production Company: Taska Film OÜ Distributor: Taska Film OÜ DISCLAIMER! DISCLAIM...
Il 1° settembre 1944, alle prime luci del mattino, un reparto tedesco si lascia alle spalle il piccolo paese di Marziai (BL), nella valle del Piave, per salire le pendici del Monte Garda. L'attacco fa parte di una operazione più ampia volta a raggiungere la cresta prealpina salendo dal versante bellunese per colpire in più punti, alle spalle, il sottile velo di copertura che il comando della brigata garibaldina d'assalto "Mazzini" ha lasciato in montagna, essendo la gran parte dei suoi effettivi sbilanciata giù in pianura per difendere il perimetro difensivo della zona libera. Durante la salita i tedeschi raggiungono la malga condotta dal sessantenne valdobbiadenese Pietro Spada - detto Pet - nei pressi del Pecol, una altura poco distante. Alla vista dei tedeschi il suo giovane sguattero, ...
I just found out about this movie and it was great! It is a foreign movie that was made this year, 1944 takes place during WWII, in this scene, it shows Germany's perspective of the battle, and it also shows that many of Germany's soldiers weren't evil people, they were just fighting for their cause, you will see both German and Dutch soldiers fighting side by side vs. the Soviets. *Official movie title: 1944 Sinimägede Lahing *Official movie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 *Song: "Immediate Music - Serenata Immortale" *@Copyright - I do not own the following: (Song) - "Immediate Music - Serenata Immortale" (Clips from:) 1944 Sinimägede Lahing (Estonia)
The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight against fellow brothers. Choices have to be made, not only by the soldiers, but also by their loved ones. Soon comes the film to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan and Korea. Other countries will be added soon!
Made this from the trailer of a good looking war movie called 1944 that is coming out.. Added some good music, I don't claim to own any rights to the video to the music, so chill out YouTube copyright gestapo!.. Decent battle scene, can't wait for the full movie to come out!
Estonian WWII veterans who fought for the 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS attended a remembrance ceremony in Sinimae, Saturday, to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Tannenberg Line. The battle was fought between Nazi and Red Army troops from July 25 until August 10, 1944. The division was a unit of the Nazi's Waffen SS in German-occupied Estonia during World War II. Video ID: 20150725-033 Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv Contact: cd@ruptly.tv Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
The new Film of Alessandro Pepe, Produced by PROGETTO900. 1943. The story of a young german soldier who starts a heavy conflict in his head against his own thoughts. They were not all the same.. This movie is NOT propaganda. Cast: Leone Frisa, Paolo Vaccarino, Francesco Migliore, Albrecht Weimer, Gianluigi Bimbi, Alessandra Leone, Giulia Dichiaro. Production: PROGETTO900, Sahara-Slovakia, Baltijskij Flot, Cave del Moleto, Museo del Tramway, 1944. Original Soundtrack: Alessandro Pepe http://www.youtube.com/soundtrackspepe Recording studios: MMA STUDIOS, Under the roof studios. ehkofilms@gmail.com http://www.progetto900.com Come find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/myhonorwasloyalty My Honor Was Loyalty - Ich bin nicht dein feind. All the rights Reserved Copyright 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWj00VSebHI (untsakad eerika) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 (1944 Treiler)
I was invited on a press trip by Visit Flanders tourism office, to witness the 100 year anniversary of World War 1. This video shares the highlights of the trip to the small towns of Ypres and Zonnebeke where some of the most gruesome battles of the war took place. Locations: In Flanders Field Museum Tyne Cot Cemetery Memorial Museum of Passchendaele Menin Gate Last Post Ceremony Kazematten Brewery STAY CONNECTED HERE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTravelVlogger Twitter: https://twitter.com/TravelVlogger Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheTravelVlogger Blog: http://thetravelvlogger.com/ Google+ : http://google.com/+TheTravelVlogger Instagram: http://instagram.com/thetravelvlogger/
Our first mission is the Battle of Tannenberg in World War One. Mud, mist, and machine guns! https://twitter.com/youreviltwinLP
Author Peter Purton reveals how Malbork Castle achieves a military and aesthetic balance that eludes most strongholds. Purton joins host Dan Snow in Battle Castle: Malbork to shed insight on various aspects of the Teutonic Knights' mightiest stronghold. Believed to be the largest brick castle in the world, Malbork Castle was built by Christians during the Baltic Crusades. Historically known as Marienburg, this fortification was besieged by Polish and Lithuanian forces after the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410 and defended by Heinrich von Plauen. Battle Castle is an action documentary series starring Dan Snow that is now airing on History Television in Canada and coming to Discovery Knowledge (UK) in 2012. BBC Worldwide has distribution rights for the series - for the latest updates and excl...
Bogdan Galazka, chef at the Gothic Café, a restaurant located inside Malbork Castle, reveals how the Teutonic Order's wealth and power allowed them to eat as well -- if not better -- than kings. Galazka dreamed up special dishes for Writer Nicole Tomlinson every day while she and the rest of the crew were at the castle filming for the Battle Castle series. He also gave her a very special cookbook called "The Cuisine of the Teutonic Grand Masters in Malbork Castle", which contained a recipe for cherry soup that inspired her to go on a mission to cook medieval soups and share the recipes. Battle Castle: Malbork, one of six episodes in the series, profiles the siege of 1410 when Polish and Lithuanian forces attacked the brick stronghold. The offensive, which was led by King Jagiello and Gra...
Host Dan Snow shares the legend of an apparent cannonball from the siege of 1410 still stuck in the wall of Malbork Castle's summer refectory. This projectile is believed to have been fired across a river, over at least one set of defensive walls, through a window and into the wall. The stronghold, believed to be the largest brick castle in the world, was built by Christians during the Baltic Crusades. Historically known as Marienburg, this fortification was besieged by Polish and Lithuanian forces after the Battle of Tannenberg and defended by Heinrich von Plauen. Battle Castle is an action documentary series starring Dan Snow that is now airing on History Television in Canada and coming to Discovery Knowledge (UK) in 2012. BBC Worldwide has distribution rights for the series - for th...
Created by William (Bill) Losch. The Baumbach castle was built in about 1350 by Ludwig Baumbach a "Strikt Knight." (translates to "strict knight") In the 1700s the Baumbachs left the castle since it had lost its meaning for defense because of the invention of the canon. The Baumbachs family's built several farms all over Germany after they sold most of their land in Nentershausen to the king. There are two towns in Germany with the name Baumbach in them but no Baumbachs live there. In about 1850 several Baumbachs immigrated to America. The castle is popular in Germany and is visited by many vacationers and tourists for around the World. This has been edited from its original version and cut down from 15 to 11 minutes. For more information visit http://Baumbach.com/Castle
When war came the Austro-Hungarian chief-of-staff Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf planned to launch an offensive into Russian Poland with his northern armies (the 1st and 4th). The Russians would far outnumber the Central Powers in the east (especially the Austro-Hungarian armies, which were Russia's primary target), Conrad believed that their best option was an early advance into southern Poland where the Russians would be concentrating their newly mobilized units. Conrad knew that his German allies were committed to an offensive in the west to defeat the French in the first ten weeks of the war. Only the German 8th army would be in the east, where they would stand on the defensive in East Prussia. However, their alliance with the French obliged the Russians to attack the Germans promptly, ...
Here we are at Le Morte Homme. "The hill of Mort-Homme (Dead Man's Hill) had this name for centuries but it was a fitting name for the battle that was to rage there for control of the road which was Verdun's lineline. Its slopes were to see many thousands of men perish in the most terrible conditions. Below we see the statue: a huge skeleton draped in a flag. This monument was erected to commemorate the men of the 40th and 69th French Division who bore the brunt of so much of the fighting here. The battle-cry of Verdun was "They shall not pass" and the inscription at Mort Homme states "They did not pass":"Ils n'ont pas passe.". The statue was the work of the sculptor Froment-Meurice and was unveiled in 1922. From March to December 1916 the Germans launched fifteen main attacks ...
I just found out about this movie and it was great! It is a foreign movie that was made this year, 1944 takes place during WWII, in this scene, it shows Germany's perspective of the battle, and it also shows that many of Germany's soldiers weren't evil people, they were just fighting for their cause, you will see both German and Dutch soldiers fighting side by side vs. the Soviets. *Official movie title: 1944 Sinimägede Lahing *Official movie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 *Song: "Immediate Music - Serenata Immortale" *@Copyright - I do not own the following: (Song) - "Immediate Music - Serenata Immortale" (Clips from:) 1944 Sinimägede Lahing (Estonia)
SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL MORE NEW Videos: If you like my channel.Pls like share and comment! Thanks For Watching! SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL MORE . Comedy Movies 2015 full movie English | War Movies 2015 | New movies *********************************************************************** IMDB rating: 7.1/10 . Please Like, comment or share video Subscribe for more : Thanks you for watching video! ---------------------------------------- Forces spéciales . MOVIE PREMIERES 20th FEBRUARY 2015 This motion picture deals with the events of 1944 in Estonia, from the Battle of Tannenberg Line in July until the .
Battle Of Tannenberg. I do not own this song. It is called Dogs of War and it is by Brand X Music. (:
The famous battle of Tannenberg (1914) which saved Eastprussia.
Battle of Tannenberg WW1 1914 Darkest of Days