Weekend Edition

New This Weekend

Donald Trump (Gage Skidmore)

The election of Trump and the struggle ahead

The direction of politics after this election will depend on building a fighting left based on social movements, unions and popular organizations.

Other top articles of the week

Can socialism be elected?

It's possible to elect an individual socialist to political office. But can socialists change the existing state and legislate a new society into existence?

The fall of the Workers Party

A longtime socialist activist in Brazil explains how the once-mighty party led by Lula and Rousseff has collapsed in support.

Too many given up to the sea

The drowning death of a Gambian soccer star should shine a spotlight on the horrific death toll of migrants trying to reach Europe.

End of democracy in Turkey

Co-chairs of the HDP Selahattin Demirtaş (left) and Figen Yüksekdağ

The left-wing People's Democratic Party demands the release of party leaders and an end to the Turkish government's repression.

Behind Morocco’s upheaval

Mass protests in Morocco following the killing of a fishmonger come at a time when activists are being attacked by the state.

SEPTA workers strike back

Philadelphia transit workers are walking the picket line despite political pressure after facing months of stonewalling in bargaining.

Violence against the protectors

Police crack down on peaceful water protectors with rubber bullets and pepper spray (Red Warrior Camp)

Despite facing constant brutality, the actions of the water protectors at Standing Rock have inspired the support of millions.

The key to making the Leap

The Leap Manifesto can be a strong framework for socialists to engage with movements for social change.

Too soon?

In this week's special election edition, more on the winner who lost, the "winner" who lost and won, and that "ah shit" moment.

How could this monster win the White House?

The unthinkable has happened, but we need clarity about why--starting with the failure of the Democrats to pose a real alternative to Trump's scapegoating.

The resistance starts now

SW writers and readers expressed their fear and disgust with Donald Trump--but also the determination to organize an opposition to stop him.

Marxism Day Schools | November 2016

No to Trump from day one

As Democratic leaders urged supporters to "give Trump a chance," thousands of people took to the streets in outrage.

Where will the revolution go?

The last two months of the presidential election campaign have vindicated Bernie Sanders' left-wing message. So why isn't he saying so?

SW's Election Day Coverage writers collaborated on a guide for Election Day and reports on Election Night.

The shameful-est democracy

How did it all come down to a nearly even contest between the most unpopular pair of presidential candidates ever?

The Election 2016 swing set

Why is Hillary Clinton in danger of losing as many as four "swing states" that Barack Obama won in two successive elections?

Out of the sewers for Trump

Whatever happens on Election Day, the left will have to confront the threat of a growing far right energized by the Trump campaign.

Stuck inside the machine

Bernie Sanders' role since the summer has been to assure progressives that Hillary Clinton is, despite the evidence, one of them.

The real vote fraud

The political system that claims to be the "world's greatest" routinely takes away democratic rights from millions of people.

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

International Socialist Review |
The Russian Revolution of 1917
International Socialist Review |

The current issue of the ISR features an article by Lance Selfa on "From political revolution to lesser-evilism." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

Election Night live coverage

The staff at is posting analysis and comment throughout the night as results of Election 2016 roll in.

The lesser evil is still an evil

It may be contrary to common sense, but the lesser evil has been responsible for some of the greatest evils inflicted on this country and the world.

Is Clinton for climate justice?

Hillary Clinton

The focus on Trump's horrors ignores Clinton's dismal record--and shifts attention from the alternative to both parties' pro-corporate agenda.

So it comes down to e-mail?

It's hypocrisy as far as the eye can see as the final week of Election 2016 is rocked by a media frenzy about mysterious e-mails and the FBI.

Trumpism and how to fight it

Wherever similar social conditions exist--economic decline, a mistrusted state and traditions of bigotry--Trumpism or something like it does, too.

Checking on the fact-checkers

A new book casts some light on the nook within mainstream journalism that claims to hold politicians to account for, well, lying.

Killed after she asked for help

Renee Davis (Facebook)

A young mother was shot to death on Muckleshoot tribal lands southeast of Seattle after a worried friend called police for help.

Harvard workers claim victory

A 22-day strike forced the world's richest university to retreat from its demands for concessions from dining services workers.

A new generation's Pine Ridge

Dozens packed into a room at the Rochester Institute of Technology to hear a discussion about "Solidarity with Standing Rock."

Not buying their "bake sale"

Several hundred University of Texas students protested an anti-affirmative action "bake sale"--and sent the racists packing.

"Learning to Think" today republishes an essay by Leon Trotsky with a comment on how it applies today to the left's debate about Syria.

The left and the Syrian war

At the core of the left's debate about Syria is the hesitancy--or outright refusal--of some to embrace the pro-democracy revolt of 2011.

The sea has become a cemetery

The journey of refugees fleeing to Europe is more deadly today than ever--and that's exactly how European Union leaders want it.

Gouged again with Obamacare

With premiums under Obamacare about to rise again, it's time to ask whether for-profit insurers belong in the health care business.

The legacy of the Panthers

Black Panthers protest outside California's Capitol building against a gun control law aimed at them

Founded 50 years ago, the Panthers won a mass audience for revolutionary politics on a scale unrivaled in the U.S. since the 1930s.

A working-class Sherlock

For Timothy Sheard's working-class detective Lenny Moss, his advantage in any battle is never bullets but solidarity.

Views in brief

E.P. Thompson and pessimism | Labor at Standing Rock | We need a new party | The "lesser evil" in 1964

Applying Trotsky's lessons

The discussion continues about what's valid and what's not in an essay by Leon Trotsky about imperialism and national liberation.

Rethinking "Learn to Think"

SW readers comment on a republished essay by Leon Trotsky taking up questions about imperialism and national liberation.

What will stop Trumpism?

A Trump victory would neither herald fascism nor an acceleration toward the end of capitalism. We still have to organize.

Views in brief

What Gramsci was allowed to say | The relevance of E.P. Thompson | Why I'm voting for Stein | We need a party for the left

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