Thursday, December 01, 2016


My dear mother, Ursula Mary Nash, went to God on November 30th, fortified by the sacraments of the Church and surrounded by the love and care of her family.

Wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was greatly loved.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her...
May she rest in peace.

There will be no entries on this Blog for the next two weeks.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Mario czy ty wiesz...

..."Mary, did you know?"  A choir of enchanting Polish children, the Schola Swiatio from St Andrew Bobola Church, Hammersmith,  sang at the opening of the TOWARDS ADVENT Festival at Westminster Cathedral Hall. They sang new and old Polish carols, with a lovely violin accompaniment, and then led us all in "O come O come Emmanuel..."   Bishop Nicholas Hudson spoke beautifully as he welcomed everyone and declared the Festival open. The day's events included the De Satge Music Workshop, honouring Jeremy de Satge who did so much for Church music in Britain and played a major role in getting the whole Festival flourishing - and we invited Catherine de Satge to come and it was lovely to give her a bouquet and commemorative gift.  We also had a special guest, Mgr John Armitage from Walsingham, who  attracted a good-sized audience to hear the news of the great developments at the Shrine. We announced the winners of the St Nicholas essay competition - from St John Bosco College Battersea, and St Edmund's College, Ware. And the Cathedral Hall was thronged with people visiting the stalls and displays from a vast range of Catholic groups and organisations while the Association of Catholic Women  did a roaring trade in freshly-brewed tea and coffee and excellent sandwiches and cakes...

The Festival began at the Millenium and is now an established part of Catholic London life...

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Catholic Union of Great Britain...

...founded in the 19th century and with plenty to do in the 21st, held its annual meeting at Westminster on Thursday. The sung evening Mass  was dedicated to the work of the Union, and afterwards members gathered in Vaughan House nearby to hear reports and tackle plans for the year ahead. Sir Edward Leigh, President, spoke about religious freedom, alluding to the Red Wednesday witness of the previous day, and a major gathering in Parliament that had followed that very morning. Christians are being persecuted on a significant scale in various parts of the world, and the importance of true religious freedom needs to be promoted with vigour...

Sir Edward also spoke of the popularity and value of Church schools - noted recently by the Government which is giving encouragement to their development and removing restrictions on their growth.  It seems likely that we will see more new Catholic schools opening as demand for places is so high...

Among other reports and discussions, I was invited to report on the Catholic Young Writer Award and the "Our Father" project  in schools - both have been very popular this year and are planned again for 2017.

The Young Writer Award was initially run by The Keys, the Catholic Writers' Guild, but it grew  and flourished and the Catholic Union stepped in to help and now runs it every year, with Catholic schools across Britain taking part...

The Catholic Union's AGM is always an enjoyable gathering - J. and I have been members for years and been involved with  so many of its campaigns and projects  and we enjoyed the evening and its sense of solidarity, being among  so many friends  and with much lively discussion...

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

FLOODLIT for Red Wednesday...

... and I have just come from Westminster Cathedral, where it's all happening...

Major Cathedrals, plus other places of worship, will be floodlit in red at dusk today, as people are asked to think of all who are persecuted for their faith across the world. It's Red Wednesday, and in London, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Westminster Cathedral, will all be floodlit in blood-red. Organisers are the great international charity Aid to the Church in Need   and the message is MAKE A STAND FOR FAITH AND FREEDOM.

I spoke to John Pontifex, ACN's spokesman, on Westminster Cathedral piazza.  He has spent the past several years travelling to various places where ACN's help is needed...countries where Christians have been attacked, their churches torched, their homes destroyed...Floodlighting our major buildings and places of worship in red is a rallying-call to prayer and solidarity...

In Rome, the Tevi fountain will flow red today..  Catholic groups including Communion and Liberation, Focolare, and the Christian Workers Movement are all taking part in special services, vigils, and acts of public witness.

You can be part of it too: let's all join in with prayer...

Monday, November 21, 2016

...and it's just as well I was enjoying Devon, because...

...when I got to the railway station at Newton Abbot, I found I couldn't leave.

The line to London has been flooded in several places...all trains to Paddington cancelled. A phone call home, the glad discovery of a pub with bed-and-breakfast, and I'm sitting here with a glass of sherry, a comfortable room, a book of CS Lewis' essays bought at the excellent Abbey bookshop, and a pleasant evening ahead. A cheery chat in the bar downstairs - not many people around on this rainy night, and everyone was friendly - and a feeling of a bonus holiday evening.

...and then a glorious Abbey, and a splendid ceremony...

... in the Medieval hall at Buckfast ,  where amid formal academic robes and speeches,  the Bishop of Plymouth presented certificates gained at the School of the Annunciation. . Guest lecture by Francis Campbell, vice-chancellor of St Mary's University, Twickenham. A magnificent academic Mass in the great Abbey Church - wonderful music - and then a grand Lunch in the Grange...

The Abbey  will be a thousand years old in 2018. Destroyed under Henry VIII, rebuilt and the ceremonies were taking place in the Medieval Hall, the magnificent bells were ringing out glorious peals.  It was a wonderful day, and it was hard to leave...

A traditional... on a green, along by the Devon coast, and hymns on a Sunday morning.  But this church has a special story. It was built in the 19th century as a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, and is today a Catholic Church dedicated to Our Lady of Walsingham and St Cuthbert Mayne, in the care of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. It's at Chelston in Torquay.   After Mass, a delicious, talkative  and enjoyable lunch with the rector and parishioners in the well-equipped  parish centre. Fr David and his family have now moved into part of converted living quarters in  old church offices and cloakrooms behind the church:  stairs lead up to what is a slightly gothic but cosy sitting-room, and what was once a gents' loo now houses the family washing machine...

The church is charming and is being turned into a very lovely place of worship - all the work being done by the parish. There is much local goodwill, with the Methodists glad that the building has gone into good hands: at a farewell service the minister formally lit a ceremonial candle and passed it to Fr David with a prayer that "The light of Christ  may keep burning in this place". It is indeed burning, bright. with daily Mass and  a busy parish life. The weekend had seen a cheery bazaar (I  bought up the last two jars of marmalade for  J. as he is partial to it) and there are plans for an outdoor Nativity scene on the green, and all the usual Christmas events...

Saturday, November 19, 2016

On Amoris Laetitia...

...the most practical response is given here...

When the document was published, there was a flurry of comment and disappointment because it failed to announce a change in the teaching of Christ and the Church on divorce, remarriage, and Holy Communion.

People had sort of wanted a row about this. Some believed that Pope Francis would "liberalise" Christ's laws...he can't and won't.

But people tried to find ways to pretend that he could. So there have been attempts to read something into  a footnote here or there -"ooh look, surely here we can, um, interpret something that sort of might say that, um, somehow you can sort of have more than one spouse and still announce that you are in good faith, and receive Holy Communion,"

The document doesn't allow for that interpretation, and attempts to get the Pope to "clarify" it won't change Church teaching either. The Church's teaching is not changeable: it is rooted in the clear teaching of Christ.Stirring things up will make no difference.

Marriage binds a man and a woman for life: it establishes a new family, it is as binding as the union of Christ and his Church, it is a sacrament, it was planned by God from "the beginning". Going through a civil divorce procedure does not release anyone from the lifelong bond of  marriage: it does that mean that either spouse can take a new partner, and none of this is ever going to change because it is not a random rule but the very core of God's plan for men and women.

Orthodox Catholics should teach about marriage, and Amoris Laetitia  will often be useful in doing so.Other documents to which it refers, including Familiaris Consortio and Deus Caritas est, will also be extremely useful.

Amoris Laetitia hasn't, can't, and won't change the Church's teaching or discipline on marriage, divorce, and Holy Communion and nor does it suggest that any individual bishop, priest or canon lawyer can do so either.

in bright sunshine... afternoon History Walk.  A good number of people were waiting on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral, and we set off for a glorious ramble through the streets:  golden  and russet leaves cascading into the churchyard, history around our footsteps as we ventured into St Vedast-alias-Foster and then down to Guildhall and on to Lothbury...we always finish these City walks  by the site of Bl John Henry Newman's birth, around the back of the Bank - a modest plaque marks where once the house stood...

Time for a quick cup of tea back across the river at Precious Blood church. Bright illuminated children's calligraphy is on display in the Lord's Prayer project  at the back of the church. On to Westminster for a useful chat at the Cathedral Hall, plans for the TOWARDS ADVENT Festival well in hand. A prayer group was gathering - they get some 150 each Friday evening for prayer and a guest speaker. A bonus to meet them  - I was able to pass on a couple of prayer requests...

Late train to the West Country for a family visit.Somerset  enchanting in glowing Autumn colours. Everywhere, posters announcing various Christmas events, carol services, concerts.  "Come and join the Minehead lifeboat crew and Minehead Street choir for some festive community singing...mulled cider, apple juice and mince pies provided...."    "Christmas Fayre, St John's Church"  "Santa charity fun run..."

Thursday, November 17, 2016

...and London in rain...

...and St Paul's Cathedral on a November evening. It was absurd really: I had to be there on the steps at 6.30pm, even tho'  I knew that no one was likely to turn up for the History Walk...and, sure enough, no one did. But it was actually rather enjoyable standing there, with Ludgate Hill and cheery red buses and people hurrying about, all in splashy rain and lamplight, pondering all the history of this enormous building and this great city...

I was warm and dry because that vast  pillared portico provides excellent shelter, and there were various stray people there, a canoodling couple, a tourist or two...and I had a sudden memory from over  thirty years ago, and that Royal bride and groom emerging to cheers from these great doors and coming down these steps...and the vast crowds...and among the latter a group of  young Army cadets from Sandhurst including a young J. Bogle and his young wife...

And the rain turned to a drizzle and I ventured out into it, and caught a cheery red bus via Aldwych to Piccadilly,  and thence to Farm Street for a meeting of the Catholic Writers' Guild, and then to our cosy home.

parish life...

...on a winter evening. Rain splashing down outside...the parish room warm and welcoming... over freshly-brewed tea and some good cakes, a talkative gathering of ladies, organising carol singing, projects for children, stall at TOWARDS ADVENT Festival, plans for 2017 with a pilgrimage to Walsingham...and the Rector hurries in to get tea and some food for some one at the door who needs help...and then there is chatter and laughter as we work to put up a display of some of the (really excellent) work produced by children in the 2016 "Our Father" project to make a display...

And  the evening drew to a close, and we went through to the church, carrying the display-boards down to the back and arranging everything quietly.  In the sanctuary there was a candle by the box carrying the names of those who will be remembered in All Souls prayers throughout November, and of course the sanctuary lamp glowed above the altar, and the ordinary London brick church has its own beauty and atmosphere...and  we had had a busy and pleasant evening and some one said "I love it when it's like this..."