Confident. Ambitious. Prosperous. Distinctive. Launch of Successful Belfast.


Confident. Ambitious. Prosperous. Distinctive. Launch of Successful Belfast. by Allan LEONARD for Northern Ireland Foundation 27 October 2016 Walking past the students at their tabletops, working on their assignments with mock constructions at the School of Architecture at the Ulster University Belfast campus, there was no mistaking that I found the venue for the launch more…

Re-member this Remembrance Sunday…


We’re coming to the time of year now when we hear a lot about the issue of remembering. 11th November just past was Armistice Day, the date in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. Many will have observed a minute of silence at 11 a.m. in honour of this anniversary. This, more…

Digitising the peace process

Gavin CARVILLE shows First Minister of Northern Ireland Arlene FOSTER MLA ephemera

Digitising the peace process by Allan LEONARD for Northern Ireland Foundation 1 September 2016 “You have to go to the archives!” an academic supervisor once advised me. At the time, this meant physically traveling to where the precious documents were stored, with your official letter requesting access permission, and spending hours transcribing (sometimes with only more…

Trump & Trade: Uneasy Partners?

Trump does have  business experience in the UK. Photo from the BBC

Democratic politics often produces surprises and while most would agree 2016 so far has produced a few of note, what usually marks the strength of any system is the ability to adapt and change as a result. Therefore I can see the value in looking for positives and trying to make successes as a result more…

“if you do that you are going to see a flood of companies leaving Ireland and Canada and Germany and France and they are going to come back to the United States…”

Here’s something for Taoiseach Enda Kenny, and any one else, to keep in mind when they hear that US President-elect Donald Trump “understands Ireland very well.  He was complimentary about the decisions made about the economy here.”  The Belfast Telegraph reports comments by Stephen Moore, a “senior economic advisor to Mr Trump”, on BBC Radio 4’s more…

Working class sectarian living is not caused by middle class bigotry, but a pervasive willingness to turn a blind eye

Newton Emerson has two good columns out today. I’ll start with the one in the Irish Times in which he takes Danny Kennedy to task for the old PUP nostrum of middle-class bigotry being harder to tackle than that of the working class. Importantly, he notes: From adolescent rioting through to active paramilitary membership, everything more…

So is liberal capitalism dead?

Sure enough, the columnists are having a field day. If tweets are narrow- focus and the medium of choice for Trump and the alt-right, ( I don’t mean you dear),  those prophetic souls who are favoured with space are laying it on thick with the broadest of  brushes. Right now  this is preferable  to the more…

Eastwood to boycott the Trump White House

Colum Eastwood MLA

This statement was released yesterday by the SDLP Leader, Colum Eastwood on the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. Both Martin McGuinness and Arlene Foster have pledged to continue on engagement with the Trump administration. He says; “As things fall apart, the centre ground is struggling to know what more…

Gordon Brown’s plan for a constitutional convention is likely to be stillborn, but his ideas for closing the yawning UK wealth gap deserve attention

A more federal UK is needed to create a more economically equal state and  buttress the Union’s survival, says the former prime minister Gordon Brown. New research starkly exposes the wealth gap between London and the regions more clearly than ever. The Northern Powerhouse plan for the north of England only scratches the surface and more…

Trumped by a foul and effective earned media strategy


You’re going to read lots of highfalutin talk about how Trump’s victory is a howl from the dispossessed, and so on. While it’s true that he benefited from a surge from rural voters, if Trump represents some sort of ventriloquist for the socially excluded, then explain this: Let’s slam the breaks for moment and ask a much more ‘boring’ question about more…

“Maybe it’s time to consider whether there’s something about shrill self-righteousness…”

At the Guardian, Thomas Frank offers some home truths to a self-styled liberal media [including bloggers! – Ed] in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.  From the Guardian Comment is Free article How did the journalists’ crusade fail? The fourth estate came together in an unprecedented professional consensus. They chose insulting the other side over more…

#SluggerLIVE Blog: Join us here for the crack and for the night…

So we’re LIVE to bring you a Slugger-eyed view of the best bits of the US election and sharing it with you. If you also register with you can also comment internally, and to share bits on Twitter or in the usual way below the fold. We’ll blog right through the night and into the more…

Fourth NI Peace Monitoring Report launched #nipmr


PEACE MONITORING REPORT – The almanac of progress and regress in Northern Ireland is back with its fourth edition, this time authored by Robin Wilson, and surveying security and safety, equality, cohesion and politics, with the independence to call out a few naked emperors.