The meaning of Donald Trump

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 18 November 2016

Donald Trump Gage Skidmore CC BY SA 2.0 copyOn Wednesday 9th November the “free world” woke up to find it had a new leader. Donald J Trump had been elected the 45th president of the United States of America. The shock waves immediately spread across the world at this news, which contradicted all the confident expectations of the polls.


[Video] "Race against the machine": capitalism, automation, and technology

Written by Adam Booth Friday, 18 November 2016

We find ourselves today surrounded by a plethora of new technology, automated processes, and time-saving devices. And yet, at the same time, productivity growth is slowing, the economy is stagnating, and inequality is rising. It is clear that the system has broken.


Fascism in America? Fight Racism with Socialism!

Written by John Peterson Thursday, 17 November 2016

Trump - Noopy420 the aftermath of Donald trump's selection as President of the United States of America, cries of “fascism!” again fill the air. However, as we shall see, although Donald Trump is a crass, bigoted, billionaire businessman, he is not a fascist. The secret to his win is not that he rode a mass fascist movement to power, but that the lesser-evil policy of the labor leaders and the “left” ran out of steam. With no class-independent alternative provided by the unions or Bernie Sanders, uninspired Americans stayed home in droves and the balance of victory was handed to Trump by rust-belt workers sick and tired of the decades of betrayals by the Democrats.


[Video] How Trump Won and How to Fight Him

Written by John Peterson Thursday, 17 November 2016

Anti-Trump Protest_-_Own_WorkJohn Peterson, editor of Socialist Appeal magazine, provides a Marxist analysis of the Trump election during the Northeast Regional Marxist School in New York.


USA: Marxists Prepare for the Fight Against Trump

Written by Jon Lange Wednesday, 16 November 2016

NE School_2016_3_-_Socialist_Appeal_USANearly seventy comrades and contacts converged on the National Center of the US Section of the IMT in Brooklyn, New York for the 2016 Northeast Regional Marxist School. Held just days after Donald Trump’s stunning election victory over Hillary Clinton, it was a standing-room-only crowd as comrades from New York, New Jersey, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Louisville, KY, Toronto, Montreal, and London assembled for what proved to be a weekend of passionate political discussion. In addition, over 3,700 people from around the world tuned into the four sessions via live stream on Facebook.


[Video] Trump's win: the status quo has failed

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Donald Trump Gage Skidmore photos gageskidmore 16471528757In this recording from a recent meeting of Socialist Appeal supporters, Alan Woods - editor of In Defence of Marxism - discusses the sharp turning point in the world situation marked by the election of Donald Trump in the US elections.


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El capitalismo mata: un ejemplo más de la necesidad de nacionalizar las compañías eléctricas

Written by Jorge Martín Friday, 18 November 2016

canldes blackout - Public Una anciana de 81 años muere en incendio provocado por una vela que utilizaba por el corte del suministro de electricidad.


Crisis en el régimen de Park en Corea del Sur

Written by Rasmus Jeppesen Wednesday, 16 November 2016

protest sábado 7 de noviembre más de 200.000 personas salieron a las calles de Corea del Sur pidiendo que la presidenta Park Geun-hye dimitiera. El sábado 12 de noviembre volvieron a salir a la calle 1 millón de personas, la mayor manifestación en tres décadas, lo que destaca la profunda crisis del gobierno de Park.


¡Ni diálogo ni conciliación! ¡Radicalización de la Revolución! Editorial Lucha de Clases Noviembre

Written by Lucha de Clases - Venezuela Tuesday, 15 November 2016

ldc-logoA continuación publicamos la editorial del nuevo número de la prensa marxista Lucha de Clases, que estará a la venta a partir de la semana entrante. En la misma analizamos brevemente la coyuntura actual, las perspectivas para la revolución en 2017 y las perspectivas para el diálogo entre el gobierno y la MUD, de cara a la reunión del día de mañana, 11 de noviembre, a propósito de la cual Capriles Radonsky lanzó un últimatum al gobierno, a la vez que recalcamos nuestra posición de la necesidad urgente de radicalizar la revolución en Venezuela, como única salida a la crisis económica, social y política actual. Por razones económicas hemos tenido serias dificultades para la publicación de nuestra prensa en físico durante 2016, por ello ofrecemos disculpas a nuestras y nuestros lectores. También en los próximos días estaremos publicando la versión digital del mismo.