Seven things you can do today that will make you feel less busy

Seven things you can do today that will make you feel less busy

Always in a rush? A brain health expert shares how to decrease your stress levels and free up your time.

We need to learn to agree to disagree – respectfully

We need to learn to agree to disagree – respectfully

Newsflash: not everyone will have the same opinions as you. Here’s how to take it from there.

A gentle reminder you are enough just as you are

A gentle reminder you are enough just as you are

Author Cassie Mendoza-Jones tells how to be content and accepting of who you are.

Challenge yourself to use up FOMO before 40

Challenge yourself to use up FOMO before 40

"I don’t look at photos of wild nights out and pine. I don’t walk past bars and wish I was inside. I’m done."

If you want to be more productive, you need to stop doing this

If you want to be more productive, you need to stop doing this

We're all guilty of this 'time-saving' habit, but actually, it causes stress, anxiety and significantly decreases productivity.

Why you need to be more decisive

Why you need to be more decisive

Experts say that making a decision - even if it's not the best one - will make you happier and less stressed than deliberating.

This is the one thing that helped this best-selling author's career take off

This is the one thing that helped this best-selling author's career take off

Psychologist and best-selling author Alison Hill talks about the one thing we should all be doing if we want to take our career to the next level.

You'll want to try the easy and nutritious meal plan this model swears by

You'll want to try the easy and nutritious meal plan this model swears by

Gabby Westbrook Patrick shares her health and wellness philosophy, her favourite kind of exercise and her top breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.

The surprising personality types who lie the most

The surprising personality types who lie the most

We know sociopaths are prone to dishonesty, but did you know people pleasers are some of the most persistent liars, too?

This is what happened when I got dance lessons with Rachael Finch

This is what happened when I got dance lessons with Rachael Finch

"I’m standing in gym gear with Rachael Finch in the ballroom of the Westin Denerau Island Resort in Fiji wondering what I’ve let myself in for."

Apparently, health and happiness are more important to Australians than money

Apparently, health and happiness are more important to Australians than money

According to a new study, this is how the majority of respondents classified 'success'.

How to ask for exactly what you want

How to ask for exactly what you want

Many of us fail to articulate what we’d like, because we’re scared of looking weak or being rejected. Here’s how to ask, and get the answer you want.

Kim Cattrall: “Nothing is worth sacrificing your health for”

Kim Cattrall: “Nothing is worth sacrificing your health for”

The legendary actor talks candidly about her wellness journey, her go-to workout and why we feel like we need to sacrifice our health for ‘success’.

‘Am I going crazy?’: How to tell if you need professional help

‘Am I going crazy?’: How to tell if you need professional help

It's the most common question this psychologist is asked. But we all reach breaking point at some stage, so how can you tell if you need professional help?

Robyn Lawley: “Without exercising or yoga I'm a mess”

Robyn Lawley: “Without exercising or yoga I'm a mess”

The new mum and modelling mainstay shares what she does to keep fit, and the simple thing that makes her happy.

"Why my burnout was the best thing that ever happened to me"

"Why my burnout was the best thing that ever happened to me"

Lauren Pell was burnt out from long hours and high pressure so she made a decision that’s not only changed her own life but hundreds of women’s.

Are you a drama queen?

Are you a drama queen?

Does drama seem to follow you around? Do you revel in the attention? You my friend might be addicted to action.

If you want more confidence, you need to stop believing this BS

If you want more confidence, you need to stop believing this BS

Everyone thinks this is what you have to do to be ‘successful’. But the road to ‘success’ is incredibly personal, and incredibly complex.

‘I can’t have children. I choose to feel empowered’

‘I can’t have children. I choose to feel empowered’

This writer was devastated when she first found out she couldn't have children. But this is what she's learnt, and how she stays positive.

Why work-life balance is an illusion

Why work-life balance is an illusion

The two are intertwined, so if you're not happy in one area of your life, this is why you need to look at another.

The Instagram videos that will instantly relax you

The Instagram videos that will instantly relax you

#paintmixing might be the most satisfying and mesmerising thing you see all day.

Melissa Ambrosini on what's holding you back from your dreams

Melissa Ambrosini on what's holding you back from your dreams

You've got big dreams and juicy goals? So what's stopping you from achieving them?

The wellness holidays you need to add to your list

The wellness holidays you need to add to your list

There are endless ways to make your holiday healthier – whether it’s seeing a city by bike or simply swimming laps – but have you ever considered tak...

When to take your friend's Facebook statuses seriously

When to take your friend's Facebook statuses seriously

This is what you need to know - and what to do - next time you see an uncharacteristic status someone has posted on social media.

Are you self-sabotaging your success?

Are you self-sabotaging your success?

It’s more common than you think. But you can (and should) stop this destructive behaviour. Here's how.

So you’re ready for a change. Now what?

So you’re ready for a change. Now what?

Only you know the way forward and these three steps will help crystallize what you need to do to get there.

How to DIY your own vegetable garden

How to DIY your own vegetable garden

You've always wanted to grow organic produce from home. And here's how you can - however small your apartment might be.

Five ways to get out of your comfort zone

Five ways to get out of your comfort zone

Nothing worth having comes easy. Here’s how Lisa Messenger has learnt to function (and flourish) with fear.

Why the first 10 minutes of your day matter most

Why the first 10 minutes of your day matter most

Should you check your phone first thing in the morning?

Victoria Beckham carries crystals – should you?

Victoria Beckham carries crystals – should you?

There's is no scientific evidence they work, but for some reason we are turning to crystals to make us happy and healthy. Why?

Ladies, which one are you? A poodle or a wolf?

Ladies, which one are you? A poodle or a wolf?

According to comedian Jessi Klein there are two types of women: poodles and wolves. Here’s how to tell them apart.

Things you'll never find in an organised person's home

Things you'll never find in an organised person's home

Want your life to be a little less chaotic? Tidying that magazine stand or colour coordinating your nail polishes could be the best place to start.

Answering this one question could change your life

Answering this one question could change your life

It’s such a simple, obvious question, that we often miss how profound it is.

How to spot a psychopath in 30 seconds

How to spot a psychopath in 30 seconds

Could it really be as simple – and straightforward – as this?

Life wisdom from unlikely onscreen wellness gurus

Life wisdom from unlikely onscreen wellness gurus

Guidance comes from the most unexpected places.

Do smarter people really need fewer friends?

Do smarter people really need fewer friends?

Socialising can be so draining when you're the smartest person in the room, right?

Are people "naturally" optimistic?

Are people "naturally" optimistic?

Psychologists weigh in on this widely held belief.

10 things worth waking up 10 minutes earlier for

10 things worth waking up 10 minutes earlier for

That’s just one less round of snoozing.

Can stress ever be a good thing?

Can stress ever be a good thing?

It goes against everything we've been taught but this is what you need to know about the 'stress paradox'.

“My toxic friend made me sick”

“My toxic friend made me sick”

When is too much, too much? One woman shares her experience.

So, apparently lazy people are actually smarter

So, apparently lazy people are actually smarter

Next time someone calls you lazy, say thanks.

How acupuncture changed my life

How acupuncture changed my life

"There was nothing physically wrong with me. I just wasn't happy."

All the times Harvey Specter was the ultimate life coach

All the times Harvey Specter was the ultimate life coach

Lacking confidence? Maybe it’s time to add some Harvey-isms into your day.

Three simple tricks that will make you happier instantly

Three simple tricks that will make you happier instantly

The key to a more positive life could really be as straightforward as this.

An introvert's rules for life

An introvert's rules for life

If being around people exhausts you, that's okay. Here's 10 steps to tranquillity.

What I wish I knew when I fell pregnant - accidentally

What I wish I knew when I fell pregnant - accidentally

At 22, Hannah discovered she was unexpectedly pregnant. In a few short months her life completely changed. Here's what she's learnt.

How to stop other's stress impacting your life

How to stop other's stress impacting your life

Stress can be contagious. Here's how to not catch it.

Boosting your self esteem could be as simple as this

Boosting your self esteem could be as simple as this

No gym, no make-up and certainly no FaceTune required.

Is your inner voice a bully? This could be impacting your health

Is your inner voice a bully? This could be impacting your health

A mean inner voice can be turned around to make you healthier and happier.

Why you shouldn't say sorry unless you mean it

Why you shouldn't say sorry unless you mean it

“It’s bad for your mental health and self-worth to apologise purely to keep the peace.”

'Why I think health retreats are worth it'

'Why I think health retreats are worth it'

Health expert Brigid Walsh makes the case for why spending money on a retreat could save you your health.

6 quick and quirky mood boosters

6 quick and quirky mood boosters

Feeling a bit down? We've got 6 easy ways to help you boost your mood in no time

Libby Trickett: “It’s challenging for a lot of athletes to adjust to ‘real life’ after sport”

Libby Trickett: “It’s challenging for a lot of athletes to adjust to ‘real life’ after sport”

The retired gold medallist talks health, motherhood and what she's most looking forward to watching at Rio 2016.

Would you check yourself into a dark cave for 48 hours?

Would you check yourself into a dark cave for 48 hours?

It’s a practice some swear by for restoring the mind, body and soul, but there’s a few things you should know before going into the darkness.

The benefits of sweating with naked strangers

The benefits of sweating with naked strangers

This is really not the article you think it is.

7 things you need to know about anxiety

7 things you need to know about anxiety

You don't have to struggle alone.

If you want to feel happier, focus on what makes you miserable

If you want to feel happier, focus on what makes you miserable

Forget what you’ve heard. The glass isn’t just empty. It’s broken.

Hangxiety: The mourning after the night before

Hangxiety: The mourning after the night before

No, that's not a typo. It's the very real sensation you experience when you're hung over and feeling anxious about the night before.

How to stop procrastinating – NOW!

How to stop procrastinating – NOW!

You know you’ve exhausted your options when you’ve read every news update… on Snapchat.

8 techniques to find your zen

8 techniques to find your zen

Because when it comes to meditation and mindfulness, there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach.

“How I stopped feeling overwhelmed about my future”

“How I stopped feeling overwhelmed about my future”

“I’m 42, I have no house, no kids, no husband, I don’t have millions of dollars in savings - but I choose not to let my mind run away with me.”

Are you burning out?

Are you burning out?

This is how to reignite your creative spark.

The yoga you should do after a long-haul flight

The yoga you should do after a long-haul flight

Planning a fun trip but dreading that long flight? Kate Kendall shows you some moves to help with some of those body niggles.

Are you too sensitive?

Are you too sensitive?

It's draining when you constantly take things to heart. Here’s how to stop.

How to manage mental chaos before it turns into a crisis

How to manage mental chaos before it turns into a crisis

There's always a way to turn things around, writes health expert Brigid Walsh.

So, selfies are actually really bad for your health

So, selfies are actually really bad for your health

Yes, even when there's good lighting and you're ~feeling your look~.

5 signs you could be depressed but don't know it

5 signs you could be depressed but don't know it

These are some surprising symptoms we could easily miss if we're not paying close attention, writes Jo Hartley.

Make a difference and make your day

Make a difference and make your day

Changing the world or someone’s day for the better will give you a lift, too, writes Rosie King.

5 meditation myths, debunked

5 meditation myths, debunked

Forget what you've heard. Meditation isn't hard. Really.

"What happened when I stopped drinking."

"What happened when I stopped drinking."

Corrine Barraclough quit drinking over a year ago. It wasn’t easy.

The easiest way to quit worrying

The easiest way to quit worrying

Worrying doesn’t solve your problems, it is the problem.

Would you try eye gazing?

Would you try eye gazing?

It sounds awkward but apparently the benefits of sustaining unbroken eye contact with a stranger are worth it.

Is extreme exercise the new midlife crisis?

Is extreme exercise the new midlife crisis?

Extreme exercise has never been more popular, and it’s people in the 40+ age bracket that are leading the charge.

Perinatal depression: "My thoughts were that I shouldn't be feeling like this..."

Perinatal depression: "My thoughts were that I shouldn't be feeling like this..."

Mum-of-two Kelley Kirkpatrick opens up about her battle with perinatal depression

That time I unexpectedly got my chakra aligned in LA

That time I unexpectedly got my chakra aligned in LA

An epic plane flight to California landed our columnist Emma Markezic in a special kind of yoga class, where coloured lights and chakras meet.

Negative ions are great for your health

Negative ions are great for your health

Negative ions are great for your health. But what are they, and how do we get more of them?

'My doctor thought I had calcium deficiency but it was brain cancer'

'My doctor thought I had calcium deficiency but it was brain cancer'

Boel Eriksson’s GP told her she had a calcium deficiency — it was aggressive brain cancer.

8 things to throw out today

8 things to throw out today

If watching an episode of Hoarders gives you that sinking feeling of recognition, do your health and home a favour and start clearing out these clutter cul...

Hiking Solo: What I learned heading into the wild alone

Hiking Solo: What I learned heading into the wild alone

A solo hike can be daunting, but there is also a lot to be gained from going it alone, tells Catriona Pollard.

OCD: 'How I'm trying to survive this condition'

OCD: 'How I'm trying to survive this condition'

OCD sufferers are often the butt of many jokes but it seems this crippling condition is very misunderstood, tells 41-year-old Sarah*.

Unplanned pregnancy: The joys of an unexpected baby

Unplanned pregnancy: The joys of an unexpected baby

When the plus sign on a pregnancy test is more than a little bit of a surprise.

The fertility mistake couples keep making when it comes to pregnancy

The fertility mistake couples keep making when it comes to pregnancy

Dr Cris Beer talks about the fertility factor she wished people would consider more carefully.

What I wish I knew before doing IVF

What I wish I knew before doing IVF

One woman's open letter about just how hard getting pregnant is when you struggle with infertility.

The power of Acceptance

The power of Acceptance

When life throws you a nasty curve ball, the best thing to do is catch it and say thank you very much, Rosie King discovers.

What do you say to someone struggling with infertility?

What do you say to someone struggling with infertility?

Fertility blogger Getting a Bun in the Oven says in most cases it's a sensitive subject that requires a thoughtful approach.

Five excuses not to meditate

Five excuses not to meditate

And how to overcome them

Phoebe Burgess: The everyday trick that makes you happier

Phoebe Burgess: The everyday trick that makes you happier

In the past two weeks I’ve learnt a lot about gratitude

How to change your life for the better

How to change your life for the better

Be the master of your own destiny by following these pointers

Creative ways with leftovers

Creative ways with leftovers

Throwing away a bag’s worth of food every week? Here's how to minimise the wastage

Pregnancy stretch marks: A professional runner shares the reality of motherhood

Pregnancy stretch marks: A professional runner shares the reality of motherhood

Stephanie Rosthein Bruce is not only training for the Olympics, she’s also a mum to two young babies