
Scientists reveal why salt is so addictive

Wondering why it's so hard to resist when asked if you "want fries with that"? Or why the smell of sizzling bacon makes your mouth water and stomach rumble?

Turns out there is a scientific explanation for salt cravings. And it's all down to your brain being wired to seek out salt, even if your body doesn't need it.

Researchers have worked out why we crave salt.
Researchers have worked out why we crave salt. Photo: Supplied

Researchers from the Florey Institute have identified exactly where in the brain the salt cravings originate, as well as the mechanism at play.

The findings raise new hope for the development of drugs to suppress salt cravings and promote healthy eating. They could also lead to treatments for other addictions, particularly heroin, morphine and other opiate-based painkillers, which use the same pathways in the brain. 

On average Australians consume around three-times more sodium than they need, with most of the salt coming from processed foods.

"It's tasty and it's in a lot of food," said neuroscientist Craig Smith. "But we eat too much of it."


Dr Smith said the aptly named opioid system was responsible. The body's naturally-occurring opioids have long been known to be associated with the reward feeling generated from exercising, eating delicious food or making love.

However exactly where this "salt-seeking wiring" was located in the brain had remained a mystery. Until now.

A mouse with a taste for salt.
A mouse with a taste for salt. Photo: Florey Institute

Using a process of elimination, three different opioid blockers were used in mice which had been denied salt for two days. By day three, the mice were allowed to drink salty water.

In the first two cases, mice lapped up the water: drinking about five per cent of their body weight in an hour. The third group, which had an opioid blocker called naloxonazine​, drank significantly less water - just 2 per cent of their body weight.  

The findings could lead to the development of drugs that reduce salt cravings.
The findings could lead to the development of drugs that reduce salt cravings. Photo: Florey Institute

Dr Smith, from the Florey and Deakin University, said eating salt engages the opioid system in the central amygdala region: the same region where positive and negative emotions are processed.

"It wasn't until now known that our natural opioids working in this emotional hotspot drove salt cravings," he said.

Researcher Craig Smith with a mouse and some salt at the Florey Institute.
Researcher Craig Smith with a mouse and some salt at the Florey Institute. Photo: Florey Institute

Having identified where in the brain salt cravings originate, and how the pathways work, researchers say the findings could aid the development of new drug treatments for people needing a low-salt diet.

"Switching off salt cravings would promote a healthier diet and food choices," he said. "Because at the moment you know the salad is healthy but you crave the junk food for the salt."

High-salt diets are been linked to high blood pressure and associated health conditions, such as heart failure, kidney problems, stroke and stomach cancer.

The National Health and Medical Research Council recommends adults should have no more than one teaspoon of salt a day, with infants and children needing less.

The findings have been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
