Wine, beer, spirits: Which alcohol has the lowest fat content?

Wine, beer, spirits: Which alcohol has the lowest fat content?

We know alcohol isn’t great, but with party season upon us, it's difficult to cut back. Here's what should you be drinking, if you choose to drink at all.

The ‘healthy’ foods a nutritionist would never eat

The ‘healthy’ foods a nutritionist would never eat

While some self-proclaimed health experts claim certain foods are “healthy”, qualified dietitians don’t necessarily agree. Look out for these.

The anti-inflammatory foods that need to be part of your high rotation

The anti-inflammatory foods that need to be part of your high rotation

It's a hot topic at the moment and anti-inflammatory eating is the latest trend - but what do we really know about inflammatory eating?

A dietitian explains why people are drinking chlorophyll

A dietitian explains why people are drinking chlorophyll

Apparently, it has powerful detoxifying and anti-inflammatory benefits, but this is what you need to know - before you get on board with this trend.

The eight food myths you need to stop believing

The eight food myths you need to stop believing

A dietitian weighs in on whether butter really is healthier than margarine, and if athletes should - or shouldn't - cut out carbs.

How many calories to eat at lunch if you want to lose weight

How many calories to eat at lunch if you want to lose weight

Researchers suggest eating 750 calories for lunch to lose weight, in miracle study for those who love to go to lunch.

Fish oil: Do you really need to take these supplements?

Fish oil: Do you really need to take these supplements?

This is why - and why not - according to a dietitian.

Why am I so hungry all the time?

Why am I so hungry all the time?

Because there's little worse than incessant hunger. You know, the type that leaves you thinking about nothing other than what you can eat - and when.

Natural sweeteners to add to your coffee - that aren't sugar

Natural sweeteners to add to your coffee - that aren't sugar

Step right up and say hello to your new, refined sugar-free condiments.

Do these popular diet foods actually work?

Do these popular diet foods actually work?

Some of these foods can work successfully as part of a sustainable weight loss program, while others may be doing you more harm than good.

How to talk to a loved one about their weight - constructively

How to talk to a loved one about their weight - constructively

"In my early teens, my family confronted me about my growing ‘weight problem'. Needless to say, it didn't go down well."

Is sriracha actually good for you?

Is sriracha actually good for you?

The rooster-bottled sauce with its iconic green cap gets the once over from a dietitian.

Are smoothies for breakfast a healthy choice?

Are smoothies for breakfast a healthy choice?

Before you blend (and snap) your breakfast, this is how to make sure it is a well-balanced and satiating option.

This is actually how much protein you need a day

This is actually how much protein you need a day

You know protein is a non-negotiable, but this is exactly how much you should be eating, according to a dietitian.

A nutritionist shares her top 10 foods for detoxing

A nutritionist shares her top 10 foods for detoxing

Kick-starting your system and ridding your body of toxins could be as simple as eating - or drinking - one of these.

What slim people eat for breakfast

What slim people eat for breakfast

You've heard it before and you’ll hear it again: breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and eating it could help battle the bulge and manage it...

Is full fat dairy actually good for you?

Is full fat dairy actually good for you?

This is what you need to know before you order your morning coffee.

Working late? This is exactly what you should have for dinner

Working late? This is exactly what you should have for dinner

Just because you had to work late doesn’t mean you can’t have a healthy, nourishing dinner. Here’s how to make sure your meal stacks up, according to...

Jessica Sepel: “I still have anxiety around food, weight and body image”

Jessica Sepel: “I still have anxiety around food, weight and body image”

“I have spent the last few years in therapy trying to heal this and have come a very long way. But I am absolutely still healing.”

What a Victoria's Secret model eats when she has to wear a crop top

What a Victoria's Secret model eats when she has to wear a crop top

Do you organise your outfits based on what you’re planning to eat?

Alcohol vs soft drink: what is actually better?

Alcohol vs soft drink: what is actually better?

Is subbing out your Friday after-work wine for a lemon, lime and bitters really a good idea?

The simple food swaps that will help you lose weight

The simple food swaps that will help you lose weight

Have you ever considered replacing cider with beer, or battered fish with salmon? This is why you should.

Could getting healthy be as simple as drinking juice every day?

Could getting healthy be as simple as drinking juice every day?

Food fads come and go, but the benefits of drinking juice have been recognised for centuries. We take a look at why juice holds such enduring popularity an...

Would you drink mushroom tonic?

Would you drink mushroom tonic?

Sounds gross but this powder is packed with antioxidants and could be on its way to a smoothie near you.

Are you a compulsive overeater?

Are you a compulsive overeater?

Bingeing when you're stressed, tired or sad can leave you feeling lonely and like you've lost control. But this is a habit you can manage.

The 20 minute dinners you need to add to your weekly rotation

The 20 minute dinners you need to add to your weekly rotation

'Delicious and nutritious' is the tagline for these quick and easy recipes.

5 ways your kitchen could be sabotaging your weight loss

5 ways your kitchen could be sabotaging your weight loss

Could it really be as simple and straightforward as this?

10 diet tips and tricks that are backed by science and research

10 diet tips and tricks that are backed by science and research

Every day there are headlines screaming the benefits of various diet and exercise regimes, but if you're looking for something that works - this is it.

This is the most common food in celebrity diets

This is the most common food in celebrity diets

It's fresh, inoffensive and the best part? You probably already have it in your fridge.

Why you shouldn’t feel guilty for eating peanut butter on toast for breakkie

Why you shouldn’t feel guilty for eating peanut butter on toast for breakkie

Let's be honest. Most of us wouldn’t deem peanut butter a 'health food' - however far you might stretch that term...

Five metabolism-boosting ingredients you probably already have in your fridge

Five metabolism-boosting ingredients you probably already have in your fridge

It could be as simple as fixing a cup of green tea - or drinking a glass of water.

Four meat-free ways to get enough iron in your diet, according to a doctor

Four meat-free ways to get enough iron in your diet, according to a doctor

“If you’re a vegetarian, how do you get your iron?”, said everyone, ever.

How I lost 20kg – when I stopped dieting

How I lost 20kg – when I stopped dieting

"I used to be a compulsive dieter, emotional eater and was 20kg overweight. I would have done anything to lose weight. For one week, I ate nothing exc...

Is almond milk actually good for you?

Is almond milk actually good for you?

A dietician gave us the skinny on the creamy plant-based alternative, and you might be surprised with what she has to say.

Five foods that make you tired

Five foods that make you tired

Exhausted? It could have nothing to do with how much you're sleeping, and everything to do with what you're eating.

Is this the end of the road for paleo?

Is this the end of the road for paleo?

It's one of the most divisive diets of all time, but has the controversy impacted the popularity of paleo?

This will undermine your health despite what you eat

This will undermine your health despite what you eat

The one thing that's sabotaging your metabolism.

The five foods you should never eat again

The five foods you should never eat again

A nutritionist rounds up the foods that you should never put in your cart - let alone your body.

“How ditching the scales helped me lose weight”

“How ditching the scales helped me lose weight”

The bathroom scales became a symbol of Cat Rodie's yo-yoing dieting and body image issues, here's how she freed herself of them.

How this one ingredient could be sabotaging your health goals

How this one ingredient could be sabotaging your health goals

It's in almost everything and it's near impossible to avoid but this is how one sneaky additive could be ruining all your hard work.

How to tell if your smoothie will help you lose weight

How to tell if your smoothie will help you lose weight

It could all come down to one small factor, which you might have overlooked.

What Elle Macpherson eats every day

What Elle Macpherson eats every day

She's not called 'The Body' for nothing.

Five easy ways to reduce your sugar intake

Five easy ways to reduce your sugar intake

It might seem like an overwhelming task but Jacqueline Alwill shares a step-by-step guide that can totally overhaul your diet.

The vegan chefs you need to know about

The vegan chefs you need to know about

They can make plants into anything.

A dietitian rates what top celebrities have for breakfast

A dietitian rates what top celebrities have for breakfast

What’s a better way to start the day? Eating eggs like Alessandra Ambrosio or scrambled tofu a la Lea Michele.

The surprising things making you constipated

The surprising things making you constipated

Feeling bloated? One of these could be to blame.

How to fake your way to a fast metabolism

How to fake your way to a fast metabolism

We all know a quick-moving metabolism is a good thing, and these easy tips will have your metabolism moving faster than Usain Bolt.

What Gigi Hadid eats for breakie will surprise you

What Gigi Hadid eats for breakie will surprise you

Starting the day the model way is actually quite delicious.

A nutritionist tells us how she beats the 3pm slump

A nutritionist tells us how she beats the 3pm slump

Beating the mid-afternoon sugar-low is actually a lot simpler than you might have realised.

Things only those with a complicated coffee order will understand

Things only those with a complicated coffee order will understand

“Large takeaway three-quarter decaf extra hot almond milk with two equals, thanks”

The one ingredient that's wreaking havoc on your sex life

The one ingredient that's wreaking havoc on your sex life

You know it's not good for you, but it's not great for your relationship, either.

This is exactly what a healthy meal looks like

This is exactly what a healthy meal looks like

Find out if a dietician would give your dinner a tick of approval.

Would you have a healthy hens?

Would you have a healthy hens?

Don't roll your eyes. Here's what you need to know about the new wellness-meets-weddings trend.

The five best yoga poses to ease period pain

The five best yoga poses to ease period pain

Instead of eating your feelings next time you’re riding the crimson wave, try stretching them out instead.

Why yoghurt is the ultimate superfood staple

Why yoghurt is the ultimate superfood staple

Get some ‘culture’ on your spoon.

This is what the "fittest woman on earth" eats every day

This is what the "fittest woman on earth" eats every day

Hint: her shopping cart consists of lots of eggs, avocados and leafy greens.

The single ingredient in your pantry that is worse than sugar

The single ingredient in your pantry that is worse than sugar

Before you tuck into that plate of deep fried deliciousness, you need to read this.

The best foods (and drink) for burning fat

The best foods (and drink) for burning fat

Dietitian Kate DiPrima sorts through the science to find the foods that will boost your metabolism.

What those with coeliac disease wish you knew

What those with coeliac disease wish you knew

An especially hot-headed coeliac explores the misconceptions of ‘gluten-free’ diets.

Why you should try food ‘nudging’

Why you should try food ‘nudging’

Changing eating habits could be as easy as changing the location of your food.

10 most underrated superfoods

10 most underrated superfoods

It seems these days the more exotic sounding the food the better it is but more often than not it's the foods right under our nose that pack a punch

Jamie Oliver's big plan to save your kids

Jamie Oliver's big plan to save your kids

Jamie Oliver is determined to combat the obesity crisis faced by Aussie kids. He shares his plans with Lizza Gebilagin.

Why you should eat turmeric

Why you should eat turmeric

There's more to turmeric than spicing up a curry. Research shows it has many benefits and may help ward off dementia and reduce your risk of cancer.

Red meat, eggs, dairy: Do we need to stop demonising fats?

Red meat, eggs, dairy: Do we need to stop demonising fats?

Fats have been cast as the bad guys for 40 years, but could red meat, eggs and full-cream dairy be the ticket to better living?

Why are the Americans trying to make watermelon pizza a thing?

Why are the Americans trying to make watermelon pizza a thing?

Australia, we really need to talk to America about this.

Accidentally vegan foods

Accidentally vegan foods

You will almost not believe no animals were harmed in the making of these foods.

7 healthy lunches to try this week

7 healthy lunches to try this week

If you're often stuck for what to have for lunch most days, these 7 suggestions should make you very happy indeed...

10 underrated herbs and spices and their health benefits

10 underrated herbs and spices and their health benefits

Your spice rack and herb garden is full of untapped health benefits

10 breakfasts that won't leave you starving by lunch

10 breakfasts that won't leave you starving by lunch

Tasty breakfasts that will keep you from having mid-morning tummy rumbles

Seven foods to boost memory

Seven foods to boost memory

Forgetful? Want to improve your brain power? Add these memory enhancing foods to your diet.

5 foods women should have every day

5 foods women should have every day

Broccoli’s benefits are well known, but did you know that fennel is “a woman’s best friend”?

Is sweet potato toast the most important food trend of 2016?

Is sweet potato toast the most important food trend of 2016?

Seriously, how didn't we think of sweet potato toast earlier?

A new hipster coffee trend has hit Melbourne

A new hipster coffee trend has hit Melbourne

Is Melbourne's coffee culture going too far?

10 foods you shouldn't give up

10 foods you shouldn't give up

Accredited practising dietitian Geraldine Georgeou outlines the 10 foods you shouldn't give up (and yes, chocolate is one of them!).

9 foods we should eat but don't

9 foods we should eat but don't

Every time you throw away a prawn head or discard that banana peel, you’re missing out on a whole host of super-healthy nutrients.

Would you pay for a "deconstructed coffee"?

Would you pay for a "deconstructed coffee"?

Is Melbourne's new coffee trend one hipster step too far? Writes Olivia Lambert...

6 foods we don't eat enough of but should

6 foods we don't eat enough of but should

We know about the foods we should ease up on but what about the foods we need to have more of? Nutritionist Lisa Guy says you need to rediscover these...

4 power breakfasts for guys

4 power breakfasts for guys

Power up on these delicious breakfast ideas

body+soul’s top breakfast food ideas

body+soul’s top breakfast food ideas

The best way to start your day is with a good healthy breakfast. Make the right food choices at breakfast and you’ll maintain your energy levels througho...

That time I paid $7 for 'healing' dirt tea

That time I paid $7 for 'healing' dirt tea

Jessica Vander Leahy gets real about the unexpected benefits of mushroom tea.

The truth about eating avocado seeds

The truth about eating avocado seeds

We've all seen the videos about grating, blitzing and baking avocado seeds to make it easier to add them to our favourite dishes. But before we put in the ...

Kalettes, Jicama, Kapia Peppers: Unusual vegetables you should be eating

Kalettes, Jicama, Kapia Peppers: Unusual vegetables you should be eating

Bored by regular veggies? Try these unusual palate pleasers

How to beat cravings: Expert-tested strategies

How to beat cravings: Expert-tested strategies

From playing Tetris to tapping your forehead (seriously), we round up the expert-tested strategies

Why eating chocolate is good for your health

Why eating chocolate is good for your health

The research continues to flood in suggesting that the delicious dark stuff may in fact be good for us

Do you really need to quit sugar?

Do you really need to quit sugar?

It’s been touted as a modern evil – here’s how you should handle the sweet stuff

Healthy fats to include in your diet: Chia, avocado, olive oil, nut butter

Healthy fats to include in your diet: Chia, avocado, olive oil, nut butter

Naturopath Rebecca Warren explains how the once-shamed macronutrient is no longer the enemy

Does taking Instagram photos of your food make it taste better?

Does taking Instagram photos of your food make it taste better?

New research suggests taking a picture of your plate could actually make your food tastier